The power of a total of ten blood bottles is undoubtedly huge, especially since they can be generated infinitely using plug-ins, and they are all increased versions.

Even if other survivors could think of using blood bottles to attract zombies, each blood bottle would only contain at most one-third of the blood, or even less, which was considered frugal.

Otherwise, there simply wouldn’t be that much blood to waste.

However, Liu Tianyi's blood bottles are full to the brim and can overflow as soon as the bottle cap is opened. The power of such a full blood bottle will naturally reach its peak.

Ten blood bottles, a total of several liters of blood, almost made the dead buried in the soil scream.

Coupled with the fact that he was driving a sports car at high speed, and the bloody smell of several liters of blood spread crazily into the air, it was not difficult to attract all the zombies in the suburbs.

Countless zombies lurking in every corner of the suburbs moved upon hearing the wind, like a swarm of ants seeing a big cake, densely packed and dark, gathering towards the bloody sports car.

Needless to say, it’s exciting to sit in such a sports car that attracts zombies crazily. Driving on flat ground is like riding a roller coaster.

Even scarier than a roller coaster, Wan Qingrou clung to the seat belt tightly, fearing that she would fly out and be knocked down by so many zombies, even if not even her bones would be broken.

But even with the threat of so many zombies, Wan Qingrou is still excited and full of passion. She has no intention of backing down, but is even more fanatical and determined!

Because she didn't know that Liu Tianyi would not be bitten by zombies, and she was the only one who was in danger from beginning to end.

Therefore, the more dangerous the environment and the more zombies there are, the more it can highlight the greatness of Liu Tianyi.

This is really a real man!

So desperate to protect the weak!

Although I didn't count them carefully, judging from the dense and terrifying roars from all directions and the increasing number of swaying figures, which almost formed an airtight 'wall of corpses', the zombies they gradually attracted from the vicinity were probably not in the thousands. It’s not much different, and it’s only a matter of time before the distance exceeds 1,000.

Even if this is not all the zombies in the suburbs, as long as these zombies are lured away, it is enough to make the golf course safe for a while, and there is no need to rush too hard.

This is where Liu Tianyi’s greatness lies.

He could obviously call it a day now. Luring thousands of zombies was already a great merit. All the survivors in the suburbs would be grateful to him. He didn't have to lure all the zombies away. No one forced him to do it, but he did it voluntarily.

All to make everyone safer!

It can only be described as great!

Following such a great leader and doing such meaningful things is worth dying for!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

"You ugly living dead! Come and bite me if you can! Come all together!!"

Infected by Liu Tianyi's "greatness", Wan Qingrou was in high spirits and became fearless of death. She was not afraid of more zombies, and she yelled and slapped the car door as hard as she could.

Try your best to help in your own way, wishing you could attract zombies from all over the world.

Maybe this is a near-death mission.

Maybe today is the last day.

But as long as you see the great leader sitting next to him, there is no fear on his face, and the strong sense of worship is enough to dilute all fears and forget about life and death.

Liu Tianyi felt that this woman was a bit nervous.

Sometimes he is very scared, and sometimes he is very excited. He is yelling and screaming. He doesn't know what's wrong. Anyway, it just doesn't affect his driving.

However, when it comes to helping, there is indeed a place where help is needed, otherwise he would not have brought Wan Qingrou out, nor would he have said so many nonsense words of persuasion.

Running around in the suburbs, spreading the smell of blood crazily, and attracting most of the zombies is just the first step.

Seeing that the number of zombies was almost there, Liu Tianyi handed the Nepal scimitar to Wan Qingrou.

"It's time for you to help."

Wan Qingrou took the Nepali scimitar blankly.

Of course Liu Tianyi knew what she was thinking, and immediately said: "Don't think that you are already helping. Not a single zombie here was attracted by your ghostly screams. After being a passenger for so long, it's their turn." You have contributed, and now there is a very important task for you, and only you can complete it.”

Wan Qingrou's face turned red.

Thinking about it carefully, her shouting really had no effect. The zombies came for the smell of blood. Even if she didn't shout, it would have no effect at all. It was more like fishing in troubled waters and pretending to help.

Fortunately, she still felt that she was helping. In fact, she was completely redundant and did not help at all. In Liu Tianyi's eyes, she was still an inactive passenger, which was extremely embarrassing.

Until I heard the second half of the sentence.

Only then did Wan Qingrou cheer up. She was ecstatic, her eyes were as bright as light bulbs, and she said excitedly: "Please give instructions, leader!"

She didn't expect that she still had a very important task that only she could complete.

This feeling of being needed is undoubtedly a recognition of her ability, and it is also the value that she, who has been abandoned by the whole world, currently desires most.

She suddenly had the urge to die for her confidant, and her whole body was shaking with excitement. Even if Liu Tianyi asked her to jump out of the car and fight the zombies, she might not hesitate.

But when Liu Tianyi pointed at the corpses covering her body and gave instructions.

Wan Qingrou suddenly felt like she was struck by lightning!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

As time passed, she even forgot the existence of these corpses. It turned out that her task was to deal with these corpses...

But how is this possible?

Can normal people do such a thing?

Why can you say it so lightly?

Holding the Nepalese scimitar now, it felt like she was holding a hot potato, and she let go as if she was getting an electric shock. Then Wan Qingrou shook her head in horror.

"No... no... I can't do this kind of thing... impossible... no! No! Chief... leader... we can't do this... we will be punished by God..."

"Do you still believe this?"

Liu Tianyi still drove calmly, just turning the steering wheel hard. After a drift, he was ready to break out and rush towards the city. He still had time to talk.

"In today's world, no other creature can transform into a corpse. Only we humans can transform into zombies. Neither dead nor alive. In fact, we are already being punished by God. Since we have already been punished by God, what else can we avoid?"


"It's nothing. This is an important part of the mission. They are dead, but we are still alive. But if you don't complete this important part, including everyone on the golf course, we will all die together. Just look. How do you choose, let these dead people use their remaining energy to atone for their sins, or let everyone become dead people."


"There's no time, pick up the knife quickly."

Although Liu Tianyi's words were calm, they gave off an aggressive feeling, putting Wan Qingrou in a situation where she had no choice. It seemed that if she didn't choose to complete the task, she would choose to kill everyone.

But how to complete such a cruel task?

Wan Qingrou was forced to cry again, and her hand that bent over to pick up the knife trembled like a cramp.

Especially the entire knife was soaked with the blood from the blood bottle that had just exploded. Not only was blood dripping down the tip of the knife, but it also felt sticky and moist to the touch. Her hands were already covered with blood, and she was in a hurry. exploded.

Boom boom boom! ! !

At this time, Liu Tianyi 'accidentally' drove his sports car into an area where zombies were densely packed. After knocking down five zombies one after another, his speed continued to slow down, and he began to lack stamina, and he seemed to be surrounded to death.

Not only were several zombies lying on the front hood of the car howling, but there were nearly ten zombies howling and approaching from the windows on both sides of the car, and their stretched out hands were almost poking into the car.

Farther away, in the front, rear, left, and right directions, the zombies really formed a wall of corpses. Their shoulders and elbows were connected, and they were airtight. They roared and surrounded each other, trying to drag all living creatures into hell.

In a radius of ten meters, the number of zombies is at least over a thousand, just a lot more.

Liu Tianyi took his hands off the steering wheel, as if he was giving up, waiting to die, and stopped struggling.


Wan Qingrou suddenly screamed wildly, and her face, which was still filled with tears, showed the fierceness of a desperate fight. Forced by the environment, she had no way out, so she could only slash down with a sharp knife, and one of her hands flew out after being chopped off. .



A large group of zombies suddenly became even crazier, their roar almost turned into a roar, and they pounced on the hand desperately, like a group of hungry dogs pouncing on food. If they didn't know how to jump, they would probably jump up collectively to grab it. That would be spectacular.

However, even if you can't jump, the spectacle is not much different, and there are also some missing corners in the encirclement.

Liu Tianyi immediately stepped on the accelerator, found the right opportunity, and the sports car rushed out from a certain corner.

"You're doing a great job. If you continue like this, we will definitely succeed."

Wan Qingrou was breaking away from the harsh moment, her face was pale, she couldn't believe what she had done, and her Nepal scimitar almost fell to the ground again, but she heard Liu Tianyi's praise.

As if he had been injected with a shot of cardiotonic, he immediately involuntarily tightened his grip on the Nepal scimitar.

"The leader praised me! I am a useful person!"

"Yes! I will continue to work hard! I will never let the leader die here because of my cowardice!"

"I am saving more people! I believe these dead people will understand me!"

"I...I'm not afraid! I want to make up for my mistakes! I want to atone for my sins! I want to fight side by side with the leader!"

Wan Qingrou was inspired by this shot of cardiotonic, and she actually formed a cycle, constantly encouraging herself, repeating it like hypnotic brainwashing.

In fact, it is also the reason why there is no choice. When a person has no other choice, he can only comfort himself by constantly looking for legitimacy and benefits from the only choice.

Even if it is self-deception.

It was obvious that one hand could not stop a large number of zombies in the order of thousands. Soon there were many zombies that could not be fought over and began to surround the big sports car cake that exuded an alluring 'smell'.

Surrounded by so many zombies, the sports car is like a small boat on rough waves. It may be shattered to pieces at any time. It cannot reach too high a speed and will soon fall into the predicament of being surrounded again.

Wan Qingrou knew that she could only repeat her old tricks. The mission was far from over. If she stopped, she would die.

This time, without waiting for Liu Tianyi's prompting, she gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and slashed hard. She felt something being slashed and flew out, and she couldn't help but tremble violently.

After calming down, doing this was really torture. I could feel all the details clearly when I closed my eyes.

Although they can hypnotize themselves, these people are atonement for their sins.

But as Wan Qingrou was the culprit, and these people were indirectly and directly killed by her, what qualifications did she have to carry out the punishment that made these people atone for their sins?

My heart is full of guilt and I want to die.

The only comforting thing is that this trick is really effective, it drags down many zombies, just like throwing a piece of fish feed, attracting countless fish to fight for it, and it can gather them in the same place.

Gradually, the zombies no longer surrounded them, and most of them were attracted to the rear by the 'fish feed'.

Now even if these zombies want to get close to the big cake of the sports car, they can only eat the car exhaust while chasing in vain. No matter how they stretch out their hands and roar, they will never be able to reach the distance.

Zombies run slower than humans. As long as a human has sufficient physical strength, it is impossible for a zombie to catch up with him, let alone a sports car.

So once the siege is broken, the zombies can only follow the sports car like fools, no longer posing a threat.

Getting back to the city is just a matter of time and distance.

It seemed that the task was successfully completed, and Wan Qingrou breathed a sigh of relief. She suppressed her nausea and guilt. After all, doing such a damned thing was not in vain.

Just when Wan Qingrou breathed a sigh of relief, Liu Tianyi suddenly reminded: "Save it, you still need to continue to seduce, otherwise the zombies at the end of the team may leave on their own because they are too far away and not attractive enough. You have to give them a little 'sweetness' from time to time." OK."

Wan Qingrou's face instantly turned pale as paper. She thought it was over, but she didn't expect that she would continue to seduce?

And "save it" and "give it some sweetness", aren't these words too much? Are they really fish feed? Or pork and fish for teasing cats and dogs?

Maybe in the eyes of this murderous tyrant, there is no difference, they are all meat.

In Wan Qingrou's view, this was a member of the same race, and she couldn't bear such words at all, especially since she was the executor. She vomited on the spot and almost vomited out her intestines.

Even after vomiting, I still couldn't escape this task, so I could only continue to complete it while crying and vomiting.

No matter what.

With the help of 'fish feed', this attraction mission went smoothly.

It is also getting closer to the city.

It wasn't until they reached the edge of the city that Wan Qingrou looked back and realized what an incredible task they had accomplished.

Behind the sports car, followed a mighty and long group of zombies, like a long black dragon, roaring to the sky, the length was measured in hundreds of meters, and the number was as large as a cow's hair, tens of thousands.

I simply can't believe that such a dangerous task of dancing on the tip of the death knife can actually be completed.

At this moment, the sense of accomplishment is overwhelming!

All the negative energy seems to have disappeared!

Feeling like a new person!

And all of this is under the leadership of Liu Tianyi.

There may have been a lot of frustrating and unpleasant things in the process, but compared to saving countless people, they were insignificant and did not affect Wan Qingrou's admiration for Liu Tianyi.

She is really surrendering to Liu Tianyi sincerely now. This man is too powerful to be able to achieve such a feat.

At the same time, this time she also saw the cruelty of the end of the world.

Looking back on my behavior these past few days, I feel that I am so mentally retarded.

The outside world is so dangerous, it’s not easy to stay alive. Humanity’s territory is being rapidly compressed by zombies, and it may become an endangered animal at any time. Some people are actually still fighting among themselves and fighting for power. It’s ridiculous.

To use Wan Qingrou's own analogy, even if she succeeds in replacing Liu Tianyi as the leader, so what?

Is she capable of solving this huge hidden danger in the suburbs?

Not to mention tens of thousands of zombies, even dozens or hundreds. She couldn't handle two more waves, so she could only lead everyone to wait for death.

Only Liu Tianyi, a powerful and great leader, can lead everyone to survive.

Liu Tianyi showed no fear even when facing thousands of zombies. He drove a sports car and took a person with him, rushing in and out, and finally completed the attraction task calmly and calmly.

This is not only a matter of strength, but also the courage of ordinary people.

Thinking of Liu Tianyi's calmness from beginning to end, Wan Qingrou admired her even more. Her eyes were filled with little stars, and she was almost developing into a little fan girl!

But at this time.

The speed of the car suddenly slowed down.

"Oops, this is the wrong direction, we might be stuck on the outskirts of the city."

"Why? What happened?"

Liu Tianyi's words made Wan Qingrou a little nervous. She was almost successful, but she couldn't have an accident at this time.

And as she looked forward, she immediately understood their current situation without any explanation.

Every city always has economically developed and economically underdeveloped places, usually extending outward from the city center and downtown area. The further outskirts of the city, the more average the environmental facilities are.

In a small town like Tangyan Town, the place with the worst economy can be called a slum.

In front of you is a place similar to a slum, also called a village in the city. People from all walks of life live in it. The order is chaotic and the buildings are arranged in a disorderly manner.

After all, before the farmland was lost, it was a rural area, and before it was professionally managed, it was very casual and haphazard. Some houses or vehicles directly blocked the road. No matter what the road plan was, it was impossible to get through without taking a long detour.

Viewed from a high altitude, the entire urban village is like a huge maze. There are only a few ways to survive among countless dead ends. I am afraid that the people living here may not be able to accurately find every way out, let alone outsiders. If they drive in rashly, they will only be blocked. inside.

In the past, if you were stuck inside and could turn back and find another way, it would be a waste of time at best.

But now it's the end of the world, and there are thousands of zombies following behind. There is no chance to turn back and change paths, and there is no time to waste.

Even before entering the urban village, there is no way to turn back now. All the back roads are blocked by zombies. No matter whether you turn back or go in to waste time, you will be devoured by the zombies sooner or later.

The roars of zombies are getting closer and closer...

"We can only fight hard and rush in."

"No! Leader! We are not familiar with the terrain, and the success rate of successfully passing through the village in the city is less than 10%! We are almost certain to die, so we cannot take such risks!"

"Then do you have a better way? Within an extremely limited time?"

"I don't……"

"So we can only try our best. At least if we rush in, we can attract a group of zombies. But if we sacrifice ourselves outside, the sacrifice will become meaningless, and this attraction mission will completely fail. The zombies are here After eating us, they will still wander around the suburbs, and sooner or later they will endanger the safety of the golf course."

Wan Qingrou was shocked!

I was shocked by Liu Tianyi’s words!

Did it turn out that Liu Tianyi had already planned to sacrifice himself here? Use your last life to lure away zombies as much as possible to reduce everyone's danger?

How could such a great man be sacrificed?

Squeak...! !

Wan Qingrou suddenly bent down and pressed Liu Tianyi's instep, forcing Liu Tianyi to step on the brakes. The sports car stopped amid a burst of fierce noise.

Before Liu Tianyi could ask questions, Wan Qingrou opened the door and got out of the car. She also tore a long strip of cloth from the training clothes she had been wearing and tied the last body to her back.

"Chief! Leave the last attraction mission to me! I will definitely introduce zombies into the city from other directions and will not let you die here!"

Wan Qingrou carried the body without hesitation and ran away quickly. At the same time, she cut down the 'fish feed' and shouted to attract the zombies.

At this moment, she felt that she had been sublimated and became a real heroine.

Even if he didn't look back, he could see that Liu Tianyi must have an expression of disbelief, shock, and emotion.

What she thought about also made Wan Qingrou more motivated. She never thought that she would have such a great day. She could only say that greatness is contagious. She was shocked by Liu Tianyi's great spirit of sacrifice and would rather sacrifice herself. Liu Tianyi cannot be allowed to sacrifice.

She believed that even if she really died today, Liu Tianyi would always remember her great figure and forget the mistakes she had made.

The excitement caused Wan Qingrou to run wildly, as if she had endless strength, and soon she rushed out of the village in the city.

It seems that the road leading in and out of the city can be vaguely seen in the distance. As long as the zombies are introduced from there, you are done.

A running human being is already very attractive to zombies, not to mention this human being yelling and throwing 'fish feed' from time to time.

The huge zombie swarm like a torrent of darkness was actually reversed in the end, making a big turn at the entrance of the village in the city, like a raging flood being blocked by a wall and forcibly changing direction.

Of course, the smell of blood on the sports car had been evaporated to a very low level along the way, which also played a decisive role.

Otherwise, the zombies will not completely give up this sweet cake, and at least one or two tenths of it will be left behind.

In short, various factors, by coincidence, allowed Wan Qingrou to successfully attract the zombies and turn them around.

Gradually, Wan Qingrou saw the road.

She works harder to attract zombies. She must introduce all the zombies into the city and complete the final attraction task as perfectly as possible.

As they approached the highway, zombies from the city gradually came towards them. Although the number was not large, Wan Qingrou could barely cope with it with a Nepal scimitar, but it still caused more consumption of physical energy.

She was panting, trying to attract the zombies behind her while also dealing with the zombies in front of her.

I finally understand how difficult it is to survive in the apocalypse.

He also admired Liu Tianyi even more.

Unlike Liu Tianyi, she has been hiding on the golf course and has never seen how dangerous the outside world is. She rarely goes far when she goes out. She can be said to be a flower in a greenhouse.

Liu Tianyi, however, fought his way out of the city, bringing so many people with him. It was unimaginable how difficult it was.

The outside of the city is so dangerous, and the inside of the city must be even more like a sea of ​​swords and fire, like hell.

It's not easy to live in this kind of environment, right? Want to keep a dozen people alive? Still need to collect supplies?

Wan Qingrou suddenly felt a little sorry for Liu Tianyi. Being the leader was stressful, and it was definitely not as simple as she thought. When you are not a leader, you will never know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are.

She seemed to be able to understand that Liu Tianyi behaved so bad sometimes because he was forced by the world. The pressure of survival was so great that anyone else would have a bad temper.

Hidden under his bad temper is Liu Tianyi's huge contribution and dedication to everyone.

No wonder Liu Tianyi usually does nothing when he returns to the golf course and only enjoys lazily. It turns out that behind the scenes, he has taken on all the pressure for everyone, fought outside despite danger, and wandered on the line of life and death every day.

A sentence comes to mind.

There are no quiet years, but some people are carrying forward with heavy burdens.

Wan Qingrou felt extremely ashamed at the moment and wanted to say sorry to Liu Tianyi.

Liu Tianyi worked hard and risked her life to collect the supplies, but at that time she actually didn't even care. She was so arrogant.

The shame also gave Wan Qingrou motivation again.

Although she was prepared for the possibility of sacrifice, she still wanted to work hard not to sacrifice. Of course, it would be better to live.

But now working hard without sacrificing is not only a normal person's desire to survive, but also a desire to live and serve Liu Tianyi. Wan Qingrou has never been so eager to help someone, she wants to share the burden for Liu Tianyi.

Liu Tianyi worked too hard. She must not die. Only by living can she relieve Liu Tianyi's pressure.

Unknowingly, Wan Qingrou had regarded Liu Tianyi as the direction of progress and spiritual support, and before she knew it, she had entered the main highway in and out of the city in her wild thoughts.

Wan Qingrou is even closer to success, and Wan Qingrou is encouraged.

I haven't forgotten to continue to seduce, and I throw a piece of 'fish feed' from time to time along the way, at a distance, like luring a chicken into a cage or a bird trap, so that the zombies will not deviate from the route.

The mountains roared and the tsunami surged, and the terrifying zombie swarms, led by Wan Qingrou, gradually entered the highway, washing away everything.

In fact, you can evacuate now.

Because zombies have moving inertia, especially such a huge group of zombies, like a moving car, it must be a process from braking to being absolutely stationary, and it cannot be completed immediately.

Zombies, the brainless living dead, have greater inertia to move. Even turning requires flesh and blood to attract them. Naturally, turning around is even more difficult. It is a long process.

Therefore, even if Wan Qingrou is no longer attracted and disappears from the front, the zombie swarm will still move forward for a long time.

Until attracted by other sounds or smells.

But Wan Qingrou didn't know this. She was afraid that the zombies would turn around here and return to the suburbs, and her and Liu Tianyi's efforts would be in vain, so she kept going deeper into the city.

Wan Qingrou didn't start to return until the corpse on her back was exhausted and her physical strength was nearly exhausted.

In order to avoid attracting the zombies back, she made a large circle. At this time, she discovered that evacuation was the most dangerous part of the attraction mission. The zombies in the streets and alleys were rushing towards her.

It's like going against the current and going with the current.

When you are going with the current, you have enough energy and are very fast. Keep your distance so that the zombies cannot catch up.

When going against the current, you have to face more zombies, and it is still difficult to move forward when you are exhausted.

Wan Qingrou has tried her best to avoid fighting zombies, but there are still many zombies that cannot be avoided, so she can only grit her teeth and fight.

Fortunately, she is not a weak woman. If physical qualities such as strength and speed are excluded, her combat effectiveness is even stronger than Liu Tianyi. It is not a big problem to deal with brainless zombies.

However, the physical exertion increased, and by the time he successfully completed the difficult circle and returned to the road, he was almost exhausted.

Wan Qingrou was panting, the hand holding the knife was shaking slightly, her body was covered in the dirty blood of zombies, and there were two fingers hanging on her shoulders that she had no time to deal with.

However, we finally broke out of the siege and returned to the road. Then we could evacuate successfully by following the road into the suburbs.

Just as he was about to take a step, a zombie roar came from behind, breaking Wan Qingrou's illusion of a smooth escape.

Looking back, his face turned pale instantly.

She thought that she had made a long circle and should have avoided the attracted zombie swarm. Unexpectedly, the zombie swarm was longer than she thought. She made a big circle and only came to the end of the line.

Although it would not affect the attraction task, and the zombies in front of the team were far away, the zombies at the end of the team alone were not something Wan Qingrou, who was now exhausted, could deal with.


All we can do is escape!

Wan Qingrou ran away.

It's just that her physical strength is on the verge of depletion, which makes her walk shaky. Although she says she's running, it's actually about the same as walking. She can no longer suppress the speed of the zombies, and is even slower than the zombies.

The distance between zombies is constantly shrinking.

The growling sounds getting closer and closer gave people the feeling that they were carrying a sharp edge and could be caught at any time.

If this continues, he will be caught up sooner or later.

Wan Qingrou is extremely unwilling!

She has survived the most dangerous difficulties and even successfully introduced thousands of zombies into the city. How could she fall into the hands of these dozens of zombies?

She also wants to successfully atone and return to the golf course.

She also wants to be appreciated and admired by everyone.

She also wanted to be reused by Liu Tianyi.

right! Liu Tianyi! Just thinking about Liu Tianyi, the leader, Wan Qingrou becomes motivated!

When she thought she was certain to die, Liu Tianyi helped her atone for her sins and gave her the hope of surprise.

When she felt abandoned by the whole world, Liu Tianyi told her that she still had the qualifications to live.

After hurting many people and feeling extremely guilty, Liu Tianyi led her to complete a great mission and regain her dream of being a heroine.

Then he saw Liu Tianyi's great side, respected him, worshiped him, surrendered willingly, and finally atone for his sins, fought side by side, and received praise.

One by one, these events are played back like a revolving lantern.

It gave Wan Qingrou endless motivation.

She suddenly felt strong again, her steps became much faster, and she began to distance herself from the zombies behind her, clutching Liu Tianyi's Nepalese scimitar with extremely hot eyes.

"This is the leader protecting me!"

"I won't fail here!"

"The leader is so powerful, and we, as subordinates, must not be weak. This journey is nothing!"

"I'll make it! I'll make it!"

Wan Qingrou's steps became faster and faster, as if she had really received some kind of blessing.

The road in front of us is no longer long.

The end was quickly approaching.

Wan Qingrou was looking forward to hearing Liu Tianyi's praise again soon, which would give her a sense of accomplishment more than anything else.

Moreover, this time she has made great achievements, which should go beyond the scope of atonement.

She took the wrong path outside the village in the city and the mission was about to fail. She stepped forward to turn the tide and led the zombies back to the right track alone. Not only did she prevent the leader from being sacrificed, she also completed the mission and successfully evacuated.

Maybe in addition to atonement, you can also get additional rewards?

The most important thing is that such a touching thing will definitely be truly recognized by the leader!

Wan Qingrou can't wait for this result!

Finally, one foot stepped out of the city.

It's like stepping on the borderline between heaven and hell.

It's like a running race has reached its finish line.

But just as relaxation and joy appeared on Wan Qingrou's face, a sports car rushed out from the side without any warning, like an arrow from the string, as if it had been lying in wait for a long time.

Bang——! !

Wan Qingrou was hit and flew up.

He fell to the ground and rolled several times.


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