Xia Youjie heard a roar just as he walked near the playground.

He clicked his tongue. Although he was not very strong, there was still a lot of movement. He briefly sensed the situation on the other side. It was not Zenyuan Maki and others who were teaching the juniors, but two students from Kyoto School who were fighting with Fushiguro Megumi and Kugizaki Wild Rose. .

Xia Youjie did not show up, but watched the battle in the dark and made an objective evaluation - he had no power to fight back.

Although Fushiguro Megumi and Kugizaki Nozomi are both first-year students, Fushiguro Megumi has awakened the ten shadow spells of the Zen family's ancestral magicians, and after all, she is also a child raised by Gojo Satoru, so her strength cannot be said to be weak. It can only be said to be average.


Xia Youjie's mouth twitched. The ten shadow spells "should" be summoning ones! ! How did that bastard Gojo Satoru teach a child to turn a summoning mage into a melee gorilla! !

Xia Youjie unconsciously covered his face with embarrassment. Well, the root cause of this problem is him. It is probably that he and Gojo Satoru used physical skills to fight every day during their high school days. They were obviously the masters of the curse spirit, but the curse spirit only acted as an auxiliary attack. The effect caused misunderstanding to Gojou Satoru, and the summoning class should be trained in physical skills.

But that’s not his fault! Can ordinary curse spirits enter Gojo Satoru's body? At that time, he was not able to accurately control the movements of the cursed spirit while concentrating on dealing with Gojo Satoru's melee attacks. Coupled with Gojo Satoru's six-eyed insight, unlimited upper limit, and large-scale attack techniques, the cursed spirit was able to The damage effect caused by the surge was too low, and he was reluctant to use the high-level spell spirits he had worked so hard to eat as cannon fodder. Did he have to work hard to practice physical skills?

That's because he has no choice, right? Do ordinary people have the strongest contemporaries? Most summoning mages will only practice physical skills after their summoning skills have reached a certain level.

In addition, Fushiguro Megumi also has a father who is bound by a curse. Could it be that that bastard Gojo Satoru only taught Fushiguro Megumi the Taijutsu?

Xia Youjie felt like he was about to burst. Although it is true that a summoning mage with good melee ability is more advantageous and will have unexpected effects, but first your summoning skills must be qualified! ! It’s completely putting the cart before the horse!

This is just like choosing a mage to practice melee combat in a game. You can't do both well!

Let’s talk about the Kugizaki Wild Rose. Xia Youjie remembered that the child’s spell was the “Cud Soul Curse”. He had never seen the child use it, and he didn’t know what the effect was, but it seemed like it was completely useless in this battle...

By the time the second-year students came to the rescue, the two unlucky first-years were already covered in injuries, while their opponents... didn't even have a scratch on their skin.

Okay, what should I do if I get even more angry?

Xia Youjie raised his eyebrows. It would not be a shame to lose. After all, he was a new student and had no strength to understand. However, it was too much to be provoked and beaten for a long time on his own territory but the other party was unharmed!

Moreover, these two are not "really" ignorant conjurers. Fushiguro Megumi was raised by Gojo Satoru. With Gojo Satoru's temperament, he probably did a lot of work for his unreliable teacher. As for nailing Although Rose Sakino is a girl from the countryside, she has had many experiences in exorcising cursed spirits in the countryside, so the fiasco of the two of them this time was too conspicuous and too embarrassing.


"too weak."

"What? Ahhhhhh-"

Kugizaki Wild Rose and Zenyuan Maki were suddenly knocked away by a spell from behind.


Zenyuan Maki's pupils tightened instantly, but her opponent didn't seem to have any intention of killing her. She did a sideways spin in the air and landed on the ground. The movement was not pretty but very practical. However, Kugizaki Wild Rose, who had just experienced a battle and had no strength, was very He made a neat somersault.

"Hey! What are you doing! Do you want to fight?"

Zenyuan Maki swung the long stick in her hand in a semicircle in the air and held it in front of her in an attacking posture. Although she knew that it was of no use to Xia Youjie, after all, she had already learned from Xia Youjie last year. With physical skills, there is no chance of winning.

"The response is good, barely passable. But - didn't Satoru teach you not to provoke people who are stronger than you?"

Xia Youjie's tone was somewhat gratifying at first, but at the end it suddenly turned harsh with warning.

"Huh? Who do you think you are? I want you to take care of me!"

Zenyuan Maki has long been unhappy with this guy with squinting eyes. This time he strikes first, so she doesn't need to hold back. Anyway, the other party can't kill her this time. It just so happens that she can test her ability this time. Progress over the past year.

Her eyes were fixed on her opponent, looking for an opportunity to attack.

Based on her experience, the opponent was full of flaws, but she knew that if she just believed in the flaws and rushed forward, she would definitely be defeated in one move. This was a painful experience!

However, constant fighting is the way to gain experience.

She struck Xia Youjie's neck with her stick with swift steps, but Xia Youjie just turned his head and controlled Zenyuan Maki's wrist with only one hand, making her freeze in place and then used his feet to follow the trend. One hook tripped Zenyuan Maki to the ground.

Zenyuan Maki also followed the force and kicked Xia Youjie's head sideways. When Xia Youjie blocked it, he instantly pulled his body out of Xia Youjie's attack range.

Sure enough, in the next second, Xia Youjie punched the bricks in that area to pieces.

So fast--

Although Zenyuan Maki was not injured after a few moves, her physical strength was almost exhausted. Every move of Xia Youjie was accurately stuck at the upper limit of what she could bear, which she could avoid as long as she worked hard.

Zenyuan Maki breathed heavily. Although the other party didn't take it too seriously and didn't use the spell power and just relied on physical strength, why was the difference in strength so big...

"Are you curious? Why can't you beat me even though I didn't use any spells?"

Xia Youjie still had a smiling expression.

At present, Zenyuan Maki's taijutsu should be obtained from Gojo Satoru's true inheritance, even better than Fushiguro Megumi who was raised by Gojo Satoru. However, Gojo Satoru's moves are not necessarily suitable for Zenyuan Maki. It should be said that Gojo Satoru's attacks are terrible. The method is definitely not suitable for most people.

"Satoru has six eyes, and the inherent insight of the six eyes is incomparable to you.

In addition, Satoru's moves are mainly open and close, because he has reversal techniques and unlimited coordination. He can ignore some small attacks, but you can't. You should have noticed it and have been there. It's been improved, but the effect doesn't seem to be very good.

Moreover, the attack methods of curse spirits and humans are completely different, with different joints, acupuncture points, and strength requirements. Although you try your best to adjust your attack rhythm, are you exchanging injuries for injuries? "

"What are you..."


Zenyuan Maki frowned and pursed her lips. She was a little embarrassed when the person who almost killed her pointed out her shortcomings. She wanted to save face, but face... you have to earn it with your own abilities.

"I found it...but there are some things that I still can't change. My body has gotten used to it."

"That won't work. According to my standards, although you are barely qualified, your skills, strength, reflexes, and tactics are just that. It won't work if you don't have any outstanding advantages."

Xia Youjie crossed his arms and reluctantly gave a few comments.


Zenyuan Maki's whole body exploded, "Can you tell me clearly, where do I fail?"

"It's not qualified anywhere."

Xia Youjie pointed out the omissions in Chanyuan Maki's battle on the spot, gave suggestions for rectification, and even demonstrated it, successfully shutting up Chanyuan Maki.

On the side, Rose Kugizaki, who had just been knocked away by Xia Youjie, had just come to her senses at this time.

Although it was disgusting to be angry that the other party suddenly launched a sneak attack, the fight between the other party and Maki-senpai was as easy as playing a game, and he even called Gojo Satoru that scumbag so kindly...

He must be a senior...

"I think you are quite skilled? Have you ever been a teacher before?"

Kugizaki asked with an annoyed tone.

"Well~ That's right, but I will take over all your training at the exchange meeting, so be prepared."

Xia Youjie said calmly.

"What do you mean?! Didn't you refuse it at first?"

Zenyuan Maki frowned and was a little confused. You must know that Gojo Satoru didn't even get Xia Youjie to agree to take them when he was about to throw a tantrum on the spot. Why did he suddenly agree now?

"You are too weak. I don't want to lose miserably at the exchange meeting. I remember that you were able to win last year because of Otoko Jew. Although he will not participate this time... but as Satoru's students, you must not lose this time. .”

"Huh? What the hell is this?"

Because he is Gojo Satoru’s student, he can’t lose? What the hell?

"Because I hate the principal of Kyoto School, and..."

Xia Youjie paused for a moment, his tone was rather playful.

"The leader of the Kyoto school this time... is a singer, so you must not lose!"

In fact, he was just taking care of the children for his unreliable best friend. He no longer believed in Gojo Satoru's abilities other than fighting. He must have been dragged down by the task of Rotten Orange and had no time to teach his students.

Xia Youjie mentally tried to save his best friend's respect.

Thinking of this, he wanted to quickly clean up those rotten oranges...

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