Suburbs are on the edge of the city.

Very big.

Very vast.

Everyone who wants to go somewhere can take many routes, especially in the end of the world where there are no rules.

No one cares about the routes that were once drawn.

Feel free to go against the grain and take shortcuts as you please.

Maybe it's because in the normal world before, there were too many rigid rules, which made some people feel depressed.

As soon as the world ends without rules, people start to let themselves go, and even deliberately do things that are unnecessary but against the rules.

For example, urinating everywhere, deliberately jumping sideways repeatedly on the two-way street, walking here and there.

In a rebellious way.

Release the soul that has been suppressed for a long time.

Of course, it could also be to alleviate the fear of the end of the world. Do you have to do something before you die that you didn’t dare to do before?

Shi Jian and his group were driving in the wrong direction, and many cars on the road were knocked away by them.

But their doing so has nothing to do with rebellion.

It's because it's a shortcut.

This is the fastest way to get to the suburbs.

And from here to the corner, you can break through the guardrail and pass through an undeveloped wasteland, and you can go straight to the golf course!

Shi Jian can't wait!

When he approached the turning point, Shi Jian was even more excited because he could see that the guardrail in front of him had been knocked open.

What does this mean?

This shows that Liu Tianyi probably also took the shortcut they took, and the speculation is completely correct!

Excited, Shi Jian urged again and again.

The traveling speed has accelerated a lot.


On the straight line that Shi Jian walked, there were two townhouses located relatively far away from the road.

There was a group of people stationed inside.

In fact, they knocked down the guardrail.

They didn't know that walking along this straight line would lead to a golf course. They were just fleeing.

He took a shortcut into the suburbs and once there was no danger, he randomly found a place to stay on the road.

They were the same group of people who confiscated the pistols from the law enforcement office.

The leader's name is Wang Peng.

Wang Peng used to be a very ordinary otaku who only dared to fight with others on the Internet, looking like a grumpy old man.

In reality, it is submissive and inconspicuous.

From childhood to adulthood, my life has been unremarkable, like a speck of dust in the vast sea of ​​people, as if I am a passerby to the whole world.

The only thing that can make him feel a sense of existence is to compete with others in games. Winning in the rant is more satisfying than winning in the game.

In fact, in reality, Wang Peng also wants to be a grumpy old man.

In this way, no one dares to mess with him, no one dares to ignore him.

But he didn't dare.

Don't know how to start either.

Until the end of the world, Wang Peng saw an opportunity.

In this world where you will die if you don't be ruthless, isn't it just the right time to change?

Even if he's just pretending, he still has to make people think he's a ruthless person!

I can no longer be an ordinary person!

So Wang Peng relied on his disguised ruthless image to make many survivors he met willing to be his little brother.

Even if he wasn't his younger brother, he wouldn't mess with him.

And he was very lucky. Two or three days after the end of the world started, he went to search the law enforcement office and found that the gun was still there.

With a real gun in hand, Wang Peng became even more arrogant.

He has even considered himself a real ruthless person.

But the good times didn't last long. The search for a gun seemed to have exhausted Wang Peng's luck. Just a few days after he was free and happy, he encountered a pride of lions.

This is crazy!

Who would have thought that there is a wildlife park in the small town of Tangyan, and the animals in it ran out and bumped into a group of them!

As an otaku, Wang Peng could not have expected such a thing, and lacked the ability to adapt and respond to crises.

When faced with a pride of lions, the only thing you know is to fight. If you can't beat them, then hide. If you can't hide, then run away.

Finally, after losing seven or eight lives, they left the lions behind and took a shortcut to this suburban villa for refuge.

In fact, we have to thank so many zombies on the road, which greatly affects the movement of the lions, otherwise their death toll may have doubled.

When they arrived at the suburban villa, the situation did not get better, because they found that the food they brought was too little, and there was not much food in the villa. They would be hungry if they could not hold on for long.

The successive problems and the deaths of so many people gradually made his subordinates doubt Wang Peng's leadership ability.

They were all discussing quietly in private.

Wang Peng was also very irritable. He didn't expect his luck to be so bad. Apart from finding a gun, he never encountered a good thing.

At this time, a subordinate who was looking around with a telescope suddenly came to report: "Brother Wang, a convoy is approaching us. It seems that it is going to pass us. Are you going to rob them?"

Wang Peng yelled: "I'm taking your head! You think you're very powerful, don't you? You can't see how many people we have died with your dog's eyes? If you fight someone again, the whole group will be wiped out! Silly thing! Just put two Use the gun to scare them away! If you want to beat me again, I will beat the shit out of you first!"

When he is in a bad mood, Wang Peng can't help but transform into a Zuan, as if spewing feces from his mouth can bring him a sense of security.

In the past, his favorite thing to do when he was in a bad mood was to eat a plate of chicken and angrily complain about the ninety-nine people on the plane before parachuting. This has become a way for him to vent his anger.

In addition to being in a bad mood and wanting to vent, Wang Peng actually also had an ominous premonition.

Because ever since the gun was found, there has been no good luck, one after another, everything has gone wrong.

Although he had a gun in his hand, he still had no confidence. He always felt that if he didn't drive away the convoy quickly, he might be in trouble again. Only by driving away these people could he feel at ease.

The little brother was sprayed bloody and walked away in despair.

I was very dissatisfied. If Wang Peng hadn't planned everyone's food well, would he want to rob everyone when he saw it?

However, he was still very afraid of Wang Peng, a 'ruthless man', and no matter how dissatisfied he was, he still obeyed the orders.

When the convoy was getting closer and closer, two bullets were fired. The younger brother vented his dissatisfaction with Wang Peng on outsiders and shouted angrily: "Where are you stupid? Get away! If you come closer to our territory, I will kill you!" "

The two sudden bullets scared the convoy to slow down.

Under normal circumstances, the next move of the convoy would be to be frightened and speed away immediately. After all, bullets are more dangerous than zombies.

But just as the little brother was feeling proud, what he didn't expect was that the cars suddenly stopped suddenly, and then everyone pushed open the door and jumped out of the car.

Shi Jian, the leader, was full of excitement: "No one else has a real gun! It's them! Go with them!"

Steel ball bullets were fired at the villa. The boy who had just tried to drive people away was almost immediately killed because one of the steel ball bullets hit his eye socket, penetrated into his brain and hit his head on the spot.

Looking at the fallen brother.

Listening to the gunshots outside.

Wang Peng's expression changed drastically: "Lie on the grass!"

Are you really having bad luck again?

Even a group of strangers wouldn't let them go?


the other side.

Liu Tianyi rode an electric bicycle and followed the traces along the way to the suburbs.

He is not a tracking expert, but this group of people left too many traces, and there were even some corpses of women whose heads were shot. This group of people probably threw them out of the car to attract zombies.

Although it was torn apart by zombies, the wounds could still be seen vaguely on the head.

Finally, he saw the broken guardrail. Liu Tianyi moved forward through the gap and kept approaching the two townhouses.

When he was still some distance away, he heard gunshots.

And it was relatively dense gunfire.

There seems to be a war going on.

I thought it was an internal fight, but when Liu Tianyi ditched his electric bike and sneaked over on foot, he discovered that there were two groups of people.

One group of people shot steel ball bullets.

Everyone also had a gun, which seemed to be very cheap.

Liu Tianyi had come into contact with imitation guns and could tell at a glance that they were imitation guns.

And the only ones who can have so many imitation guns are those who have mastered the technology of making guns.

However, the situation in front of me is puzzling.

Why did these two groups of people go to the suburbs and start fighting?

Neither group could find it when they tried to look for it.

With the attitude of searching casually, I found them all at once.

It's really strange.

Regardless, the two groups got together.

Liu Tianyi felt that he was going to make a lot of money this time.

This is the living progress of unlocking each one.

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