Xia Youjie is in a bad mood now. The laboratory was bombed, and the people who were bombed cannot be killed. Although it is not troublesome to deal with it, but...

"This guy's body structure is the same as that guy's. To a certain extent, they are indeed related. It's amazing." An Lan looked at the experience report. After reading it carefully, he came to a conclusion - he He is also an experimental subject.

"So, how to deal with this?" Xia Youjie sighed, really convinced. He originally came to Japan to avoid trouble, but now he is looking for trouble.

An Lan asked Xia Youjie with interest, "What are you going to do with those two guys? Kill them? Erase their memories and throw them away?" Xia Youjie gave An Lan a cold look.

How can this be? In his previous life, he was a warrior who protected mankind. Except for some scum among humans, he really didn't kill many people in his previous life.

He didn't dare before his memory was restored, and no one dared to provoke him after he recovered his memory. In short, the current Xia Youjie is completely different from the guy who played Hundred Ghosts on the Night in his previous life.

But Xia Youjie has no regrets, no matter in his previous life or in this life. I can admit my paranoia frankly, but I will not regret it.

A truly strong person will not hide, nor will he put on one hypocritical coat after another. A truly strong person will face his own shortcomings.

An Lan thought for a while, "Then you might as well restrain them both. You are going to be away for a while, so you might as well leave them as bodyguards. After all..."

An Lan's final tone was rather vague. Although he didn't say it explicitly, they all knew it.

The world of Xia Youjie's previous life was very similar to the world he was cursed to return to in his previous life. The same disasters were rampant and brought harm to the world.

But the difference is that the curse is born from people's negative emotions, while the deformed person in the previous life was transformed from various things that were polluted and deformed, such as grass, flowers and trees, houses and buildings, and even a conceptual legend. Anyway, one is probably more metaphysics and the other is physics.

Moreover, aberrations can be seen by others. At the beginning, the extraordinary system of the previous world was hidden in darkness like the world of magic and was directly controlled by the state.

And although those things have been developing along with human social civilization, they have always been at a stage that humans can control. The number of people who died due to aberrations in history is not as many as the people who starved to death at the end of the dynasty. This is no wonder why human beings developed so much in the last world. Soon.

After all, while those monsters are evolving, humans are also evolving, even faster than those guys.

However, as human beings explore the world, accidents still occur. Human beings are greedy creatures. The older they grow, the greedier they become. When people grow up, they will feel that there is not enough money in their wallets and that the wine on the table is not good enough. I think my position is not high enough...

Since the development of coal and electricity, the productivity of human society has developed rapidly, but it has also inevitably brought more pollution. People... always want both...

Want greater productivity, greater fame, more power, and a longer life.

In the end, humans turned their attention to those monsters that had accompanied the development of human civilization for thousands of years. As long as he studies a certain item thoroughly, he will be able to obtain everything, and he will not be able to satisfy his desires without thinking about them. Isn't this what humans are talking about?

Many useful things were indeed developed at the beginning, but as the experiments progressed, an experimental accident triggered the biggest crisis in human history.

The number of aberrant creatures began to increase, the rules of the world began to change, and humans were more or less contaminated, and strange things appeared.

Some of the rules that people have agreed upon began to twist in some places, creating new and terrible things. Some previously weak aberrant creatures became powerful, and the two combined with each other to form an even more terrifying complex.

There are more and more accidents, and people begin to suspect that the information circulation on the Internet has accelerated the spread of panic, the spread of various horror-themed literature, and the spread of knowledge over the past few hundred years...there are more distortions...

The country began to ban the circulation of novels with ghosts and horror plots, and vigorously promoted positive literature, but... fear is the instinct of every living thing.

This is irrepressible, and coupled with the population growth over the past few hundred years, the panic of billions of people is greater than the panic of hundreds of millions of people.

Fear, sacrifice, killing, curse, panic... so similar... so annoying... like fate, binding Xia Youjie tightly, suffocating...

But the difference is that in his previous life, he did not have special abilities as early as in his previous life. He was the "monkey" he once called the most annoying.

But after seventeen years of being protected by others, Xia Youjie can no longer say the word "monkey" to those ordinary but lovely people...

In the last battle, Xia Youjie never thought that he was still alive, but the most ironic thing is that the first Xia Youjie died at the hands of Gojo Satoru at the age of 27, and the second life also died at the age of 27. midsummer.

Then he became the weird person he is now, the third life in his own opinion.

After he became a weirdo and was exiled from the world, he wandered into the world of literary giants for no apparent reason. But in order not to affect the rules of this world, but also to better control his surging power.

Xia Youjie released some weird things that were less harmful or had better personalities to balance the surging power in his body.

But we can't just leave it alone. Although Xia Youjie has been working hard to consolidate his strength since he came to this world, his strength has risen too fast. He now urgently needs an opponent to have a good fight to help him control his strength and become familiar with it. new skill.

Using the identity of Xia Youjie was too eye-catching, so he decided to open a small account. But he temporarily raised Oda Sakunosuke. At that time, Japan was in chaos. If a child with supernatural powers had no one to protect him, he would not know what he would do in the chaotic Japan. The actual combat plan has been delayed again and again until now.

"Okay, this is the only way." Xia Youjie suppressed the irritability in his heart and answered An Lan calmly. He waved his left hand casually and took a bottle of soda from the table with his right hand to drink. He finally recovered after taking a strong gulp of it. Always calm.

"Do you need me to help you pay attention to something?" Xia Youjie asked An Lan politely.

An Lan glanced at Xia Youjie with a half-smile,

"You should take care of yourself first, even if you are no longer a human being." He paused for a while, and his tone softened again.

"Then you will feel pain too."

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