Wan Qingrou was so frightened that she peed her pants.

Produce overwhelming fear.

Eyes glazed over.

Her delicate body trembled.

But now no one notices Wan Qingrou's state, because they also have the same fear, coming from the depths of their souls.

My head is buzzing.

Roman looked so miserable.

Like a smashed watermelon.

They dare to swear!

This is the most miserable way of death they have ever seen!

In fact, Roman was dead from the beginning.

After all, Liu Tianyi's power is huge, and he uses a super violent weapon, a steel baseball bat.

This thing is solid, heavy, hard and powerful.

As long as you can pick it up and hit anyone casually, it will cause considerable damage, including redness, swelling and bruises.

Liu Tianyi can even be used to directly blow up zombies' heads.

It is reasonable to kill someone with a stick.

The first blow had already shattered Roman's brain, leaving her brain-dead and bleeding from all seven holes.

Later, he smashed so many sticks in succession.

Nature is dead and cannot die again.

The source of everyone's fear is the continuous stick coming from behind.

The man called everyone over and basked in the sun for half an hour. They still didn't express their dissatisfaction after waiting for so long.

As a result, Liu Tianyi turned out to be a king.

He actually beat Roman to death with a weird excuse like standing and being disrespectful, beating him with a stick until he was forced to kneel down.

In order to maintain the proper eye level, can you be so cruel!

This is definitely a devil crawling out of hell!


Soon, there was a sound of vomiting.

A large number of people with poor mental endurance vomit so hard that they almost spit out all the stomach acid.

Even though there was nothing in his stomach, he was still vomiting water, and his nose and tears were falling together.

Some people say that they are so sad that they vomit. In fact, people who are too frightened can also vomit.

Of course, the most critical reason for vomiting was Roman's 'headless' corpse, kneeling there like a static sculpture waiting to be visited.

Every time I take a look, I can't stop vomiting.

It's really scary.

This way to die.

To be flattened and broken into pieces.

A rotten watermelon.

A lot of it is also squeezed into the neck.

They didn't dare to look carefully.

Watching too much will cause nightmares and psychological shadow.

Although now it is no different from psychological shadow.

Liu Tianyi did not feel guilty because he made these people vomit. He heard the sound of vomiting and looked over.

He also said: "You don't seem to respect me very much."

This sentence is like a magic spell.

In an instant, like a blood syringe, the blood was drained from everyone's faces, the sound of vomiting suddenly stopped, and the eyes widened in horror.

Goo, goo, goo!

Some people were about to vomit, but the vomit rushed up their throats and they swallowed it back forcefully.

But they didn't feel sick and hurriedly knelt on the ground.

Nothing is more important at this moment.

After seeing Roman's tragic death, who else dares to 'disrespect' Liu Tianyi?

They don’t want to become rotten watermelons!

It didn't take long for everyone to kneel on the ground, trembling.

Even Wan Qingrou was like this, her whole body felt like it was not her own, she couldn't stop swaying and trembling.

She even stooped her back and bent over as much as possible, fearing that Liu Tianyi would cause trouble for her because of the height of her eyesight.

Now Wan Qingrou is undoubtedly the most unbelievable and frightened of all people.

She didn't understand why Liu Tianyi was different from what she had guessed. He was not a ruthless person pretending to be at all.

Not only is he not pretending to be ruthless, he seems to be more ruthless than ordinary ruthless people!

Beat a man to death with a baseball bat!

This is more shocking than a headshot!

What happened was completely beyond imagination.

The little sheep turned into a big tiger.

Wan Qingrou's fear can be imagined.

She also remembered that she almost had a falling out just now. I'm afraid if she dared, she would be just like Roman now.

Regardless of what everyone thinks.

Liu Tianyi still does things at his own pace.

Seeing that everyone 'respected' him and that his eye level was just right, he took out a mobile phone and started today's topic: "After reports from Lin Sha and Huang Huanggui, a large number of coolies have recently entered the temporary warehouse privately, stealing food, and even stealing food. Taking away the materials inside is an extremely serious crime."

"Roman, I secretly ate 11 packs of boneless duck feet, three bottles of soy milk, two bottles of Coke, five Snickers bars, two boxes of instant noodles, four jelly, three chocolates, two cans of canned fruit, two sausages, and four meat waffles. Three, two bottles of orange juice, five bottles of milk... stole three Snickers bars, two packs of spicy strips, one pack of cereal, nuts..."

"Wang Chenchen, stole three meat waffles, two bottles of papaya milk, chocolate...milk tea...hawthorn slices...pork shop...stolen..."

"Ye Chen, steal it... steal it..."

"Lin Shutong, steal food... steal..."


As each name was read out.

Some newcomers seemed to understand something.

They originally thought that Liu Tianyi had always been so cruel and would kill anyone who didn't like him or who he didn't like.

But now it seems.

Someone is stealing food and supplies, and I'm afraid that's the real reason. Standing and being disrespectful is just an excuse.

Those who didn't eat secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't make any mistakes, so they shouldn't be killed suddenly.

But the person whose name was called was not in such a relaxed mood.

Each one seemed to be on the death penalty list.

My heart was beating so hard!

Are they going to be beaten to death like Roman?

Apart from these eaters, Lin Sha and Huang Huanggui had the greatest emotional ups and downs.

They were simply shocked to hear all this!

Huang Jingui thought he was still in the evidence collection stage, but he didn't expect that Liu Tianyi even had a detailed list, and he inexplicably became a whistleblower before he reported it, including Lin Sha.

Could it be that Lin Sha investigated all of this and reported him to the police?

It only took half a day to investigate in such detail. Is he so capable?

Only Lin Sha’s family knew about her family affairs.

She didn't actually do anything.

She also found out from Huang Huanggui that she suspected someone was eating. She even forgot to tell Liu Tianyi that Huang Huanggui was the first whistleblower.

But now.

Liu Tianyi knows everything!

Not only did he know that Huang Huanggui was involved, but he also knew who the specific people were and what items were stolen. He knew it in more detail than their informants!

It’s like I’m watching from the sidelines!

It was precisely because she knew that this information was not provided by herself, nor by Huang Huanggui, and had nothing to do with the two informants, that Lin Sha felt so terrified at this moment.

It dawned on her.

All this was arranged by Liu Tianyi!

Liu Tianyi already knew all this!

She and Huang Jingui are just two scapegoats!

What made Lin Sha even more horrified was that she guessed how Liu Tianyi obtained these detailed information.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess, only monitoring can do it.

Liu Tianyi actually has a surveillance camera!

Then the scene of her being naked in the villa yesterday, as well as everything that happened, were all captured on film?

And the easily misunderstood conversation in the morning, maybe it was also recorded using some kind of recording device?

You can't blame Lin Sha for thinking too much.

In her opinion, Liu Tianyi is such an unscrupulous person, and he can do any dirty trick.

Moreover, Liu Tianyi said that she might be needed to monitor and eavesdrop on others, so why is it so strange that the person who said such things also used this method himself?

But in fact, Liu Tianyi really did not do these two things, and there is only one monitoring for the time being.

Smart people just think things through.

Lin Sha now thought that Liu Tianyi had two leverages over her.

A video and a recording were used as a means to control her.

My whole body felt dizzy.

There was a sad smile inside.

It seems that she has been tied up by Liu Tianyi all her life. She can only help Liu Tianyi obediently and can no longer escape.

Even if Liu Tianyi really wanted to sleep with her, she would not dare to refuse because her soul had been sold to this devil.

If Liu Tianyi knew what Lin Sha was thinking.

That would be a good thing.

A small misunderstanding made Lin Sha's 'loyalty' to him more solid. It was a beautiful misunderstanding.

On the other hand, when someone is reported for stealing, they feel guilty and overly frightened, causing some people to rebound.

Lin Shutong jumped up suddenly, almost pointing at Lin Sha's nose and yelling: "Bitch! Why do you want to hurt us?!"

"Do you still remember that when you first worked part-time in the supermarket and didn't know anything, it was Roman and I who taught you step by step! Now look at how miserable Roman was killed by you! Even his body was completely broken. nothing!"

"Why can you be so cruel! You are inferior to a pig or a dog!"

Lin Sha remained silent.

In fact, Roman's death had nothing to do with her, and she had no idea that Roman was involved when she reported it.

Moreover, Luo Man died so miserably because Luo Man secretly ate the worst. Even if she went to Liu Tianyi to plead for mercy, it would not be of any use.

How could Liu Tianyi miss this opportunity to establish his authority?

In a word.

It’s all your own fault.

It has nothing to do with her.

This scolding is completely unjust.

But Lin Sha didn't dare to refute or defend, and silently endured the abuse.

She knew that this was the effect Liu Tianyi wanted to create, and he wanted her to take the blame.

Everyone thought she was a sinister person who liked to inform people, so they naturally drew a clear line and stopped interacting with her.

He would even hate her and no one would consider her a friend anymore.

Even her family members looked at her strangely after Liu Tianyi said she was the whistleblower just now.

But what can be done.

Only by enduring all this can Liu Tianyi feel loyal.

Lin Sha is now willing to give up. She has betrayed her anyway, so she will take whatever pot Liu Tianyi throws her way.

Liu Tianyi wants everyone to think that she is a sinister villain who reported the news, so she will be treated as such a sinister villain.

Lin Shutong was allowed to rant and curse without paying attention.

But Huang Jingui can't stand it anymore.

He was very happy that Lin Sha didn't take all the credit and wanted to give something back, and what a great opportunity to flatter him.

He immediately stood in front of Lin Sha and looked at Lin Shutong coldly: "Stop your stinking mouth! It's obviously your own fault for stealing, so why do you think it was us who harmed you? Even if we don't report it, you Do you think that the wise and wise leader will not find out? You are bound to be punished sooner or later!"

"You let Technician Lin see how miserable that woman's death was. I also want you to see how unforgivable the mistakes you have committed! What you have stolen these days is far more than what you deserve! Especially that one Woman, she eats the most secretly. Calculated in terms of value, it may be equivalent to her normal treatment for a whole year! Such a shocking seriousness! If you ask me, she deserves to die!"

Huang Huanggui has been very fierce and severe recently, and he has developed the majesty of a coolie squad leader. Maybe he was frightened by this majesty, or maybe he was unreasonable. He felt that Roman was indeed a bit too much. For a while, Lin Shutong didn't dare to talk back.

But at this moment.

Li Zhongchao jumped out without thinking.

He just saw Huang Jingui flattering him and didn't want to fall behind. His words were beyond his comprehension. He pointed at Lin Shutong and said: "That's right! She deserves to die! I think you all deserve to die too! How dare you disobey our wise and powerful leader! All go!" Die!"

These words triggered the emotions of all the eaters!

They were already very worried and nervous, fearing that they would suffer the same fate as Luo Man, who was beaten to death by Liu Tianyi with sticks without leaving a whole body.

As a result, Li Zhongchao came to stimulate them.

It makes them feel more likely to die.

People who are on the verge of death are the most likely to go crazy. Their emotions are rushing to the top of their heads at this moment, and they are already close to crazy.

One by one, they jumped up and rushed to Lin Shutong's side to cheer him up. No longer caring about the majesty of the coolie squad leader, they helped Lin Shutong roar and spit, talking all over the place, as if they were completely upset.

Wan Qingrou, who was kneeling not far away, had just recovered from Roman's tragic death, and her fear had not yet subsided.

I heard this group of 'corruptors' turning their faces and shouting furiously.

The frightening fear came to my heart again!

Even she, the leader of the organization who had been corrupted, now did not dare to fall out with the cruel Liu Tianyi, and was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat.

Why are these people so bold!

Is it really like what Liu Tianyi said just now, that she led these people into trouble? All expanded?

This is a very bad situation!

If it were before today, the bolder these corruptors were, the happier Wan Qingrou would be, because it meant that her plan was successful and it would be easy to instigate rebellion.

But now, the plan has gone awry, and the prediction of Liu Tianyi's character is wrong, so the courage of these people may lead to death!

And it’s all Wan Qingrou’s responsibility!

If they died, it would be her fault!

Wan Qingrou's face was full of panic now, and she wanted to step forward to stop them. She couldn't let these people seek death anymore. If the matter got bigger, it would not be able to end.

But by this time things were starting to get serious.

Being sprayed with blood by so many people, and some of them were the thief who made mistakes, and the food they ate was higher than their monthly salary. All these factors made Huang Huanggui and Li Zhongchao extremely angry!

They began to exercise the rights of the coolie squad leader.

Call others over to help.

Almost all the people who didn't steal the food came over. Roman's tragic death made them more obedient, which was an indirect deterrent. They didn't steal the food and didn't make any mistakes. Of course, they had to act obedient and support the team leader very much.

There were still more people who were not stealing food than those who were stealing food. There were nearly twenty people, but there were less than ten people who were stealing food. The fighting was immediately suppressed.

But there are things like quarrels, especially group quarrels.

Even if it is suppressed, the anger generated back and forth during the argument will accumulate and lead to qualitative changes.

Seeing a quarrel.

It's about to turn into a group fight.

Liu Tianyi carried a steel baseball bat and walked to the middle step by step.

The quarrel immediately subsided like a tide.

No one dared to bark at the leader.

But this group of eaters were obviously a little crazy. Although they didn't dare to scold Liu Tianyi, there were still some who dared to protest.

Lin Shutong was still the first to stand up, looking at Liu Tianyi with anger and fear, and protested with some reasonableness: "Chief! It's really not that we want to steal food, nor do we deliberately want to go against you, it's the people above you. You didn’t consider the life and death of the people below us!”

"The salary is not enough to sustain our lives. We are thirsty and hungry every day, and we have to participate in zombie-killing training. Everyone is already in poor health due to this treatment, and they are so sick that they are vomiting due to this training. The situation is getting worse and worse. Some people vomited and fainted yesterday!"

"What I said is absolutely true! If you don't believe me, ask those who haven't eaten secretly, they must think so too! So stealing is really not our fault, it's all forced by you!"

The expressions of the group of people who hadn't stolen the food changed subtly.

Apparently Lin Shutong expressed the sentiments of many coolies.

It's in their hearts.

Huang Huanggui noticed this and glared at the group of people who didn't secretly eat, and warned them not to cause trouble.

Then he glared at Lin Shutong and retorted: "Stop farting there! Stealing is stealing! If you make a mistake, you have to accept the punishment! Don't make so many excuses! No amount of excuses is a valid reason for you to steal! If everyone is like you In this way, the supplies will have been exhausted long ago!”

"I believe that every decision made by the leader has deep meaning! For example, the lower salary is to maintain the operation longer! Let everyone live longer! Do you think it is so easy to collect supplies? I also let you train, it is also for you Good, lest you become as weak as chickens!"

"It is our honor to meet such a wise and thoughtful leader. You have no right to protest!"

Gold is expensive and flattering can be considered first-class.

He didn't think so about many things, and he even felt that the treatment was too low, but he was able to say things that were against his will confidently, as if they were true, all for the sake of gaining favor in front of Liu Tianyi.

This made Lin Shutong and all the eaters so angry that they almost died!

Even if they were indeed at fault, it was generally excusable. It was just that eating too much was a bit extreme, and it was not a big mistake.

It came from Huang Jingui's mouth, but it seemed as if they had committed a heinous crime and their mistakes were unforgivable. How could he not be angry?

But Lin Shutong just wanted to argue again.

A steel baseball bat hit her hard in the face.

Bang! ! ! !

Lin Shutong flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

When everyone looked at her face, they suddenly gasped again. They saw that most of her face was dented, like a cake that had been stepped on, and the deep baseball bat dent was almost close to the back of her head.

The dent is as flat as a pancake.

However, her forehead and mouth remained normal, which made the sunken area even more terrifying.

Almost all the facial features were accumulated in the depression, distorted and bleeding.

Lin Shutong was still twitching.

Although she was not as miserable as Roman, her level of terror was not much worse than Roman's. She scared everyone as if they had watched a horror movie live, or were in the middle of a horror movie.

But Liu Tianyi didn't react much. After sending Lin Shutong flying with a stick, he looked at Huang Jingui and said, "When you can take action, don't waste time by talking nonsense."

"Yes...yes! Remember...remember the leader's teachings..."

Huang Huanggui was so frightened that he almost lost his soul.

The person who was quarreling with him just now was close to death in a matter of minutes. It was really terrifying.

What was even more frightening were the other eaters. Lin Shutong just protested and argued, and that's what happened.

Then wouldn't those who just complained angrily about the coolie squad leader also suffer the same fate?

Ye Chen was the first to be frightened. He jumped up and shouted in horror: "It's killing people! The leader is going crazy! Everyone, run away!!"

The group of eaters who were already frightened out of their wits suddenly ran out in terror like runners upon hearing the starting gun, running for their lives in all directions.

Everyone was ignited with fear, and their last nerve was broken.

Huang Jingui’s face changed drastically!

How dare these people abscond in fear of crime!

It’s just like rebelling!

He immediately wanted to order the nearly twenty coolies behind him to capture these people.

Liu Tianyi's expression remained unchanged, calm and composed.

He took a step forward, pulled out his Nepal scimitar and threw it away.

With a pop, it penetrated into Ye Chen's back.

The tip of the knife stuck directly out of his chest.

The brother named after the protagonist, not only failed to be regarded as the protagonist, he fell to the ground in pain at this moment, vomiting blood from his mouth.

He struggled hard and turned his head to look at Liu Tianyi, as if he wanted to say something else.

I don't know whether to beg for mercy or to rage before death.

But Liu Tianyi didn't give him this chance.


This time I used the Golden Desert Eagle and shot him directly in the head.

Ye Chen trembled suddenly and fell completely to the ground, his head falling heavily.

And Liu Tianyi's offensive is not over yet.

He quickly held the Golden Desert Eagle again, aimed at the next person, and pulled the trigger again.


Another person was shot in the head and fell.

Then he started targeting the next person.

Just like shooting training or hunting, it's very calm and calm, and these moving targets running around only add to the fun.

Just in time to practice shooting accuracy on dynamic targets.

The target was farther away and it took longer to aim. Liu Tianyi wanted to keep his shots on target as much as possible.

The third time, it took five seconds before the trigger was pulled.


Fortunately, it was another perfect headshot, and it lived up to the long-term aim.

But when the third person fell and Liu Tianyi started to target the fourth one again, a group of escaping eaters no longer dared to run away.

They were all so frightened that they knelt on the ground and cried loudly. They were extremely collapsed, their faces were covered with snot and tears, and they were kowtowing desperately to beg for mercy.

While kowtowing and begging for mercy, he moved on his knees and walked towards Liu Tianyi quickly. The distance he had just run out soon began to shrink again.

It seems that they have recognized the reality and know that running away will only lead to faster death. They don't dare to run away at all, and they all 'walk' back obediently.

Liu Tianyi who went on a killing spree was undoubtedly terrifying.

Even Huang Huanggui and others were so frightened that they knelt down again.

Drenched in cold sweat.

I didn't expect Liu Tianyi to be so terrifying. He just used three lives to tell these people to "obediently" come back.

Although Huang Huanggui and others did not eat secretly, they could not feel any sense of security at this moment.


He was afraid that Liu Tianyi would get addicted to killing his superiors and kill them "accidentally" too.

It's still safe to kneel down.

When the still-living eaters moved back, Liu Tianyi put away the Golden Desert Eagle and asked calmly: "Is there anyone who wants to reason with me now, or wants to run away?"

The few remaining eaters shook their heads desperately, broke down and cried bitterly, howling and daring.

Because those who reason and those who run away are all dead!

Who dares!

Liu Tianyi nodded and was about to speak.

Suddenly I discovered that the reasonable person was not dead yet, and still had his last breath left.

Lin Shutong's eyes had been squeezed in, and he couldn't see anything, but his ears were still functioning. He heard what happened just now, and said intermittently and full of resentment with his last breath: "You... you are inhumane... The tyrant... will definitely... definitely not have a... good... end..."

"Maybe, I really hope you can see that day." Liu Tianyi responded with a heartfelt blessing.

It seemed that this person was not beaten like this by him, and he was wishing the other person a long life.

Lin Shutong was so angry that he almost died immediately!

Liu Tianyi ignored the dying man, turned to look at the crowd of people kneeling in a large area, and said: "Now that we have announced the list of eaters, we will announce the next thing."

"Congratulations to everyone who did not cheat. Your loyalty and self-discipline will be rewarded. From now on, the treatment of all of you will be improved. I hope you will continue to maintain it and keep up the good work."


The second thing Liu Tianyi announced.

It's like the second king bomb!

The explosion made everyone's heart skip a beat!

Especially the few eaters who collapsed and cried bitterly, and almost fainted from the explosion.

They are all in a state of doubting life.

I was so broken that I almost wanted to commit suicide.

Has everyone’s salary been improved? ?

Then why do they eat it secretly? ! ! !

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