The end of the world: I have unlimited cheats

Chapter 3 Outside the Staff Lounge

Not bitten by a zombie but infected with the zombie virus.

This possibility is not impossible.

But only on the first day of the end of the world.

That day, 90% of the people in the world suddenly turned into zombies and attacked humans.

This is the only inexplicable mutation Liu Tianyi knows about.

But it's been a week now, will this happen again?

He thought it was unlikely.

If there were a wave from time to time, human beings would have become extinct long ago, and there would be no way to survive.

That situation should be regarded as a kind of random screening. The unlucky ones turned into zombies, and the lucky ones were the survivors.

God can't do anything to these poor and rare survivors again.

and so.

Liu Tianyi felt that his infection with the zombie virus was not an accident.

It was definitely influenced by external forces.

Think carefully.

Before being infected with the zombie virus, I only drank one drink.

That is to say, the bottle of drink that was overturned in the toy store and formed a puddle of water was the same puddle of water that was used to look in the mirror in front.

Is there something wrong with that bottle of drink?

If this is really the case, then Liu Tianyi probably knows who the murderer is.


The murderer is still in the mall!

Of course, you can't do things based on your own guesses.

Still need some evidence.

Liu Tianyi knows how to find evidence.

When his strength recovered enough to support normal walking, he left the snack shop.

When the end of the world first came, he was shopping in this shopping mall with a lot of traffic, so he was unlucky enough to be blocked by a large group of zombies.

Later, I hid in the employee lounge with a few people.

There were several boxes of instant noodles, rice-treasure porridge, and drinks inside, so they didn't have to worry about food for the time being and could hide safely for a few days.

Six days later.

Most of the food was consumed.

But the rescue was delayed.

After discussion, three people were selected by drawing lots to go out to look for food.

Liu Tianyi was one of the three people selected.

Now it seems.

Eighty percent of it is fishy.

The evidence he is looking for is the other two people. Just look at their conditions.

Waiting in two other shops, they found two people who had turned into zombies without any bite marks on their bodies.

Liu Tianyi has completely understood.

Getting infected yourself is not an accident.

He was harmed by someone!

If it weren't for his good luck and unexpected encounters from the sky, he would definitely end up like these two people.

Become a walking corpse.

Thinking of this makes me feel full of anger.

But even though I was extremely angry, I wanted to go find the murderer immediately and fight for my life.

But Liu Tianyi still suppressed it.

He still has doubts.

He obviously didn't offend anyone, and he even ventured out to look for food.

Even if you are not grateful to him, there is no need to harm him, right?

If you want to find out the reason why you were killed, I'm afraid you can only find out the murderer.

Liu Tianyi is not afraid of zombies now.

Just pass by zombies one after another.

It didn't take long for me to arrive outside the employee lounge.

At this time, he found that his hearing had also become stronger. Even if he was slightly pressed against the door, he could clearly hear the whispers of the people inside in low voices.

Probably one of the benefits you get after surviving the zombie virus.

Hearing modifications and enhancements.

Liu Tianyi didn't react much, after all, he had even the most awesome plug-ins.

Don’t be too surprised by this little benefit.

Start listening to the conversation inside.


"Brother Li, Brother Chen, you should really be able to take us out, right?"

"The lives of these two sisters are entirely in your hands."

A sweet female voice sounded.

"Hahaha! Don't worry!"

"Both Lao Chen and I have been around in society and have rich fighting experience. It's no problem to deal with those idiot zombies. If there weren't too many of them, we would have gone out and chopped them to death!"

"As for escaping, it's easy. Just make some noise to lure them away. It's easier than teasing a dog!"

Brother Li was very confident and hugged the woman with a smile:

"Besides, the owner of this shopping mall is not a good person. He secretly built an underground casino underground. There are a lot of contraband that you can enjoy!"

"Even... there's a gun!"

"The unlucky boss has been bitten to death by zombies. I also found the key to the underground casino from his body. Then we will hide underground and no amount of zombies can touch us!"

"Ah! Brothers are so awesome! They have a hiding place and a gun, they are invincible!" The sweet woman immediately flattered him and acted coquettishly in Brother Li's arms.

Brother Li was obviously very pleased with this kind of flattery, his expression was extremely proud, and his hands began to become restless.

Seeing this scene, Lao Chen seemed a little unable to hold back, so he also pulled the other woman into his arms, and said with a proud smile while making love:

"Hehe! Once we get the gun and slowly clear out all the zombies here, the entire shopping mall's supplies will be ours! We can hide here for a year without any problem!"

"As long as you two little bitches take care of your brothers, you can enjoy the blessings in the future! You don't have to do anything, just dress up beautifully and let us do the other things!"

Lao Chen made a pun.

Bite a certain word very hard.

With a wicked smile on his face.

"It's disgusting! It's so bad!"

The two women smiled charmingly:

"Isn't it obvious to all that we have feelings for our big brothers? As soon as you hinted that you didn't like those three young men, we immediately secretly injected zombie blood into the drinks they were going to take out. They have probably become It’s a zombie!”

"You did a good job on this matter."

The two men nodded at the same time, then looked disdainful:

"Those three idiots really thought we were going to evacuate with them. How dare we share food and women with them!"

"Don't think about it without thinking about it, are they worthy?"

"As stupid as pigs! You don't even believe in a fair draw. They deserve to die outside!"

"Especially the one named Liu Tianyi. He's quite handsome. Damn it! I hate these handsome and young idiots the most! If something happens to them, they are all useless showpieces. It's better to die early. Super life!"

"However, we didn't expect that you two little ladies could come up with such cruel ways to harm people. It seems that the saying that the most poisonous woman's heart is still has some truth, and it suits us very well! Hahaha!"

"Come on, baby! Let's have a taste of how poisonous you are!"

Then there was a sound that only adults can understand.


Outside the staff lounge.

Liu Tianyi raised his head expressionlessly.

Maybe I was too angry, but now I am not angry anymore.

His eyes were so calm that it was scary.

After some eavesdropping.

He has learned all the truth and reasons.


It's time to take action.

Liu Tianyi slowly backed away and walked slowly to the zombies.

And these zombies were also very weird, actually following him one by one, making the team of zombies following him grow larger and larger, surrounding the employee lounge.

Against the backdrop of the large group of swaying figures, he, the leader, seemed to be in the dark...

The King of Zombies!

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