
Chapter 566 Transformation into a Dragon

From the moment they set out on their journey, the two brothers were no longer simple practitioners but warriors seeking the truth. They headed southwest, experiencing countless hardships and life-and-death tests along the way. They saw the light and darkness of human nature; they witnessed the warmth and coldness and joy and sorrow of the world; they understood more deeply the true meaning and value of the Tao of Xuanmen. In this process, they gradually understood a truth: there are right and wrong ways in the world, and it is difficult to distinguish right from wrong. They began to learn to look at the world with a more rational and comprehensive perspective and no longer be easily confused by superficial phenomena.

Finally, when the two brothers stood in front of the gate of Qingli Palace, they found that they were no longer the ignorant teenagers. Their hearts were filled with awe and love for Xuanmen and full of expectations and longings for the future. They knew that no matter how bumpy the road ahead was, they would continue to move forward unswervingly because they believed that as long as they had the Tao in their hearts, they would be fearless.

On the shore of the vast South China Sea, the two brothers embarked on their journey to find a master. This was not only a pursuit of martial arts, but also a profound exploration of destiny. They shuttled between the Cangyun Sect, Jiufang Water Pavilion and other sects, leaving their sincere footprints and unremitting inquiries in each place. These sects, as the legend says, are all the best in the Xuanmen, with the Cangyun Sect at the top being even more famous and awe-inspiring.

Cangyun Sect, a sect that has stood for hundreds of years, is known to the world for its strictness in accepting disciples. The Canglong Stone, the legendary divine stone, stood quietly in front of the Baiyun Hall of the Jiuxian Divine Hall, as if it was a touchstone to test the character and qualifications of every disciple. The two brothers stood in front of the Canglong Stone with great expectation, and each dripped their blood on it. However, to their surprise, the Canglong Stone had no reaction at all, and two white mists rose quickly, announcing that their first attempt ended in failure. Although the master in charge of accepting disciples saw that they had extraordinary qualifications, the rules were like this, so he could only shake his head and sigh helplessly.

Fortunately, they met Bai Qianyi, a legendary figure who would become an emperor in the future. Although Bai Qianyi had not yet ascended the throne, he had already demonstrated extraordinary talent and vision. Seeing that the two brothers had outstanding talents, he did not want them to be buried, so he personally wrote a letter of recommendation and guided them to continue their studies at Jianyin Sect in the northern border.

Northern Frontier, a place full of war and disputes, is the territory guarded by the Sword Hidden Sect. The two brothers went through hardships and finally arrived at this land shrouded in war. They knew that it would not be easy to pass the test of the Sword Hidden Sect. However, they did not back down, but strengthened their beliefs.

On the way to Jianyinmen, they encountered disciples of Wanmoyuan Demon Sect. These evil people, led by Gong Jiuhua, acted eccentrically, but Gong Jiuhua himself was a broad-minded hero who respected the wise and humble. He not only spared the two brothers, but also gave them a token to ensure that they had a smooth journey. The two brothers remembered this kindness in their hearts.

Finally, they arrived at the location of Jianyin Sect - Canshan Mountain. The mountain was towering into the clouds, surrounded by mist, like a fairyland. They took out Bai Qianyi's letter and explained their purpose to the disciples on duty. After some verification, they were welcomed into the mountain gate. In the hall, the two brothers waited expectantly for the judgment of fate.

However, the rules for accepting disciples of the Sword Hidden Sect were also strict. They were asked to go to the Sword Cliff to find their own natal swords. This was a task that tested their character and perseverance. The two brothers followed the rules and set foot on the Sword Cliff. After three days of hard searching and hard sensing, they finally found a sword that looked ordinary but contained spirituality. These swords seemed to be connected to their hearts, making them feel unprecedented power and confidence.

However, just as they were about to drip their blood to acknowledge their master and officially become disciples of the Hidden Sword Sect, something unexpected happened. The second brother Zhu Chunhua first asked the eldest brother Zhu Chunguang to drip his blood to acknowledge his master. However, when Zhu Chunguang's three drops of blood dripped onto the sword, they were instantly absorbed by the Heavenly Demon Token he was carrying. Suddenly, the demonic light became stronger and black smoke rolled around Zhu Chunguang's body. This scene shocked everyone present.

As the eldest disciple of Jianyin Sect, the future Qingfeng Emperor and the head of the sect, Bo Liangzi is well aware of the weight and significance of the Heavenly Demon Order. He suspects that the two brothers have a close connection with the Ten Thousand Demons Abyss. However, before the truth is revealed, he did not act rashly but chose to observe carefully and investigate in depth.

This sudden change has plunged the fate of the two brothers into uncertainty again. Can they solve the mystery and prove their innocence? Can they successfully join the Sword Hidden Sect and realize their martial arts dreams? All this will be gradually revealed as the story progresses...

In the ever-changing world of cultivation, two brothers suddenly appeared, like ghosts in the dark night, quietly descending on this peaceful land. Their arrival was not only accompanied by a mysterious atmosphere, but also carried a heart-pounding mystery - although Bai Qianyi's handwritten letter was a token of trust, it was difficult to completely wash away the suspicion that they were secretly involved with the evil ways. What was particularly eye-catching was that one of them actually carried the legendary Heavenly Demon Order. This discovery undoubtedly linked the identities of the two closely to the shadow of the Ten Thousand Demons Abyss. Even the slightest contact was enough to cause an uproar.

Bo Liangzi, the leader of the Hidden Sword Sect, has a heavenly level of cultivation that is unprecedented in history. Facing this strange phenomenon, he showed his strength without hesitation, intending to subdue the two immediately and get to the bottom of it. However, things in the world are often unexpected. The Heavenly Demon Order seemed to have self-awareness. At the critical moment, it was eager to protect its master and absorbed three drops of Zhu Chunguang's blood. This unintentional act accidentally touched the shocking secret hidden in the Heavenly Demon Order - a life-saving method that the ancestor of the Demon Mountain personally sealed.

This life-saving method was left by the Demon Mountain Patriarch for his direct lineage and confidants. When in danger, three drops of blood can be dripped to activate it. Then, a demonic aura from the Demon Mountain Patriarch surges out and tightly wraps the person holding the order. Under the protection of this aura, the person holding the order can communicate with the Demon Mountain Patriarch's Xuantian Dharma Image in half a cup of tea. What kind of majesty and power is that, enough to scare both the good and the evil. The Demon Mountain Patriarch, a generation of demon lords, the power of his Xuantian Dharma Image, how can ordinary people resist it? Even a heavenly-level strongman like Bo Liangzi had to temporarily avoid the edge in the face of this sudden change.

Zhu Chunguang, the innocent person involved, was now carrying the evil spirit and could not help but perform the Xuantian Dharma Image. As soon as the Dharma Image appeared, the Jianyin Sect was shaken. Over the Canshan Mountain, more than a dozen streams of light flashed like lightning and arrived in an instant. Each of them was a cultivator above the Heavenly Rank. They looked solemn and glanced back and forth between Bo Liangzi and Zhu Chunhua. The three-foot-long blade in Zhu Chunhua's hand was neither jade nor stone, neither iron nor steel, but it revealed an extraordinary aura. It was a magic weapon obtained by the Jianyin Sect when it accepted disciples, which was enough to prove its extraordinary identity.

Faced with this sudden change, the people of Jianyin Sect reacted quickly, and someone took direct action to restrict Zhu Chunhua's cultivation, just in case. Zhu Chunhua was filled with fear and trepidation. He couldn't understand why his elder brother, who grew up with him, had such magical powers, but he also understood that Jianyin Sect was the leader of the righteous path and would definitely handle this matter impartially. He had a strong character, and although his skills were low, he felt relieved when he saw that the high-level cultivators of Jianyin Sect were so afraid of his elder brother's Dharma image, and waited for the result.

However, things are unpredictable, and Zhu Chunhua underestimated the deep hatred between Jianyinmen and Wanmoyuan. Bo Liangzi alone carries the blood feud of his family's annihilation. His parents, brother, and wife all died because of Wanmoyuan, leaving only a young orphan. Such hatred is enough to make Bo Liangzi highly vigilant and resolute when facing anyone and anything related to Wanmoyuan. Therefore, although Zhu Chunguang may only have some connection with Wanmoyuan, Bo Liangzi has made up his mind and would rather kill someone by mistake than let him go.

Therefore, Bo Liangzi and the high-ranking cultivators of Jianyin Sect quickly formed a sword formation, which aroused millions of Qingfeng sword intentions on the Sword Cliff of Canshan Mountain, and transformed them into the Nine Heavens Demon-Slaying Qi. With unparalleled sharpness as the leader, they slashed directly at Zhu Chunguang, who was carrying the evil spirit and had become a magic image. Zhu Chunguang was already in the middle of it and had no choice but to let the Heavenly Demon Order control him to fly up. However, because his cultivation was too low, he could not provide enough spiritual power to support the Heavenly Demon Order, and the Xuantian Magic Image seemed a little empty and powerless, unable to truly exert its due power. This also provided an opportunity for Bo Liangzi and others to take action.

A thrilling contest unfolds over Canshan Mountain, with sword lights and demonic spirits intertwined, forming a shocking picture. Behind this, hidden is the irreconcilable grudges and hatreds between good and evil. In this contest, who will have the last laugh? Who can solve the mysteries behind this? Everything remains to be revealed.

In this ancient and mysterious land, Zhu Chunguang, a cultivator with a relatively shallow cultivation, was being restrained by an irresistible force - under the control of the Heavenly Demon Order, he was forced to display the majestic posture of the Mysterious Heavenly Dharma Image. However, this hundred-foot-tall body, although seemingly huge, was actually like a mirage, lacking a sense of solidity. The power it contained naturally could not be compared with the Nine Heavens Demon-Slaying Qi that the dozen Heavenly Rank masters in front of him had jointly induced.

Among the dozen masters, Bo Liangzi was particularly eye-catching. He was not only the best in the sect, but also shouldered the important task of taking charge of the sect. With his order, the Nine Heavens Demon-Slaying Qi condensed into a huge sword that covered the sky and the sun. The tip of the sword pointed at the Xuantian Dharma Image transformed by Zhu Chunguang. With a flash of sword light, the giant sword seemed to cut through time and space, and instantly pierced into the huge body, stirring up billowing black smoke and fishy wind, and dragging the surrounding broken mountains and rocks into this fierce battle.

Facing this sudden attack, Zhu Chunguang was terrified, but he could only fight back. He controlled the Xuantian Dharma Image and punched out, trying to resist the sharp edge of the giant sword. However, the disparity in strength between the two sides meant that this attack only barely deflected the giant sword and failed to completely resolve the crisis. Although the giant sword was blasted out of the body, its power was still there, and it flew out to an unknown distance with a whoosh, causing everyone around to exclaim.

At this time, Bo Liangzi did not give up. With a cold look in his eyes, he used the sword technique again. The hundred-foot-long giant sword seemed to have a spirit, and turned back to attack Zhu Chunguang's Xuantian Dharma Image again. This time, his target was directly at the back beam of Zhu Chunguang's brain. Once it hit, Zhu Chunguang would suffer a catastrophic disaster.

However, at this critical moment, a monk who seemed to be from the same sect as Bo Liangzi suddenly stood up. With a trace of reluctance and embarrassment on his face, he shouted loudly to remind Bo Liangzi not to be impulsive. In his opinion, although Zhu Chunguang was carrying the Heavenly Demon Order, his situation was not yet clear, and it might be inappropriate to kill him rashly. His words were full of adherence to morality and respect for life.

However, Bo Liangzi had been blinded by hatred. He only had deep hatred for Wan Mo Yuan in his heart, and had no mercy for Zhu Chunguang in front of him. He snorted coldly, raised the sword formula in his hand again, and the might of the hundred-foot giant sword became more fierce, and went straight to Zhu Chunguang's Xuantian Dharma Image.

At this critical moment, the monk who tried to dissuade him flew up and slapped Bo Liangzi on the shoulder, trying to interrupt his attack. At the same time, he summoned a flash of spiritual light and rushed straight into the endless abyss at the bottom of Jianya Mountain. Although this move failed to completely stop Bo Liangzi's attack, it made the tip of the hundred-foot giant sword deviate from Zhu Chunguang's vital parts.

Even so, the residual power of the giant sword still caused Zhu Chunguang to be seriously injured. Blood gushed out of him and his whole body was stained with blood. He groaned in pain, his eyes full of desire for life and despair for the future.

"What are you doing?" Bo Liangzi's eyes widened as he questioned the monk next to him.

"Brother, are you still not clear-headed? Are you really going to make a big mistake?" The monk shook his head and sighed, his eyes full of worry and disappointment for Bo Liangzi. He knew the hatred and pain in Bo Liangzi's heart, but he also knew that such emotions would only lead him to destruction.

However, Bo Liangzi could not help himself. The evil thoughts in his heart were completely aroused. He roared and pinched the sword again. The hundred-foot-long giant sword once again turned into invisible sword intent, and the Nine Heavens Demon-Slaying Qi flowed towards Zhu Chunguang's Xuantian Dharma Image like a stream of water. At this moment, the whole world seemed to be shocked by this power.

As the sword's will continued to gather and compress, a faint green light appeared in the lavender light. The Xuantian Dharma Image was squeezed and crackled under this powerful force, as if it would collapse at any time. Zhu Chunguang's face showed despair, he knew that his fate had come to an end.

However, at this moment, a mysterious light suddenly descended from the sky. It penetrated all the sword intent and demonic energy and shone directly on Zhu Chunguang. This light seemed to have some kind of magical power, which made the Heavenly Demon Order in Zhu Chunguang's body resonate and react. At this moment, Zhu Chunguang seemed to hear an ancient and profound voice ringing in his ears...

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