The end of the world: I have unlimited cheats

Chapter 80 Cash it in immediately

The package finally came off.

Liu Tianyi really looked at the goods inside as if he had unwrapped a package.

The unscrupulous and unscrupulous look in her eyes made Lin Sha so embarrassed and angry that her whole body trembled and goosebumps appeared.

She had never been looked at like this.

Not even Yang Hao.

I felt very embarrassed and uneasy with no privacy at all. I wanted to raise my hands to cover it but didn't dare, so I could only cry in frustration.

I'm actually lucky to have this reaction.

It shows that I have never experienced the cruelty of the end of the world.

Liu Tianyi has seen many women without clothes outside. It's not that they don't want to wear them, but the men who bully them are humiliating them and using them for fun.

The five Guan Xiaotings also experienced something similar. Although they could wear clothes, men would tear off their clothes as a form of entertainment.

Even Luo Man, Wang Chenchen and others have experienced not being able to wear clothes and being imprisoned in a small room. Not only that, the two new women have to drink 'ice black tea' to stay alive.

These people were treated like pigs and dogs. When necessary, they would be thrown out to sacrifice to attract zombies. This is what Wang Peng and others did.

So Lin Sha can still shed tears of grievance here, how lucky she is.

It's a pity that Liu Tian has too many opinions and won't show any mercy. There are many people out there who are worse off than her, so there's nothing to pity.

As soon as he pulled out the golden Desert Eagle, he stepped forward, as if he was ready to learn more about it and move on to the next thing.

Lin Sha originally thought that if she was willing to put down her pride and expose herself to others, the matter would be over.

Unexpectedly, Liu Tianyi seemed to want to continue?

If you continue, you will really be cheating!

Lin Sha quickly covered her body, crying and begging for mercy: "Chief! Please... stop here! I'm already sorry for Yang Hao, I really can't continue! That kind of... that kind of thing is not okay... "

Liu Tianyi forcibly grabbed her hands and put them down: "I gave you a chance, but you are not ready to betray everyone. Once it comes to your family, you are not betraying them, you are betraying me."

"This is not just a matter of lying and cheating me, it also made me realize a very serious situation, that is, you can never be loyal to me wholeheartedly, because you will put your family first, and I will not allow this. A situation arises.”

Liu Tianyi is no longer unreasonable.

You actually want others to not put your family first.

Put him first.

If you haven't experienced the horror brought by Liu Tianyi, if you haven't imagined Liu Tianyi's plan.

Lin Sha would definitely roar, 'Why? ! '.

But after experiencing all kinds of things and knowing that Liu Tianyi would not reason with her, the only thing Lin Sha could do was to compromise and plead: "Chief! Please give me some more time, and I will be loyal to you wholeheartedly! Family matters are also It's easy to discuss, I will find a way to make them behave well, and as long as they never cause trouble, there will never be a situation where I betray you to protect them!"

"There are too many uncertainties, so it's safer to use my method." Liu Tianyi got closer and hugged Lin Sha.

Lin Sha was suffocated!

Breathing stopped instantly!

Being hugged tightly by a man without any reservations.

This man is not her boyfriend yet.

She had never experienced such an outrageous thing before. The huge stimulation hit her mind, and she forgot to resist for a while.

Like a well-behaved rag doll, at the mercy of others.

Liu Tianyi's demonic voice was still ringing in his ears: "I think if I want you to betray, I have to start with physical betrayal. You must think that I am testing. I admit that it is true at first, but to feel it up close Finally, I suddenly felt that there is nothing wrong with pretending to be real. Anyway, you are good-looking and have a good figure. I will not lose anything, and you can conquer a subordinate who is loyal to me, killing two birds with one stone."

"Do you think Yang Hao will still fall in love with you after knowing what happened to us? Do you think your sister will still respect you as a sister after knowing that you despicably exchanged your body for medicine and cuckolded her brother? Wait. There is a rift in your family relationship, and I have countless ways to amplify the rift and turn you against each other. When the time comes, you will have no other choice but to be loyal to me after losing your family."

"This is the price you have to pay for your unwillingness to actively betray. Passive betrayal will only be more painful. From now on, you will taste it well, and I will also taste it well."

Lin Sha was still immersed in the terrifying future described by Liu Tianyi, and was scared out of her mind.

She couldn't imagine what Yang Hao and Chen Xiaoxiao would do if they knew these things.

I can't even imagine turning against them.

Will all this really happen in the future?

Before I could think about this problem clearly, I felt myself being picked up from the waist.

The princess hug is a very romantic way of holding someone.

But Lin Sha doesn't feel the slightest romance now, only infinite fear. Will she be put into bed so soon?

She is not mentally prepared to accept this yet!

No, she didn’t even think about accepting it!

It must not be started out of nowhere!

But just as Lin Sha was about to struggle, she realized that Liu Tianyi was not walking towards the big bed in the room, but instead walking outside.

Why are you walking outside?

While confused and dazed, Liu Tianyi had already carried her to the door of the villa and was about to continue walking out.

It's time to leave the villa.

Lin Sha suddenly became even more frightened!

She is naked now. Wouldn't going out be the same as running naked?

He quickly looked at Liu Tianyi anxiously: "Chief! Why are you walking outside? We can't be seen in our current state!"

Lin Sha actually wanted Liu Tianyi to go back to the room now.

It's also very ambiguous to say that you can't be seen.

Make it look like you are really having an affair.

However, Liu Tianyi did not realize that he could not be seen, and still strode out with Lin Sha in his arms: "It's okay if you see her, anyway, even your boyfriend and sister will see it, so it doesn't matter if you show it to others. "

Lin Sha was immediately frightened to the extreme!

What does this mean?

She thought that what Liu Tianyi just described was the future, something that might or might not happen, a threat and intimidation. Only when she was completely sure that she was unwilling to betray would that kind of future appear.

But now that she is taken out in this state, it is obvious that she will immediately fulfill her words!

Sure enough, after walking out of the villa, Liu Tianyi walked straight towards where everyone lived.

Lin Sha struggled wildly with excitement: "No! I don't want to go over! Let me down quickly! Let me go!"

"If you dare to struggle again, I promise that no matter whether you are willing to give in and betray later, I will not give you antipyretic medicine. If you think your sister has a strong physique, continue to struggle."

Liu Tianyi's calm words made Lin Sha dare not move any more, her face was pale and stiff, and she was extremely aggrieved.

Chen Xiaoxiao's physique is not only not strong, but also weaker than ordinary people. She has been frail and sick since she was a child, and has problems every day. I heard that this is the reason why she was abandoned for adoption.

Including when she first met Liu Tianyi in the supermarket, Lin Sha and Yang Hao were not with her because she had a cold and had to find medicine.

You can catch a cold even on a hot day, your physical condition is so poor.

Although he failed to find cold medicine and was forced back by zombies, Chen Xiaoxiao was frightened by Liu Tianyi and seemed to break out in a sweat, and the cold naturally recovered.

Unfortunately, this kind of natural good situation is too rare. For Chen Xiaoxiao, who is in poor physical condition, it is more like a backlog. The backlog has turned into a more serious high fever today.

There's no way it's going to be natural this time.

Lin Sha has taken care of this sister with poor health since she was a child. It can be said that without her, Chen Xiaoxiao might not be alive today.

This kind of sister who has grown up under his care has such a deep relationship that she is more like a sister and more like a mother. Even if she has a daughter in the future, she cannot replace her sister's status.

Is it possible that she gave up the fever-reducing medicine that saved her sister?

Absolutely impossible!

Liu Tianyi simply strangled her life tightly, so that she could only accept the threat obediently and could not resist.

But as she got closer and closer to the place where everyone lived, Lin Sha inevitably became nervous, and her whole body was shaking with fear.

If someone suddenly came out to use the toilet or something, she would be seen naked with her shameful appearance being held by the leader.

It's so close that you can't argue with anyone, even if you jump into the Yellow River, you can't wash it away.

Fortunately, no one was wandering around at night on the golf course, because only Liu Tianyi's villa had electricity, and it was dark and dark outside and there was nothing interesting.

In addition, after a hard day's work, most people went to bed early, which was the only thing that made Lin Sha less stressed.

But that's only in relative terms. Overall, the pressure is still huge.

It can be seen from the food that even this important key to maintaining life, Liu Tianyi provides very little, and naturally he will not arrange such good treatment as separate housing for everyone.

It would be better to have so many villas, mansions, and exquisite wooden houses empty than to have them all squeezed into one room.

It has the feel of those inferior factories and assembly lines.

As long as there is enough space, a hundred people can be crammed into it, which makes the crowding very awkward and awkward, just like chickens and ducks in the same cage waiting to be slaughtered in the vegetable market, very casual.

And this is the biggest problem we are facing now.

Everyone is crowded together, which means that the future Liu Tianyi just described will be even more terrifying.

When Lin Sha thought about her current appearance, being watched by dozens of people, and two of the shocked eyes were her boyfriend and sister, she was so frightened that she almost peed. The pressure that had just been relieved by no one outside suddenly spiked again.

She really didn't dare to struggle, couldn't give up the antipyretic medicine, and had to be at the mercy of Liu Tianyi.

But can she really bear what is going to happen next?

Do you really want to let it happen?

Lin Sha's mind was in a mess, she was getting more and more nervous, and she was shaking like a convulsion.

At this time, the distance was less than ten meters away. Under the moonlight, the door could be clearly seen, and it seemed that twenty or thirty people inside could be seen through the door.

Lin Sha couldn't bear it any longer. She didn't dare to struggle and resist, so she began to beg desperately. She was extremely humble and kept lowering her bottom line.

Every time the bottom line is lower than the last time, every time I beg for words and negotiate terms, I refresh the previous lower limit.

In fact, she was already willing to sacrifice her body to change the medicine, and she could go back and start immediately.

I just ask Liu Tianyi not to get close to the place where everyone lives.

Lin Sha felt that Liu Tianyi had accomplished his goal by obtaining her body, and he should be able to let her go.

I was really sorry for Yang Hao for agreeing to cheat, but she was no longer in the mood to think about it so much. She just wanted to stabilize Liu Tianyi first and prevent the coming nightmare from happening.

However, no matter how much she begged, Liu Tianyi never stopped, as if he was determined.

Of course Liu Tianyi could feel the trembling, fear and uneasiness of the delicate body in his arms. This was exactly the effect he wanted to achieve, so how could he stop halfway.

There is only one meter left to the door.

It seems like you can reach out and touch the door handle.

Linsha started to become short of breath.

Fortunately, Liu Tianyi finally stopped just one meter away, and did not reach out to open the door, as if he was reining in the cliff.

This was both thrilling and relieved for Lin Sha.

It seemed that Liu Tianyi really wanted to scare her, and he scared her so much that he actually carried her here from the villa.

But luckily it was a scare, otherwise once the door was opened and the people inside saw it, she would not know how to behave in the future.

Now she just hopes that Liu Tianyi will return to the villa quickly. After returning, he will think about how to regret the sacrifice of his body he just promised. Maybe there can be a turn for the better after discussing it.

But less than a second after Lin Sha was relieved, Liu Tianyi did something that made her heart skip a beat.


Liu Tianyi raised his long legs and kicked the door open!

The force was so strong that the entire door was kicked to the end, and another bang was heard!

"Do not!!!"

Lin Sha's face was so horrified that she twisted her face. Taking advantage of the door being bounced back, she quickly leaned half of her body out of Liu Tianyi's arms, pulled the door handle and closed it hard!

She never expected that Liu Tianyi would be so bold and actually kicked the door open. The moment the door opened, she saw many people lying on the ground. If the door had not been closed quickly, the onlookers she was afraid of would have happened immediately. Liu Tianyi's behavior It is to force her to a dead end!

But even though she reacted quickly and performed exceptionally under stress, three consecutive loud noises still woke up many sleeping people. They got up mumbling and looked at the closed door in confusion.

Some of them were still awake, and they were lying down chatting, so they simply got up and walked to the door to see what was going on.

More and more footsteps gathered at the door.

There is only a door separating Liu Tianyi who is holding Lin Sha.

Every approaching step made Lin Sha tremble. She was obviously extremely frightened and her mentality was about to collapse.

She clutched the doorknob tightly and looked at Liu Tianyi with tears streaming down her face. She didn't dare to make a sound and silently begged with her mouth. The look of tears streaming down her face was very pitiful.

The plea seemed to be effective, when someone in the house grabbed the door handle and tried to open it.

Liu Tianyi ordered: "Go back and sleep."


The people at the door dispersed instantly.

Don't dare to stay.

Perhaps under the influence of Wan Qingrou, many people have had second thoughts and their own evil intentions, but the shadow Liu Tianyi once left on them is still there, and at least they still dare not disobey orders before they completely fall out.

They may also be curious about what is happening outside, but they are more afraid that Liu Tianyi will cause trouble for them.

But when everyone dispersed and was temporarily safe, Lin Sha did not let Lin Sha relax again. She had learned her lesson and did not dare to relax at all. She still held on to the door handle and looked at Liu Tianyi with fear, always feeling that Liu Tianyi would do something else. What an amazing move.

Sure enough, after Liu Tianyi ordered everyone to retreat, he ordered again: "Yang Hao, come here."

"I got you a gift."


Lin Sha's whole body was tense!

If she were a cat, the hair on her body would be exploding by now!

in this state.

There's only one door between them.

Liu Tianyi called Yang Hao over.

What does this devil want to do? !

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