Zongman: I have really retired!

Chapter 90 Goodbye...Master Xia You

Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru only stayed in the literary world for half a year.

In the past six months, Xia Youjie accompanied Mimiko and Nanako to get used to life in the literary world. Xia Youjie began to reduce contact with them little by little, tried hard to restrain himself, no longer indulged their desires, and forced them to contact the outside world. , get to know more friends, even though they may be injured inadvertently, Xia Youjie has no regrets as promised, because there will always be a retreat named Xia Youjie behind them...

Although Xia Youjie kept wavering, he finally chose to leave. He... was the one who couldn't accompany them through their entire lives, and the one who should have died long ago...

They will meet someone more interesting than themselves and have a future of their own, instead of living behind Xia Youjie forever. Xia Youjie really hopes that Mimiko and Nanako will gradually forget him as time goes by.

When Mimiko and Nanako were able to make friends and go to school like normal children, Xia Youjie chose to leave.

After saying hello to his friends, Xia Youjie took Gojo Satoru and planned to return to the magic world. He promised Gojo Satoru that he would go back. They planned to be teachers for a few more years to replace the talent shortage in the magic world after the successful reform. Cultivate a few more talents.

Of course, it would be better if they could "incidentally" play with the newly admitted students. The two of them also planned to piss off the poor Noctua Masamichi and Ieiri Glass, so that they could travel around the world when they had free time.

Xia Youjie wants to go to the beach of Izu with Gojo Satoru again, wants to go to the ice and snow to see the aurora for his old friend, wants to climb the Himalayas with Gojo Satoru, wants to have a completely two-person trip without annoying tasks, he has There are so many things I want to do...

After all, he is the only one who is still alive...so I have to go and see what this world is like for them...

Xia Youjie didn't really do anything in the past six months. He drew the first three seasons of the comic with him as the protagonist. They plan to wait until they return to the Curse World before publishing it. The publication of this comic is also related to a very important plan of theirs.

The last time he wanted to go back to the literary world was during the Spring Festival a year later, but Xia Youjie misplaced his time and traveled to three years later. Time is irreversible, and Xia Youjie couldn't go back. Fortunately, it was only three years, not more than ten years or even hundreds of years. After making the mistake of running into the wrong timeline last time, Xia Youjie also had a better memory and specifically told Gojo Satoru to use his six eyes for positioning. From then on, Xia Youjie Jay no longer has to worry about running at the wrong time.

The so-called farewell does not necessarily need a grand ceremony. Most farewells in life are actually silent.

The day Xia Youjie left was neither a special holiday nor a special day, it was just a very ordinary day in the year.

When Mimiko and Nanako came back from school, they discovered that Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru had left. There was only a letter written by Xia Youjie on the table.

Mimiko and Nanako actually had a premonition that Xia Youjie was leaving, and Nanako, who had a bad temper, was the first to shed tears.

She didn't cry loudly, she just shed tears quietly. Mimiko beside her didn't speak either, but the tight fingertips of her fingers that were holding the doll turned white.

She and Nanako were sitting in the corner. She gently put her left hand on Nanako's body to caress and comfort her, but her eyes seemed to be staring into the blurry void in front of her.

She slowly closed her eyes, and the past years came flooding back, and the memories that should have been vague were now deeply embedded in her soul.

Master Xia You... is a very gentle person...

She still remembers the way Master Xiayou held their bony hands and led them out of the darkness. From that day on, Master Xiayou was the only one in their lives.

As long as Mr. Xia You says a word, black can become white, and white can become black... We believe in the world in his eyes. If anyone gets in the way... just kill them...

The crepes at Takeshita Shopping Street are delicious... Natsuyou-sama's palms are also very warm... The family also takes good care of them...

But fate is so unpredictable... When Master Xiayou left them forever, their sky fell...

No matter what the outcome is, it is the ending chosen by Lord Xia You. They should not live up to Lord Xia You's last instructions, but they still stepped out of that bottom line and came into contact with the magic world again... and even participated in that plan... Was it because they were disobedient that Master Xiayou left...

The loss in her heart made Mimiko’s fingertips tense and white, unable to let go...

Mimiko and Nanako opened the letter tremblingly.

[To my dear children—Mimiko and Nanako:

By the time you open this letter, I should be gone.

Maybe you will wonder why I left, or even whether I abandoned you, or whether you are not obedient enough?

So my answer is - no.

I know that I am not a qualified parent. I have been instilling wrong values ​​in you, which is not good for your future.

Only after I leave will you realize that even without me, your life will continue to move forward, and there will still be new memories being quietly born.

You will begin to actively participate in social activities and share life details with friends; you will begin to learn new skills and build your own future.

The past cannot be changed, but you can still shape a new future that belongs to you. In this process, you will one day meet a like-minded friend, and you will experience many challenges and share a lot of joy together.

You will create your own story together and become an important part of each other's lives. Trust me for the last time, although there may be many difficulties waiting for you in this process, there will also be a lot of joy waiting for you ahead.

Cherish everyone around you, don't wait until you wave goodbye like me,

Only then did I realize that I had not cherished it.

I hope that when I come back again, I can see you shining brightly in the world you love.

——Xia Youjie]

The fingertips holding the doll turned white, but the strength gradually slowed down. They will learn to accept the loss...let go of the pain...and move on.

So will Master Xiayou come back to see them? Mimiko and Nanako are no longer sad. Now they have another kind of power. They will be able to seize the hope of the future and create their own happy story just as Master Xiayou wishes.

The world is very big, just like the vast starry sky. It will not be overshadowed by the presence of a star, nor will it be overshadowed by the absence of a star.

But we will still thank Mr. Xiayou for lighting up all our worlds like the arrival of an angel, and we will still thank you for coming to our world...

Good night... Sir Xiayou...

Goodbye...Master Xiayou...

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