The end of the world: I have unlimited cheats

Chapter 45 An unexpected figure

Liu Tianyi was a little surprised when he retracted his fist.

Originally, I just wanted to teach this yellow hair a lesson and had no intention of killing him immediately.

Unexpectedly, the opponent couldn't bear his strange strength, which was several times stronger than that of an ordinary person, and his neck broke when he leaned back too much.

This is a very outrageous way to die.

Well, it's all due to Huang Mao's poor physical fitness, not his problem.

Moreover, there is no unlocking progress at all, it is really a piece of rubbish.

Although Liu Tianyi didn't mean it, to others, Liu Tianyi was deliberately trying to scare them.

When the crisp sound of bone cracking was heard and Huang Mao's head, which should have been facing the front, was hanging upside down at the back, everyone felt their hearts beating half a beat slower.

There was a creepy feeling of suffocation that made them turn pale.

He couldn't help but touch his neck.

Even Murong Guang, who had been full of anger and struggled to get up, was now stiff, with deep fear in his eyes, and his body was gradually shaking.

Especially Wan Qingrou who was kneeling behind. The moment Huang Mao's head hung upside down, the face full of panic before death happened to be face to face with her!

She was also uncontrollably and deeply fearful!

In fact, those who practice martial arts tend to look down on ordinary people.

It can’t be said that I look down upon it, I just subconsciously feel that it is not on the same level.

It’s almost like rich people looking down on poor people.

I feel like I am superior to others in some way.

As time went by, he gradually became a little cold. This kind of coldness was different from Murong Shui's arrogance. It was a kind of pride that came from the heart, like a fairy who does not eat the fireworks of the world.

Although she was forced to kneel down, Wan Qingrou looked down on Liu Tianyi in her heart.

She felt that Liu Tianyi was lucky enough to get a gun and was a scumbag in other aspects. Without the gun, she could defeat Liu Tianyi with one hand.

But now Wan Qingrou doesn't dare to think so.

A punch that sent someone nearly half a meter into the air?

Even her master couldn't achieve such savage strength.

Let alone her.

Wan Qingrou had to bow her head to a man who had a gun and crushed her in terms of strength. She could only say that the defeat was not unfair.

But at this time, no matter how stupid Brother Zhang was, he could see that Liu Tianyi was playing tricks on them.

He had no intention of accepting them as his subordinates or letting them play with women.

Huang Mao was beaten to death with one punch, why don't you run away and wait to die together?

He secretly moved to his sports car, preparing to get in and run away.

It was a pity that Liu Tianyi had been paying attention to him. He raised his hand and shot two blood flowers on his legs with two shots. He immediately fell to the ground, covering his legs and screaming in agony.

"Tie these all up." Liu Tianyi pointed, counting all the dead Huang Mao.

Although I don’t know why, Li Zhongchao, who has just taken over as the leader of the coolie team, will definitely not disobey the leader’s order and immediately run to the bus to find a rope.

Huang Huanggui, who was eager to save her, was also very active at the moment and wanted to show it to Liu Tianyi.

But Murong Shui didn't care about this. What she cared about was that Liu Tianyi actually included her younger brother.

"You... didn't you say you would let us go? Everything here is given to you..." Murong Shui cried anxiously and fearfully.

She was anxious because she was worried about her brother's safety, and because Liu Tianyi had just punched someone to death, she was so scared that she didn't dare to question Liu Tianyi.

When the two contradictory emotions collided, the words that were supposed to be questions turned into trills of grievance.

This rich young lady now looks weak and vulnerable, and makes people want to ravage her. I am afraid that most men with normal sexual orientation will not be able to bear it when they see this scene.

Liu Tianyi was unmoved and replied calmly: "I said everything here belongs to me, and naturally it includes all of you. You just said you have no objection."

"As for letting you go? If I don't kill you, I'll let you go."

Murong Shui immediately stayed where he was.

So she just signed a contract of betrayal?

Moreover, not only selling himself, but also selling everyone?

Why are things like this?

Before Murong Shui could accept this reality, Liu Tianyi grabbed Murong Shui's hair again and forced her to turn her head to look at Murong Guang who was being tied up: "The weather is very hot now, there is no water or food, and we have to be exposed to the sun. If so, how long do you think a person who has been beaten and bruised can last?"

"Guess again, if he died, was he killed by the sun? Or by starvation? Or by thirst? Or all at once?"

It is undoubtedly cruel to make people guess how their brother died.

Every time she heard about a way to die, Murong Shui's delicate body would tremble, and the fear on her pretty face continued to spread.

Liu Tianyi seemed to be waiting for this expression, and finally said his true purpose: "The only way to save your brother now is for you to work hard for me. It can be said that your brother's life and death are completely in your hands. Whether he can survive depends on your next performance."

Murong Shui's psychological defenses had been completely broken. There was no word "resistance" in the dictionary. He could only nod his head tremblingly.

Not far away, Lin Sha remained silent.

When she saw the three people tied up and Murong Shui, who was frightened and had no pride at all, she knew that her guess just now was basically correct.

There is even another one to add, Liu Tianyi has taken a hostage.

Use hostages to control Murong Shui, and indirectly control other people through Murong Shui.

If someone else doesn't work, it may threaten Murong Guang's life. Will Murong Shui be willing?

Lin Sha's heart was filled with chills at this moment.

It was a chill of fear.

In fact, he should have guessed it earlier, because Liu Tianyi said in the auto repair shop that crime is not allowed in his territory.

It's just that Liu Tianyi is usually too much of a bad guy, so it's easy for people to forget his words.

It wasn't until all the bad guys were taken away and a rich young lady was made to be submissive, like a pitiful little kitten, that I suddenly remembered.

To be honest, if Liu Tianyi was just a ruthless and decisive tyrant leader with no brains.

These subordinates can still be a little clever occasionally, such as being lazy or something.

But Liu Tianyi is not only powerful and violent, he also has brains and can scheme against people.

This is very scary...

They have no other choice but to obey.

If you dare to cause trouble, you will be killed in a matter of minutes.

Who can outplay Liu Tianyi?

At least Lin Sha felt she couldn't.

Lin Sha is a smart woman. She knows that when she cannot resist, she should cut off all small thoughts.

Facing such a terrifying man, the only way to survive is to be obedient and obedient.

And after solving these people's affairs.

Liu Tianyi drove Murong Shui's Porsche and left the golf course alone.

Go to [Lao Li Agricultural Supplies Store]

Farming is about to begin.

Farming is not just about having seeds.

Some necessary auxiliary agricultural tools cannot be missing, otherwise it will be difficult to turn over the soil.

Lao Li's agricultural supply store has almost all tools. When the Porsche arrived at lightning speed, Liu Tianyi began to move it.

Hoes, picks, shovels, sickles...

Throw them all at the car.

If it can't fit, put it on the roof of the car and tie it up.

Liu Tianyi didn't cherish this high-end sports car at all, and it still smelled like a beautiful woman.

Let these tools scratch out many marks.

Not only because of the end of the world, there are a lot of cars on the roadside that can be driven at will, but it seems to be a bit of a rush to work.

Because Liu Tianyi deliberately left Wan Qingrou on the golf course without doing anything to deal with it.

He wanted to go back quickly, maybe he would catch this woman causing trouble.

Why wasn't this woman dealt with?

Just give her a chance to cause trouble.

Test whether this person can stay.

In fact, Liu Tianyi still wanted to keep this woman who could crush everyone with her strength.

After all, no one likes to have many talented people under his command.

But this woman, from a certain perspective, was more arrogant than Murong Shui.

Not so easy to conquer.

The way to deal with it is to be more extreme.

Liu Tianyi now gives Wan Qingrou two choices.

One is to temporarily tolerate it and help him do things, and the other is to start trouble as soon as he leaves.

If Wan Qingrou chooses the second.

Liu Tianyi will kill her without hesitation to avoid hidden dangers in the future.

She definitely didn't expect that he would come back so quickly. She would know if he had caused trouble when he got back.

But just as Liu Tianyi packed up a large number of farm tools and prepared to return to the golf course.

An accident happened.

He actually saw a completely unexpected figure.

I wandered past Lao Li's Agricultural Supplies Store.

this person……

No, I should say zombies.

It's Ding Tianlong!

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