Back to the mall.

It's already dinner time.

It wouldn't have been so late, but this time I brought a dozen people back, which was a little troublesome.

The zombies all want to taste this load of fresh flesh and blood.

Fortunately, there was an escape tunnel in the basement, which led directly to the third building next to the mall, a clothing store.

Only then were we able to successfully bring the person into the basement.

When we arrived at a safe place, we couldn't hear the roars of zombies, and everyone's tense nerves relaxed a little.

Looking around curiously.

People who live nearby have come to this large shopping mall to shop before.

Unexpectedly, there is such a huge basement space under the shopping mall.

As refined as a luxury hotel.

“What a great place.”

Fatty Huang Jingui sighed.

He is also a businessman, but he is not on the same level as the owner of this shopping mall.

Being able to spend huge sums of money to build such a luxurious basement is considered a wealthy person.

"What are you feeling? Did you take you on a sightseeing tour?"

"Go and do your work. Collect all the useful things in all the rooms and put them together in categories."

"That fat man, I think you talk the most nonsense, so you will be responsible for supervising other people. If anyone steals my supplies or is lazy and refuses to work, I will beat you, the person in charge, to death."

While everyone was looking around, Liu Tianyi's voice came.


Huang Jingui suddenly turned pale.

I wish I could slap myself twice.

Why did he talk so much about emotion, but he was targeted by Liu Tianyi, and he was held responsible for other people's mistakes.

In order not to be beaten to death, he hurriedly called on others to do things without daring to delay at all.

Yang Hao next to him felt the same way.

He also talked too much, and ended up being targeted by Liu Tianyi.

At that time, I wanted to slap myself twice.

"You two stay and cook."

Yang Hao and the other three were also ready to follow, but Liu Tianyi left Lin Sha and Xiao Loli behind.

Yang Hao honestly left alone.

Just cooking anyway.

It's not like doing anything else.

Before, he would have been worried about his girlfriend and sister being alone with a strange man.

Especially at the end of the world, in an environment where order has collapsed.

But now he really doesn't dare to provoke Liu Tianyi. This man who kills people at every turn is too scary.


Everyone is busy.

Only Liu Tianyi was very leisurely. He even opened a bottle of frozen Budweiser beer and sat comfortably on the sofa.

Speaking of which, he would also wash some rice and put it in the rice cooker, or fry an egg and make some noodles.

Even if I have the ingredients, I don’t know how to cook it.

At most, it is cooked and eaten.

There were so many rooms in the basement. He knew there were a lot of supplies that could be used, but he didn't bother to sort them into categories.

It would be really troublesome if we didn't bring these people back.

And with so many servants at his disposal, all the things he was too lazy to do could be left to them.

It felt easy all of a sudden.

Just keep talking and watch from the side.

Liu Tianyi finally tasted the sweetness and experienced the pleasure of being the boss.

I also started thinking about how to control this group of people.

Make these people work harder for him.

In troubled times, heroes emerge.

In fact, deep down in every man's heart, there is the urge to be the boss and dominate.

When Liu Tianyi was thinking about how to control people.

Something called ambition.

Sprouting quietly.


Lin Sha and Xiao Loli seem to have good cooking skills.

It didn't take long.

Liu Tianyi smelled the aroma of vegetables.

Others also smelled it and came out of various rooms, sniffing hard.

"smell good!"

"Is dinner finally ready?"

"I'm almost hungry, I must eat enough!"

Everyone was swallowing.

Especially those who were previously incarcerated.

Before they surrendered, Ding Tianlong would not feed them at all.

There are only some leftovers every day, and a group of people have to fight to eat them.

Take a closer look.

There are actually vegetables and meat.

Still radiating heat!

A woman who had been hungry for two days immediately picked up a pair of chopsticks excitedly.

But Liu Tianyi slapped her chopsticks away:

"You can only eat white rice, not vegetables."

Everyone, including Lin Sha and Little Loli, looked stunned.

Liu Tianyi asked them to cook a meal for twenty people, five large plates of dishes, and thought they were all eating together.

Didn't you expect not to give them a single dish?

"Well... boss, you get a lot of supplies at the auto repair shop. Actually... you don't need to save so much..."

Huang Jingui was so greedy that he couldn't help but speak cautiously.

"No matter how much supplies we have, they are still mine, what does it have to do with you?"

Liu Tianyi asked in return, leaving Huang Jingui speechless.

Then Liu Tianyi continued:

"Listen, from now on you call me leader and work for me. I will provide you with 500 milliliters of water, a bowl of porridge and a bowl of rice per person per day. Other than that, you will not have any food."

"Only those who work hard and make contributions can get more food, better treatment, and even my rewards."

"Of course, you can also disobey my rules. For those who are lazy, don't work hard, and try to steal my supplies, I will severely punish them or directly execute them."

Liu Tianyi's words caused an uproar.

Everyone was in disbelief.

Food is actually in limited supply.

And so little?

A bowl of porridge and a bowl of rice are not enough to satisfy you, and there is not even a side dish. This is too much.

The same goes for water.

The total water for fourteen people a day is not enough to take a bath in peacetime.

Follow these rules.

Don’t you have to endure hunger and thirst every day?

Many people are dissatisfied.

Almost all of these people were arrested and imprisoned from the supermarket, that is, Yang Haolinsha's colleagues.

They had been taking refuge in a supermarket before being taken away.

I can eat and drink enough every day.

Naturally, I can’t stand this limited supply rule.

Just out of fear of Liu Tianyi, they did not dare to protest and tried to restrain their expressions.

And some people are dissatisfied.

Of course some people can accept it.

Like the five women who survived on the roof of the bus.

Although they were forced to succumb to Ding Tianlong, they had to be insulted every time before they could get food.

Even so, Ding Tianlong still didn't let them eat enough, making them look like cheap pheasants.

Living a very humble life.

In contrast, here in Liu Tianyi, as long as they work hard, they can get stable food every day, and they are already very content.

At least he won't starve to death.

The most important thing is that they were abandoned by Liu Tianyi once, as if they had experienced a life and death wandering.

Now I feel that being alive is a gift from God.

Therefore, their acceptance level is the highest.

Liu Tianyi had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, and naturally saw the dissatisfaction of some people.

But he didn't care for the time being.

Just start the meal.

He hadn't had a hot meal for more than half a month, and he ate deliciously.

With the farming plan, there is no need to save fresh food. This meal will directly use up all the fresh ingredients.

Steamed lobster with garlic paste, fish with green pepper, stewed potatoes with pumpkin, stir-fried bacon with onions, fish head and bean curd stick...

There are places selling rice cookers and induction cookers in shopping malls, all made with these tools.

I heard that dishes cooked on an induction cooker are not as delicious as those cooked over an open flame in an iron pot, and the taste is not as pure.

But Liu Tianyi felt that it was already delicious.

It tastes much better than ordering takeout before.

Whether it was before or after the apocalypse, it was the most delicious meal he had ever had.

He enjoyed the food, but others were greedy.

Everyone looked at them eagerly.

White rice didn't have a very obvious taste to begin with. After watching Liu Tianyi eat vegetables and smelling the aroma of vegetables coming over, the white rice became even more tasteless.

It tastes like chewing wax.

They were all looking forward to Liu Tianyi eating up quickly and leaving some leftovers for them.

After all, it was five large plates, enough for seven or eight people.

It's definitely not enough for one person to finish.


They underestimated Liu Tianyi's appetite.

Liu Tianyi already has an appetite that is several times that of an ordinary person. He spent a lot of energy going out today, so his appetite is even greater.

Five large dishes were eaten by him alone.

I also ate six bowls of rice.

Everyone was stunned.

It turns out that this man is not only very powerful in fighting, he also has a very strong appetite...

I was amazed and disappointed at the same time.

There were no leftovers to eat.

Yang Hao was also one of those who was so greedy that he swallowed his saliva. At this moment, he saw that Liu Tianyi was full and drinking ice-cold Budweiser. He couldn't help but tentatively said:

"Chief... Chief, Shasha and I can help you farm and breed. This should be considered a contribution, right?"

Not only does he want to eat better for himself, but he also thinks about his family.

I hope to use my professional knowledge to contribute and improve my family’s living conditions.

Since you can't resist, it's better to follow the rules. Talents will be popular wherever they go.

Of course, he didn't dare to use his ability to ask for a price, but he was very careful in his tone of discussion.

Liu Tianyi drank up the frozen Budweiser in one breath, and then glanced at Yang Hao.

This is the first person who follows the rules and hopes to make a contribution within the rules.

is a good start.

He is satisfied.

However, he has no plans to farm in the basement or in the shopping mall above.

"When I need to use your abilities, I will naturally improve your treatment."

Leave a word behind.

Liu Tianyi went back to the luxurious bedroom alone.

As for clearing tables and washing dishes, of course it is the servants who do it.

In the room.

There is a very detailed map of the town.

Liu Tianyi already has an idea about where to farm.

In addition, there are several carts of supplies hidden near the shopping mall, which must be moved back as soon as possible, and the group who searched for the law enforcement agency's pistol must also find a way to find them.

There is a lot to do.

Tomorrow should be a busy day.


The author says:

Thank you [Chinese Radon Radon Qi] for the mountain climbing invitation, and thank you [Sand Sculpture Virus has broken out] for the mountain climbing invitation.

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