Zongman: I have really retired!

Chapter 47 Communication

Because Edogawa Ranpo didn't know that he was different from others, and didn't realize that he had special abilities, he always said things that others couldn't understand. In his eyes, the world was inexplicable, and he didn't know why he wanted to " "Things that everyone knows" and "things that you can tell at a glance" are repeated one by one. He believes that what he knows must be known by others, and he will do some strange things because of it.

He complained to his friends that his parents had been too busy recently, and he had sneaked out of the house. He was almost beaten because he revealed that the child next to a man was not his biological child. He also once found that the clerk secretly passed expired cakes while eating pastries. Bread was sold as fresh bread and was kicked out of the store.

These things caused some cracks in his unfinished worldview. He had some doubts about whether the world was really like this.

But his parents would not deceive him, but whether it was the small things in his daily life or his own heart, he was told that his parents had deceived him.

An accident happened when Ranpo was twelve years old, and he almost lost his parents.

The sound of Japan's defeat reached the ears of the people in the country, and there were more riots. Many people who had lost their relatives, property, and hope began to attack indiscriminately.

The war took away almost everything they had. In the bustling city, everything they once owned was gone, leaving only exhaustion and endless helplessness. They were already on the verge of madness.

Early one morning, Edogawa Ranpo learned about the situation outside from the news. He could deduce the chaos outside, and someone might die!

"So! You are not allowed to go! Absolutely not! I don't agree!"

Edogawa hurriedly stood in front of his parents, almost begging them not to go out.

"Listen Ranpo, we are just going out to buy some groceries. Trust us, okay? Father is very smart. We will bring you your favorite red bean mochi."

Edogawa Ranpo's parents comforted Edogawa Ranpo and finally left the house.

Edogawa Ranpo couldn't stop him. He waited at home for a day and received a call from the hospital in the evening.

"Are you a family member of Mr. Edogawa? This is XX Hospital. They were in a car accident. Thanks to a swordsman who helped send them to the hospital, the rescue was in time..."

Edogawa Ranpo didn't listen to what was said behind him. He rushed out of the house. He had known it earlier. He should have noticed it earlier. He obviously knew it was not safe outside, right? So obvious why he didn't say it.


They should know.



My parents always told me that everyone is smart and told me not to underestimate anyone, and apparently they were right because they cracked every letter I sent you.

But when I communicate with outsiders, I always feel that their brains are like undeveloped babies. Why hide things that can be seen at a glance?

I can't understand it, I really can't understand it. ]

[To my dear friend:

There seem to be a lot of talented people in the world, but in fact, very few people are able to discover and use their talents.

Everyone's talents are different. To be honest, the secret messages you have sent me recently have made it more and more difficult for me. I think you are extremely talented in this area.

You are very good, with the ability to observe, remember and see through the truth in a flash. This is your talent. This is your own talent. This makes you unique. As an elder, I can tell you. There may only be a few useless words:

Follow your own path, and there will be people who coincidentally meet you on the road. Even if you don't meet you, you will still be a unique existence.

It is lucky to meet someone who understands, but not being understood is not necessarily unfortunate. Don't be anxious, don't be anxious to agree with most voices, even your parents, don't be anxious to stuff yourself into the tasteless joys and sorrows of sentient beings. (Note 1) ]


Today I sneaked out. The outside world is really boring. Their pretentious performance is boring, but the red bean mochi is delicious.

Maybe you are right, they have their own talents, and all of them are very smart, but they are just in a different direction from me, because no matter how hard I try, I can't make such delicious red bean mochi.

So why did my parents lie to me? It's not like I can't accept my differences. ]

[My dear friend:

Judging from my conversations with you, your parents have very similar talents to yours.

Perhaps it is your extremely high talents that make them worry that you are going down the wrong path. After all, you and I both know what your nature is like. As parents, they are just worried that you may be tempted by your talents. If you are not careful, your choices will be... hurt others.

They are just protecting you and others at the same time. Many times the lies we tell out of some kind of kindness are not malicious or for our own benefit.

Now that you have asked me, then you no longer question the credibility of it. You still try to believe it even though you know it is a lie. Since they told you a white lie in the name of love, then you have already You have made a decision, right? ]


The early morning sun illuminates the earth and the messy room after working all night.

"Ah! Did you two stay up all night investigating the case again?"

Mrs. Edogawa almost screamed and dragged the two detectives who were obsessed with investigating the case out of the room.

"Unexpected, really unexpected. This case is really urgent, so I stayed up a little late. My dear, the food you cook is really delicious. It's really no worse than the five-star chefs outside."

Mr. Edogawa almost lowered his head under the dining table. As he ate a big meal, he glanced at Edogawa Ranpo to the side.

"Father, you can't cheat. You have to work hard to solve the problem yourself."

Edogawa Ranpo has long known who the murderer is, but as a competition, he will not tell the answer as long as his father has not given up.

Mrs. Edogawa went to help her husband sort out the documents for work. At this time, only the father and son were in front of the dining table.

"Ranbu...have you noticed it a long time ago?"

Mr. Edogawa looked at his son with complicated eyes. Ever since their accident, Ranpo had never complained to them about others' incomprehension. Now he was just like a normal person, but this made Jiang Mr. Togawa was even more worried.

"Ah, do you mean you lied to me that everyone is as smart as me? I have discovered it a long time ago. Really, how can you believe that I will go astray? I want to become the world's first detective! "

"You noticed it, Ranbu..."

He took a sip of the porridge with some embarrassment. It seemed that it would be embarrassing for him to recant his lie when his son exposed him that he didn't believe his son.

"I know you are a criminal police officer and have seen many cases of talented young people going astray, but I am your son. Can you have more confidence in me?"

Edogawa Ranpo puffed out his cheeks and said angrily. This made Mr. Edogawa relieved, so he changed the subject and asked: "So, what kind of person does Ranpo want to be when he grows up?"

"What do you mean? I won't be able to be myself when I grow up?"

Edogawa Ranpo's somewhat unreasonable answer made Mr. Edogawa choke: "No, of course not, I was just thinking about what career you want to do in the future." (Note 2)

"This? Didn't I say it? I want to be the world's number one detective!"

Edogawa Ranpo said.

(Note 1: I am not anxious at all, I am not anxious to define, I am not anxious to agree with most voices, and I am not anxious to insert myself into the tasteless suffering and happiness of all living beings. -- An Zaiye

Note 2

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

"What do you mean? I won't be able to be myself when I grow up?" -- "Forrest Gump"

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