what! !

what's up! !

Why did I do that kind of thing like a pervert! ! !

When Xia Youjie returned to the rented place, he went crazy for a rare moment. As soon as his best friend came back, he would kill the other student and even take pictures and send them to the other person to make him angry! !

Why didn't he control his hand at that time? !

"Stop persecuting your poor hair. Instead of regretting it, think about how to remedy it."

The voice in his head calmed down Xia Youjie. In fact, Xia Youjie didn't hate this voice. In any case, it was the last trace of Senior Gu's existence. It was a parting gift, even though he himself was unwilling to accept such a voice. Death is the gift wrapped in it.

In his previous life, Xia Youjie's Awakening Spell Spiritual Exercises was also affected by the smell like a rag that had been wiped with vomit. Although he tried his best to hide it, he was still discovered by Senior Gu.

Although that guy trained very hard to avenge his parents, he died on the battlefield in the end. He only entrusted his abilities and last wishes to Xia Youjie before he died.

After Xia Youjie mastered this farewell gift from Senior Gu, he realized how precious a gift it was. This ability can not only control body functions to create functions similar to adrenaline, but also close the ability to taste and hear. Since then, Xia Youjie has never tasted the same taste as the rag used to wipe vomit.

The only trouble is that this ability gives Xia Youjie one more trouble. This ability comes with a troublesome guy - Gu Chen.

And because it was bound to the technique, Xia Youjie seemed to be the protagonist in a novel bound to the system. However, Xia Youjie can shield him like other curse spirits and only call him out when needed.

"It's strange that you actually released me." Gu Chen said calmly.

"I don't want to! But I don't have any helpers around me at the moment. You can barely count on half. Now give me an idea!"

Xia Youjie didn't care either. After fighting Liangmian Sunuo, he investigated the changes after his death. He thinks that he is not good at reasoning, so he might as well be the main attacker.

He is a retired pensioner, not a workaholic like Nanami Kento.

Although the memory of the first life is a bit blurry, it does not delay things.

Mimiko and Nanako should have left the country safely, and with the huge sum of money he left behind, there should be no problem. The rest of the Panxing Sect didn't have to worry at that time. Gojo Satoru probably didn't kill them either. As for where they will go in the future. Don’t worry, you’re both an adult and a magician, so why are you worried that you won’t survive?

"The trouble lies with Satoru. What kind of student did he accept?"

Xia Youjie held his head, although he was very familiar with Gojo Satoru's carefree character, but what criteria did he use to accept students? The weirder the better?

To be honest, your family, Xia Youjie, is the weirder one! They are indeed close friends, they all have similar eyesight when choosing people!

"Gu Chen..."


"Help me find information about the cursed spirit. At least it must be special level."

"...What do you think I am? A nanny?"

"Well, hurry up and find me, or else I'll lock you in a dark room."

Xia Youjie was too lazy to find information on his own. Weak curse spirits could capture some humanoid monsters, but special ones were difficult to find and deal with. He had to do it himself, which was really troublesome.

Xia Youjie handed over some of the weird control rights to Gu Chen. Gu Chen was silent for a long time. He was seriously thinking about how to cheat Xia Youjie. After thinking for a long time, he realized that cheating Xia Youjie would not be of any benefit to him. Work, while Xia Youjie focused on himself.

You must collect more curse spirits, otherwise you can't always fight in person. As a curse spirit practitioner, it's too cheap to not have even one curse spirit. As for the weirdness... that thing can be seen by ordinary people. It's a bit hidden. None. If he dared to use it today, he might be in the newspaper tomorrow. He didn't want Gojo Satoru to see him for the first time in the newspaper. In that case, he would rather not come back. It would be too embarrassing!

"There are three pieces of news that should interest you."

Gu Chen's speed was still very fast. He quickly controlled a strange story to pass the information through Xia Youjie's mobile phone.

“The first one was a car accident on a winding mountain road, the second one was a fire in a coffee shop, and there was a murder in a movie theater.

The closest one is the cinema, which is highly recommended if you want to collect spells. "


Xia Youjie checked the information sent to his mobile phone. The first one was a photo taken by a space satellite. The area of ​​damage was quite large. At a glance, he knew it was Gojo Satoru's fault.

The second photo shows a burnt human corpse. There was no major damage to the entire store, only the burnt corpse lying there. It was probably made by a curse spirit, and its strength should not be low.

"Because this case just happened yesterday, I directly invaded the police station to confirm that it was indeed a curse spirit that committed the crime. Moreover, the other party should be pretty good, but the conjuring community should also have noticed the other party."

"It doesn't matter, send me the address. Just solve it before them."

Xia Youjie closed his cell phone and picked up the cursed spirit that the ghost talkers had just collected on the table. The cursed spirit ball in his hand was as big as a fist, and under the dark appearance was flowing cursed power.

Although it has been a long time, I still can't let go. Xia Youjie accidentally swallowed the magic ball instead of activating Gu Chen's control ability to control his taste.


It's not the familiar feeling of nausea like wiping vomit with a rag...but the feeling of eating something delicious. It feels...even more disgusting...


I shouldn't have come here.

The dark sewers were filled with a putrid smell. There were traces of sewage erosion all over the floor. Xia Youjie stepped on the barely clean walkways on both sides in a bad mood. Although he wanted to catch the curse spirit quickly, he did not expect the curse spirit to hide in such an environment. It was really disgusting...

"Xia You, why are you here? Are there any changes in the plan?"

The real person looked at Xia Youjie warily. As a curse spirit, he did not completely trust Xia Youjie as a human. Both parties knew that the other had ulterior motives and would be an alliance that would betray sooner or later.

But the curse on the guy in front of him was as strong as a curse. Apart from his appearance, he was almost completely different from the Xia Youjie he knew.

Xia Youjie squinted his eyes and looked at the humanoid curse spirit in front of him. Is it special? It's really good.

Although he didn't know what the other party was talking about, Xia Youjie smiled slightly and said, "I'll find out if I kill you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Youjie disappeared from the spot, and the next moment he appeared in front of the real person, with a cold fist hitting him in the face.

The prediction of death in the real person's mind was so loud that it seemed that his own death had been foretold.

But for some reason, the opponent's attack slowed down a little at the end. The real person swerved his body back to avoid the fierce punch. At the same time, he also seized the opportunity to touch the opponent's body.

"Inaction changes!"

"Tsk, what a nasty guy. Is there such an ability? It's a pity that it's of no use."

Blood... so much blood... so many broken limbs... ah! ! ! what happened! !

Xia Youjie discovered that the ability of this cursed spirit was related to the soul. It was an unexpected surprise. The ability related to the soul was quite rare. Even though he had scanned the entire world in his previous life, he had not encountered many.

"Okay, why don't you, disgusting guy like you, just die like a mosquito? It's really annoying... But for the sake of my ability, I'll give you a happy life."

Xia Youjie grabbed the real person's shoulder with his backhand. With the effect of the magic spell, a black magic ball fell into Xia Youjie's hand, but Xia Youjie was only slightly happy.

Because he sensed a familiar spell, Xia Youjie had a headache. Although he caught the spell he wanted, he also encountered an acquaintance who was in trouble.

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