The end of the world: I have unlimited cheats

Chapter 14 The Doomsday Emperor

Ding Tianlong.

He is a bus driver.

Growing up, people laughed at his rustic name, which was on the same level as Long Aotian in the novel.

But he doesn't think so.

Especially after watching several TV series, he became even more excited and felt that his name had a deeper meaning.

Ding Tianlong.

It’s Dingtianlong!

He believes that he is the son of destiny, the incarnation of the Nine-Five Lord, and the reincarnation of an ancient emperor!

Maybe everyone has had this fantasy when they were young and immature.

I feel like I am the most special person in the world, I feel like I will have an extraordinary life, and I feel like I was a super powerful being in my previous life.

Ding Tianlong was distracted by all kinds of dreamy fantasies in the second grade of middle school. His academic performance was always at the bottom of the class and he left school early to work in the society.

He didn't wake up until he entered society and realized that he was just a tiny speck of dust among all living beings.

Infighting among colleagues.

The boss criticized and cursed.

The girl he likes rolls his eyes with disdain.

The trivial matters of daily life.

Financial and family distress.

Countless heavy pressures made him breathless, and at the same time shattered his previous illusions.

He began to be pushed away by life.

He began to think about things that ordinary people should think about.

Busyness and pressure have smoothed his edges.

this year.

Ding Tianlong is forty years old.

Through my own efforts, I got my driver's license and started running buses for a company.

I can barely make over 10,000 yuan every month.

He also has his own wife and children.

His wife is not good-looking, but she knows how to live a good life, and she gave birth to a big fat boy for him.

Except for occasionally secretly going to the hospital with friends, Ding Tianlong's daily life is the same as that of other ordinary people.

He has already adapted and accepted reality.

When he wakes up from his dream in the middle of the night and wakes up in bed, he sometimes thinks of the unrealistic fantasies he had when he was young.

But he just laughed at himself and went back to sleep.

Originally, Ding Tianlong's life would have passed slowly like this.


But there is also a touch of satisfaction.

He learned to be content with what he had.

Until the day when the end of the world comes, everything takes a sharp turn and the trajectory of life undergoes a serious change.

That day.

It happened to be Ding Tianlong's 40th birthday.

He finished his last order, drove the car back to the bus terminal headquarters, and was about to go home to celebrate his birthday with his family.

Then I saw the tragedy in the world!

Countless people turned into zombies, biting their former compatriots!

Blood stained the entire passenger terminal red!

Everyone in the passenger terminal was dead. Only Ding Tianlong drove the bus that was still running in fear and fled frantically from the passenger terminal that had turned into a hell.

He must have been horrified at first.

But after he lit a cigarette and gradually calmed down, he suddenly felt that this was some kind of divine will.

think about it.

Today happens to be his birthday.

Moreover, among the hundreds or thousands of people in the passenger terminal, he was the only one to escape.

What a coincidence?

Isn’t it destiny?

On the way home, Ding Tianlong saw a collapsed world, with people biting and eating people everywhere.

He became more certain of his thoughts.

He believes that he is indeed the son of destiny and the incarnation of the Nine-Five Lord.

It's just that in modern society, no emperor is allowed to appear.


God created this catastrophe.

All rules and order were shattered.

Just to pave the way for him!

Let him ascend to the throne!

Ding Tianlong's heart beat wildly, and the ambitions and fantasies of his youth were reactivated and burned out of control like a prairie fire.

When he got home.

Two zombies were frantically beating on the wooden door of his house.

There were also the cries of his wife and son inside.

He forcibly held back the pain in his heart and cold-bloodedly chose to watch.

In the end, he watched zombies break into the door and bite his wife and children to death.

Ding Tianlong is actually capable of saving his wife and children. Because he likes to play baseball, he custom-made a pure steel baseball bat for his collection.

Just take out the steel baseball bat and you can smash the heads of the two zombies.

But he didn't do this.

Because he felt that the king was ruthless and it was time to draw a clear line from the mediocrity of the past.

You must say goodbye to your ordinary wife and children in order to achieve supreme hegemony!

He is a born emperor, and ordinary family members will only hinder his progress!

"I'm sorry, wife and son. I believe that when I become the Emperor of Doom, you in heaven will understand what I have done..."


Ding Tianlong murmured to himself.

Then he firmly pushed open the door of the auto repair shop.

"Long live my emperor! Long live! Long live!"

Suddenly there was a chorus of voices outside the door, and nearly thirty people were kneeling there, just like ancient courtiers paying homage to the emperor.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! My beloveds are all straight!"

Ding Tianlong laughed wildly!

The mood that was a bit dark just now because I thought about the tragic death of my wife and son instantly turned into a high-spirited mood!

At the beginning of the end of the world, he collected a lot of food on the bus, and then used the food to coerce and lure many survivors.

Then using this as a foundation, more food was collected.

He snatched more people as his 'subjects'.

Now, he has more than thirty people under his command.

The power is constantly expanding!

The mentality is also constantly expanding!

It's time to further expand your power!

"Soldiers, follow me on the expedition!"

"Once all the remaining supplies are emptied out of the supermarket on Hujin Road, we will attack the large shopping mall on Xingdong Street! Get more resources and more manpower!"

"When I dominate the world and dominate the world, you will all have the merit of following the dragon! I will ensure that you are prosperous and wealthy and become my important ministers!"

Ding Tianlong held a steel baseball bat and gave orders loudly and proudly.


"Is there something wrong with these people's brains?"

In a relatively tall building near the auto repair shop, Liu Tianyi was secretly observing the auto repair shop with a children's telescope on the top floor and saw everything that happened in front of the shop.

The end of the world has just begun less than half a month ago, and there are already people who regard themselves as emperors.

It doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with my brain, I can’t explain it.


They are all a bunch of people who are dying.

It doesn't matter whether there is something wrong with your brain.

According to the specific location given by Yang Haolinsha, Liu Tianyi found this place.

An auto repair shop on Tianyuan Road.

After a simple investigation, it turned out that this group of people was the same group that committed atrocities in the supermarket.


They don't just have to empty supermarkets of supplies.

He also covets the supplies from the large shopping mall on Xingdong Street.

Liu Tianyi is located on Xingdong Street, and the large shopping mall that this group of people refers to is the shopping mall that he defines as his 'own territory'.

It seems that they are really destined.

Even if he doesn't come today, this group of people will attack his mall in a day or two at most.

It can be said that we will encounter it sooner or later.

There must be a battle.

But the current situation has gone a bit wrong, because the arrogance of Ding Tianlong and his group has exposed their position, allowing Liu Tianyi to strike first.

With his current character, he wouldn't think there's anything wrong with striking first.

There is such a good opportunity.

It should be held tightly.

Perhaps the attack on the shopping mall is just a plan of Ding Tianlong and his group, and has not yet been implemented.

Strictly speaking, they still have no grudges against Liu Tianyi.

But Liu Tianyi doesn't care so much.

Even if it's just an idea for his mall.

Just thinking about it.

It was enough to make him murderous.

What's more, this group of people also took away most of the supermarket supplies he wanted.

This also made him very unhappy.

In short.

He could find a hundred reasons to kill this group of people.

No reason is even needed.

Selfishness is the best reason.

However, after taking out his pistol and aiming it for a while, Liu Tianyi quickly gave up his plan to take action immediately.

Because his marksmanship is terrible.

I am a newbie to playing with guns.

At a higher place, with a distance of more than ten meters, even if he used up all the bullets, he was still not sure of annihilating the group.

Once this group of people find a chance to breathe, they will hide in the auto repair shop.

Attacking becomes more difficult.

Liu Tianyi didn't want to leave any trouble.

Take action.

It must be guaranteed to be completely destroyed.

He decided to wait and find a suitable opportunity.

It just so happened that these people were getting ready to go out.

It can be solved on the road.

If the situation is right.

Maybe you can even get some help from your zombie friends.

For Liu Tianyi, who will not be bitten by zombies, the end of the world is simply his home field, and no one is his opponent.

As long as these people don't hide in their homes.

Who he wants dead.

Whoever must die.

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