The end of the world: I have unlimited cheats

Chapter 9 Fortunately, I am not a good person either

When Liu Tianyi approached the back door.

The survivor had killed all four zombies that besieged him and wanted to move on.

But not far away, he encountered zombies again.

"Uh uh uh……"

"Hoho... howl..."

These zombies were wandering blindly in front of several stores. As soon as they saw a living human being, they immediately howled with excitement and pounced on them!

There are thirteen in total.

He opened his big mouth full of stinking stench.

The appearance is also hideous and terrifying. Some of the eyes are hanging out, some of the skin is ulcerated and crawling with maggots, and some of the faces are gone, with blackened gums and teeth exposed.

These zombies.

I really can't look at it carefully.

Otherwise, it will either make you pee or vomit, the appearance is really disgusting.


The survivor cursed.

But it wasn't because the zombies were disgusting, but because there were so many that he was forced to hide in a store.

Then guard the store door.

Fight zombies.

This is a very classic way of playing with less and more.

As long as the enemy's numerical advantage is reduced in a narrow terrain, the chance of victory will be much greater.

No matter how awesome the zombies are, it's impossible for thirteen of them to squeeze into a store that can only accommodate two people side by side, right?

A maximum of two can come in at a time.

Hurry up and there will be three or four.

Barely manageable.

Although the situation is relatively difficult and he is always in danger, this survivor is somewhat happy in his heart!

Because this place is so dangerous and the zombies are so densely distributed, there must be no other living people, and even if there were, they would have been bitten to death long ago.

He didn't think that ordinary people could have such powerful skills as him.

In other words, as long as he kills these zombies and then carefully cleans up the remaining zombies.

You can have the whole mall to yourself!

In an apocalyptic world where supplies are scarce, owning an entire shopping mall is like owning a huge gold mine.

He feels like he is getting rich!

With joy and excitement, the battle became more energetic. He stabbed two zombies to death in two consecutive blows.

But suddenly.

The survivor froze.

Because just when he thought there was no one here, he saw a young man walking outside the store and looking at him from a distance.

So unlucky?

Just when I thought there was no one here, a person jumped out immediately.

Moreover, this person looks very calm and clean.

Compared with the crises and filth here, it was like living in two different worlds.

The contrast is very stark.

Who is this person from? Why can you survive in a shopping mall with so many zombies?

There is also a strange calm temperament, as if the end of the world is nothing at all.

There is no trace of decadence or fear.

For a moment, the survivors were flooded with thoughts, and their attention was attracted by Liu Tianyi.


Got caught by a zombie.

He bit his arm hard.

"Ah! Get away!"

The survivor angrily struck the zombie on the head with a knife, and then kicked it away.

Thanks to his cleverness and prudence.

A belt was wrapped around both arms and fixed with tape for protection.

Otherwise, you would have been infected with the zombie virus by now.

That is directly equivalent to death.

However, despite saving his life, the belt was chewed to pieces and a large section was torn off.

The next time I get bitten in this place, it will be over.



The situation was critical, and the survivors could not think anymore and called Liu Tianyi for help.

Just now, he was distracted and was bitten. The rhythm of the battle was also disrupted. Several zombies rushed into the door.

Almost throwing him to the ground.

There were more zombies squeezing in from behind, and it was obviously not something he could handle alone.

The only way to survive is to seek help.

"Okay, let me help you."

Liu Tianyi raised his gun and walked over.

The survivor was stunned for a moment. His sight was blocked by zombies before, but he didn't realize that Liu Tianyi actually had a gun!

For an instant.

My mind was racing.

If he could kill Liu Tianyi, wouldn't he be able to monopolize this mall and get a gun?

In fact, when he saw Liu Tianyi appear at first, he felt very unhappy and didn't want to share this good place with others.

I originally planned to wait for Liu Tianyi to help deal with all the zombies, then kill Liu Tianyi and occupy the magpie's nest.

But now I see a gun.

I think I should plan ahead.

Otherwise, when all the zombies are taken care of, he won't be able to kill Liu Tianyi who has a gun since he doesn't have a gun.

But now, with so many zombies around to take advantage of, it will be much easier to kill Liu Tianyi.

Think of this.

Evil comes from courage.

When Liu Tianyi got closer and closer.

"Go to hell, silly!"

The survivor suddenly grabbed the necks of the two zombies and prepared to push Liu Tianyi hard!

The face is full of ferocious smiles!

In his opinion, Liu Tianyi was dead.

Even if you have a gun, it's useless. If you face a close attack from two zombies, you will definitely be bitten to death miserably!

But at the same time he was holding the zombie.

Just made a pushing motion.

There was a gunshot.


The survivor took a few steps back and looked down at his bleeding chest, his face full of disbelief.

He wanted to use zombies to kill Liu Tianyi, but it was just a temporary idea. Logically speaking, Liu Tianyi wouldn't find out, and he should have come to save him now.

But why?

A bullet hit him?

Could it be that when fighting zombies, the marksmanship was incorrect and the shot was accidentally shot?


Liu Tianyi had planned to kill him from the beginning...

Survivors have many doubts before they die.

But I couldn't get an answer.

He had fallen to the ground at this moment, surrounded and covered by a large group of swarming zombies.

And when the survivors want to push out zombies.

Liu Tianyi was also stunned for a moment.

He was indeed pretending to save people, but actually he was killing people.

Because from some details, he could see that this survivor was not a good person and planned to kill him directly.

If you really want to save people, just use a fruit knife to kill zombies. Why waste so many bullets with a gun.

But he did show that he wanted to save people at the beginning. The other party was surrounded by zombies. It was impossible to tell that he was pretending. How could he want to push the zombies to harm him?

Could it be that this guy doesn't even feel the slightest gratitude to the person who saved him and wants to kill him ruthlessly?


En will revenge.

This is too cruel.

If Liu Tianyi were an ordinary person, he would innocently go to save people with kind thoughts.

I'm afraid there are no whole bodies left now.

He would even die with his eyes closed, unable to understand why the person he saved would harm him until he died.

It's full of tragedy.

"In the end of the world, there are indeed many bad people."

"All the good people are gone."

Thinking of the tragic and miserable possible outcome, Liu Tianyi couldn't help but sigh.

There was a pause.

Talking to himself again.

"Fortunately, I am not a good person now..."

Then close the insurance.

The pistol was inserted back into his waist.

Leaning quietly at the door.

Watching zombies eat.

The more you see it, the more you get used to it.

These bad guys deserve what they deserve.

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