In the afternoon, a group of people chattered back to the martial arts hall, and the originally quiet martial arts hall was suddenly filled with the hum of whispered voices.

Ji Zhui didn't notice it at first in the room, but Ji Guoping and An Wenjun suddenly fell silent and Ji Zhui stopped.

The two looked at each other, frowned, stood up and walked out together.

Ji Zhui saw that the little kitten was sleeping, so he didn't wake it up. He closed the door and followed him to see what happened.

There were about twenty children going to take the Duan exam today. The older ones were high school students of fifteen or sixteen years old, and the younger ones were about the same age as Wu Xinyou.

After a group of people came back, they thought that the master and his wife had gone down the mountain to the elf center as usual, so they filed into the backyard and made a lot of noise all the way.

Ding Kui and Ma Maofan walked last.

The martial arts school pays attention to self-cultivation, and noise is the most taboo on weekdays. Moreover, they know the inside story of the senior brother's return today.

But as a small revenge on this group of children for being undisciplined and disobedient, they tacitly chose not to remind them.

The moment Ji Guoping stepped into the backyard, the buzz was much quieter, and An Wenjun's arrival shut everyone's mouths.

Although Ding Kui and Ma Maofan knew that they were about to be punished, the punishment would not be as severe as the carrot heads, and they could also appreciate that these naughty eggs were acting like chickens, folding their arms and watching the show.

"Line up, run in circles, and run until it's quiet." An Wenjun took a step, looked around at the number of people, and gave orders seriously.

"Xiao Zhui, you run too, as long as you can run." She turned back to look at Ji Zhui behind her.

The smile on Ji Zhui's lips suddenly moved to Ji Guoping's face. Where was her kind grandmother?

She has only been here for three hours, is she about to start training?

But I watched the others line up in a row from high to low without saying a word.

Ji Zhui felt that it was better not to offend the grandmother's second personality at this time.

So she was very self-aware and silently lined up at the end of the line, followed the line to the atrium and ran around the pond.

The atrium is very wide. Between the pond and the corridor is a track paved with fine sand and turf. It is about two hundred meters in a circle and is wide enough to accommodate three people running side by side.

But her grandma didn't say how many laps she ran, she just looked at everyone coldly from the corridor.

Ji Zhui felt that everyone was quite well-trained. They kept running at a constant speed and everyone maintained their position.

On the fifth lap, An Wenjun seemed to have left.

Ji Zhui was a little curious and walked up to talk to a girl in front of her, "How many laps do you usually run?"

"I don't know, stop talking, she's trying to trick us!" The girl was running very smoothly, but Ji Zhui came up to her and startled her, and quickly told Ji Zhui to stop talking.

Ji Zhui was also surprised, because after running around the corner, An Wenjun's face did appear behind a pillar.

Just run honestly.

Although the physical fitness of human beings has generally improved in this life, Ji Zhui still felt a little weak in his legs on the twentieth lap, and the children's group in the second half unknowingly opened a gap with the front team.

On the 30th lap, the children's group was called back to rest, and the youth group was not called off until the 50th lap.

After a workout, only Ding Kui and Ma Maofan were still energetic.

These two are also the oldest in the team. After all, they have grown up here and their physical fitness has been honed for a long time. They are now freshmen at Jiuli University and Shahe University in Sichuan Province respectively.

If the two of them have free time during the holidays, they will go back to the martial arts gym to work as assistant teachers. They also practice to maintain their own condition. They can prepare for higher ranks and prepare for the college elf battle against the school team.

Including Ji Zhui, there were a total of twenty-three children. After the run, they lined up back to the front yard to rest. They were not allowed to enter the back yard before it was time to eat.

An Wenjun explained and asked his senior brother to lead everyone to stretch and disperse, then went to the kitchen to help Ji Guoan and the canteen staff cook.

This majestic demeanor made Ji Zhui wonder who was chatting and laughing with him at noon. Ji Zhui's parents had already very wisely stayed in their room and did not go out. It seemed that they were very aware of the rules of their grandparents.

After a brief stretch, the children spread out to find their own spots to chat and play.

On Ji Zhui's first day, he didn't know anyone except Wu Xinyou, so he had to quietly gather around the older children.

Although she is already a standard adult mentally, she still looks like a little kid on the outside, and it still depends on whether she can get the attention of older children socially.

These children don't know Ji Zhui either. When she returns to her hometown, she usually stays at the main hospital of the Ji family and rarely goes out, so the only person who knows Ji Zhui's identity may be Wu Xinyou.

Wu Xinyou was a bit special. She was a permanent member of the martial arts school and was very familiar with the two senior brothers. When she saw Ji Zhui coming, she enthusiastically pulled Ji Zhui over to introduce them.

"Senior Brother Ding and Senior Brother Ma, this is the Xiao Zhui I'm telling you. He will also study at our martial arts school in the future. Come on, Xiao Zhui, come and say hello to the senior brothers."

I don’t know what the quirk is, but several people are squatting on the ground to talk, but there is no height difference that can be seen from the squatting position.

Ji Zhui noticed that Wu Xinyou didn't reveal her identity or even her last name. It was probably her grandparents who had greeted her in advance.

But this was just what she wanted. She was new here and didn't want to attract attention or receive any kind of special treatment.

It seems that I will have to call Mr. Ji and Mr. An from now on.

"Hello, brothers and sisters." Ji Zhui greeted the three of them politely.

The two of them had long noticed the child hanging at the end and had a good impression of her.

He ran around in circles as soon as he arrived, and he didn't cry or show any temper during the whole process. Compared with other monkeys, such a well-behaved child is really lovable.

"Come and chat, Xiao Zhui." Ding Kui called to Ji Zhui and squatted down. The four of them gathered near the porch near the atrium, paying half of their attention to the atrium at any time. Once they noticed the gentlemen coming, they were ready to get up immediately.

Gentlemen should be careful about how they stand and sit, and behave like martial arts practitioners. If you are seen squatting on the ground regardless of your image, you will be scolded.

"Brother and sister, are you usually so afraid of sirs? Are they usually fierce? When I chatted with the gentlemen just now, they were quite kind." Ji Zhui said.

"Actually, I'm not very scared. It's just that being glared at may make my legs weak." Ma Maofan has a character like a street kid. He is often criticized for being frivolous. He knows this very well.

Ding Kui was afraid of scaring the newcomer Ji Zhui, so he quickly added. "Gentlemen actually don't punish people very much. They usually just go for a run if they do something wrong. But when they train people, they are too majestic. Even just standing there without saying anything can make a child wet his pants."

Ji Zhui also nodded seriously.

When the grandparents stepped into a place where students were present, their aura suddenly changed, making Ji Zhui feel like he was facing the dean.

Passive skill! Definitely a passive skill!

The place where there are students is the classroom. This is Grandpa's exclusive characteristic of teachers. The effect is to make the students within sight lose their morale.

Wu Xinyou respected the two gentlemen very much, and she was not happy to hear people belittle Ji Guoping and An Wenjun, so she hurriedly said good things, "But in fact, the gentlemen are very good to us. The food we and the elves eat at the martial arts gym has always been the Sichuan Province martial arts gym." It is the best in the school, and the gentlemen teach very well. The martial arts school has produced more than twenty fifth-level martial artists, and there are still many who pass the 985 and 211 exams every year based on their martial arts expertise."

Wu Xinyou almost memorized the martial arts school recruitment advertisement. Judging from her unfinished expression, she probably still had a lot of honors to say.

Ji Zhui felt that his grandparents were really amazing in making the disciples feel such a sense of belonging to the martial arts gym.

It was great. Ji Zhui thought of the vitality on her grandma's face, which she had never seen before in her previous life.

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