In the intercom, the so-called doomsday broadcast is still continuing.

The woman who calls herself a little sweetheart uses a very artificial tone that takes pleasure in others' misfortune, is so sweet that it makes her sick.

After saying hello, we started talking about the end of the world.

"According to the intelligence we currently have, the world has completely fallen and has completely entered the doomsday era. The number of human beings is down to ten, and many small countries have become desolate and occupied by zombies."

"This is a disaster that is sweeping across all mankind. No one can stay out of it, unless you have turned into a zombie."

"There is no order! There is no rescue! There is no hope! From now on, everyone can only fend for themselves!"

"Speaking of which, my little sweetheart thinks that it's actually quite good to become a zombie. You won't be afraid of death, pain, or starvation, and you can forget all your worries. If someone can't persist, I suggest you take this path."

"Of course, little sweetheart won't do this, because zombies are too ugly and not suitable for beautiful girls like little sweetheart. I just want to give you a good reference suggestion, hehehe~~"

After hearing this, the survivors who could hear the broadcast all over the place gradually recovered from their initial shock.

Then he cursed in his heart and greeted each other's various relatives.

It’s not suitable for you, but is it a good reference for us?

Is this saying that we are inherently ugly, or is it saying that we deserve to die?

Hehehe, you are better!

I have to say that this little sweetheart is very capable at attracting hatred. Both his tone and language are annoying, and he can easily arouse the resentment of countless people.

I wish I could follow the broadcast and kill the other party.

"In short, this is the general situation. I hope everyone can understand their situation and communicate it to each other. This is the purpose of the first broadcast of Pretty Girl Sweetheart."

"Then I call on everyone not to fight among themselves. In these troubled times, many people die every day. If humans continue to fight among themselves and consume themselves internally, we humans may have the possibility of extinction."

"In the face of disaster, everyone should not expose their humanity and kill each other. They should live in harmony, overcome difficulties together, and become a loving family~~"

Suddenly became positive energy.

It made countless listeners from all over the world who originally hated this woman feel uncomfortable.

However, the next second, the little sweetheart changed the subject.

"But little sweetheart knows that without rescue, people will be desperate, without order, people will be crazy, and without punishment, people will commit crimes unscrupulously, so any dark things are possible. Little sweetheart, I can understand you~~"

"Weak people, you better ask for your own blessings. I hope you will die less, at least not too fast, otherwise the next broadcast will have no listeners, and the little sweetheart will be so pitiful..."

"Hehehe! So this broadcast ends here. Sweetheart is going to apply a facial mask. I will try to bring you more exciting broadcast content next time!"

"Yeah! I love you~~"

The broadcast ended amid a chorus of curses.

The positive energy was indeed an illusion, and this woman ended up disgusting audiences everywhere.

The effect of too many people dying on her is just a decrease in her audience?

Wearing a facial mask at the end of the world and saying that you have no audience will be pitiful?

I pity you!

This doomsday broadcast that appeared inexplicably and ended inexplicably brought confusion and shock to many people.

Most people focus on the total fall of the world. They are immersed in this explosive news and feel heavy.

But there are also a small number of people who are clear-headed and capture other information contained in it.

Liu Tianyi is one of them.

His feeling was indeed correct, this woman was just gloating about her misfortune.

Releasing the news of the total fall of the world is definitely out of bad intentions and has no good intentions.

It seems to be deliberately creating chaos.

Knowing that there will be no rescue, no order, and no punishment for anything they do, the survivors will become even crazier in despair, and even lose the last bit of humanity.

But Liu Tianyi couldn't figure it out.

The premise of gloating about misfortune is that it has nothing to do with you and stays out of it.

Why does this woman take pleasure in others' misfortune?

Couldn't the disaster affect her?

What is the purpose of deliberately creating chaos?

After thinking for a while, Liu Tianyi's first thought came to his mind, that this disaster was man-made.

The woman on the radio was a member of the force that caused the disaster.

Therefore, they can gloat about disasters and show no concern for the end of the world, because this force has already prepared for evacuation in advance, or has a way to be immune to disasters.

This is a possibility that is easier to think of.

It is estimated that most smart people who can relate here will think of this conspiracy theory and think it is the most likely.

Even the coffin is finalized, and I already feel that this is the truth.

But for some reason, Liu Tianyi felt that the most likely thing was the least likely.

Probably because his thinking is relatively clear.

More importantly, when he was in the mall, he saw with his own eyes the terrifying scene of the end of the world.

There was no warning, no step-by-step process.

It happened in an instant.

Like a curse in magic, it falls on everyone instantly and there is no way to escape.

Liu Tianyi didn't think this was something human beings could do, and no matter how mysterious the force was, it wouldn't be possible.

Even if you throw a nuclear egg, there has to be a process, right? Then it’s impossible to cover the whole world instantly, right?

Humans should not have this power for the time being.

Just like Liu Tianyi's mysterious plug-in, if you say it was made by humans, you won't believe it even if you beat him to death.

Precisely because he had seen the mysterious power of plug-ins and broadened his thinking, Liu Tianyi did not fall into the thinking habits of normal people.

After jumping out, I thought of something deeper.

Could this be an illusion that the other party deliberately wanted to create?

Although the source of disaster will make countless people hate it, it will also make people feel awesome and powerful, as if it is plated with gold.

As long as it is named the source of the disaster, it will definitely give people a sense of deja vu as the most powerful organization at the end of the world.

Perhaps this force wants to use this, coupled with world chaos, to accomplish some ulterior purpose.

However, Liu Tianyi only thought of this and did not think about it further.

He was not concerned about the source of the disaster.

He is also not interested in the power behind Little Sweetheart.

Unless it can harm him, it is something too far away from him and not as important as his own affairs.

But I want to say whether this broadcast has any impact on me.

Liu Tianyi thinks it still has an impact.

It has an impact on anyone who hears the broadcast.

Liu Tianyi used the walkie-talkie to contact Lin Sha: "You heard the broadcast just now, right?"

"Yes... yes, I heard it too, chief... do you think everything that woman said is true?" Lin Sha's tone was uneasy, nervous, even panicked.

Such desperate news clearly frightened her.

I really want to hear a different answer from Liu Tianyi.

"Eighty percent of it is true."

But Liu Tianyi's answer made Lin Sha suffocated.

Is the world really over?

Lin Sha would not doubt whether Liu Tianyi's words were true or false. She would definitely trust Liu Tianyi more than a strange woman.

Moreover, Liu Tianyi often runs around outside, so he must have a better understanding of the outside world. Maybe there is some basis for what Liu Tianyi said to be more valuable.

In fact, Liu Tianyi also relied on guessing.

At the beginning of the end of the world, he guessed that 90% of humanity might be killed. His guess at that time was based on the proportion of zombies among shopping mall guests, and he felt that it should be similar in other places.

Now with the addition of Little Sweetheart's broadcast, I believe in my guess even more, and even the guess ratio is a bit underestimated.

Not even one out of ten!

Perhaps this is the situation today.

The shocking proportion shows the seriousness of this disaster.

It’s hard to imagine how many people die of hunger, thirst, bites, and internal fights every day. If these people are deducted, humans really don’t know how many people are left.

Ten does not save zero and five?

The death of a rabbit makes a fox sad, and no matter how hard-hearted a person is, it is difficult for him to remain indifferent to the large number of deaths of his own kind.

Lin Sha only felt weak in her arms and legs, and bursts of sadness surged in her heart.

It's a pity that Liu Tianyi was not here to inform Lin Sha of the news, nor was he going to comfort Lin Sha. He just ordered:

"From now on, the investigation work will be strengthened. My request is that nothing is allowed to approach the golf course. Once any abnormality is discovered, report it to me immediately."

"If you feel that you are too busy, or the scope of investigation by one person is limited, I can send you one or two more people to ensure that the investigation mission is foolproof."

"Finally, properly disclose to others what you heard on the radio. You should understand what I mean, right?"

Lin Sha's heart trembled, she really understood it instantly!

The mood that was originally immersed in sadness was suddenly awakened by Liu Tianyi.

She knew what Liu Tianyi meant. In fact, she could also analyze and deduce that the world was really coming to an end. There would definitely be more people crazier than Ding Tianlong, and the risk factor would skyrocket.

From now on, the golf course must not only guard against zombies, but also against those fallen survivors.

They are probably more of a threat than zombies.

Lin Sha, who has met Ding Tianlong, knows this very well.

However, the reason why Lin Sha was awakened was not only that the survivors outside had become crazier and more dangerous, but the biggest reason was that Liu Tianyi immediately thought of using broadcast information to scare others.

Think about it, everyone knows that the world is over and there will be no more rescue. Does anyone dare to leave Liu Tianyi? Does anyone else dare to cause trouble to make Liu Tianyi angry?

There is no need to take action at that time, as long as the culprit is expelled from the golf course, it will be an unbearable punishment.

Lin Sha was shocked.

This man is so ruthless. When he heard the broadcast, he didn't feel the sadness or despair of normal people. Instead, he directly used it to his own benefit and once again consolidated the stability of the golf course.

It's really scary to ignore the real end of the world.

But Lin Sha knew that no matter what kind of person Liu Tianyi was, they could really only rely on Liu Tianyi in the future.

So she quickly accepted the order, more decisively than ever.

There is no time to grieve.

Only by serving Liu Tianyi well can we stay alive.

Turn off the intercom.

Liu Tianyi started the sports car and continued to move forward.

This was the impact of broadcasting that he had just been thinking of.

Although it brought him some benefits, it brought more disadvantages. The end of the world became more dangerous.

Liu Tianyi was not afraid of danger. He was almost immortal and was afraid of danger.

He is afraid of trouble.

If the end of the world before this was considered harmonious, it was only in the early stages of the end.

After the broadcast, there will be complete chaos, which is equivalent to increasing the difficulty out of thin air and advancing the evolution of the end of the world by a large margin.

People gradually become bad, no one will suddenly change from a good person to a bad person, unless it is schizophrenia.

The same goes for Doomsday. There is a development process. Simple mode will slowly develop into difficult mode and even hell mode.

Sweetheart's broadcast shortened the process.

Originally it might have taken half a year or even a year to develop into such a dangerous situation, but now the pace has been accelerated.

It was so wonderful in the early days of the end of the world, everything was easy.

In Liu Tianyi's eyes, most of the survivors were just harmless little lambs, to be slaughtered at will.

At least I can feel relaxed and comfortable like this for more than half a year.

It ended up being ruined by a bitch.

Although Liu Tianyi is still invincible and no one can stop him in whatever he wants to do, the little lamb has turned into an adult ram with sharp horns and will resist even harder, which will eventually cause some trouble.

It would be troublesome for Liu Tianyi, not to mention other survivors.

They will feel like a lot of big bad wolves appear out of thin air.

This broadcast will definitely lead to more infighting and casualties among the survivors.

You can see the viciousness of his heart.

Liu Tianyi didn't care about the death or injury of strangers, but when the end of the world became more troublesome, he still cared.

It might even harm his interests.

That's what it did to him.

"Don't let me touch you."

Liu Tianyi didn't have such strong thoughts on eradicating the coexistence alliance that was close to his home.

But if he were to encounter the mysterious force on the radio, he would definitely be beaten to death.

Because this kind of force trying to influence the world structure is really the biggest trouble and will cause trouble all day long.

No force is as troublesome as this force.

And if you want to encounter it, it's not like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The remoteness mentioned before refers to the remoteness in terms of status and attention. Although Liu Tianyi has cheats, no one knows about it, and his power has only just been established.

Generally speaking, he is still a small figure for the time being, and the big forces will not pay attention to him at all, so they are far away from each other.

But geographically speaking, it's not that far away.

Radio without network, usually FM radio.

Walkie-talkies, radios, cell phones, etc. can all be received.

But the transmission distance is limited.

It is difficult to transmit over a wide range like the Internet.

In other words, since Liu Tianyi can receive the broadcast, this mysterious force is not far away from him.

It is most likely in Dashun County.

It's not impossible even in Tangyan Town.

If you have the ability, this mysterious force should never come out to act, otherwise you will encounter them sooner or later.

These troublemakers will definitely be wiped out by then.

It's a good simple model, but they messed it up like this. You can't blame Liu Tian for having murderous intentions.

Next, stick to your original plan.

Liu Tianyi drove a sports car to the highway next to the overpass.

This highway can lead directly to Meguiang County next door.

Bai Yan and his group are the members of the Coexistence Alliance they met here.


The author says:

I don’t want to write about villains anymore, and I’m tired of being scolded. From time to time, people send me private messages or reply to me. Those words are unbearable for me. At the moment when I decide to give up, I can finally respond - I really am nothing. He is a heinous villain, and he is not a psychopathic or twisted person. He just wants to write in a style that has never been written before. There is no way to change this style from the beginning, otherwise it will be nondescript. I have no choice but to I kept writing in this style, but many comments and criticisms made me feel like I was being condemned by my conscience every time I wrote a chapter - I never want to write a villain novel again. Sorry, goodbye.

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