"To be honest, I suddenly don't want to be the prime minister that much. It's really troublesome...

I originally worked hard to climb up in order to control my damn need for control, but now it looks like I'm cleaning up the mess for you damn guys. Don't treat me like a mother! "

Meng Shuxu rarely has the desire to complain. Why does a small Japan have so many problems?

He swore that he had no intention of controlling Japan at the beginning, otherwise he would not have climbed up from a small congressman. He just enjoyed the process and found something to do for himself, just like he was used to working even after he retired. Even now, he still likes to go to his workplace when he has nothing to do, to see the work of his juniors and give them casual advice, but it doesn’t mean that he likes to fall into the whirlpool of work again!

"Hahaha, don't worry so much. There is an old saying among flower growers, if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. So work hard, you are still very young."

Fudi Yingchi laughed loudly, but Meng Shuxu's mood was very subtle. If you really compare your age, I am actually much older than you.

Meng Shuxu suddenly felt revengeful, and he said hypocritically:

"Since you are so free, I will leave the Hound Organization's experimental base to you."

The laughter of Fudi Sakura stopped abruptly,

"Hey, do you know what you're talking about?"

"I know, destroy them all. As for the physical problems of the hound members..."

Meng Shuxu drank all the tea in his cup, his voice full of confidence.

"Go to Yokohama and I'll find that guy to help you solve it."

The cold white light of the experimental base shines particularly coldly on the metallic luster walls. Cold light penetrated every corner of the room, illuminating the various instruments and equipment placed on the experimental table. However, the clean and tidy laboratory in the past has now become dilapidated, with traces of blood and violence everywhere.

The laboratory should be a holy place for mankind to pursue truth and promote human progress. But there are always surprises between science and ethics. Whether it is driven by greed and profit, or the self-pursuit of some researchers, this experimental base has become a place where human darkness is hidden.

Their illegal human experiments are explicitly prohibited by the state, but extremely violent weapons experiments and illegal biological research have never disappeared from this land.

Fudi Yingchi finally believed in Meng Shuxu. He had no other choice. The success or failure of the plan in his heart was still uncertain, but Meng Shuxu's plan could bring about good changes even if it failed, so what else did he have to fear? ?

"Captain, is what that guy said really credible?"

Jouno Caiju looked at the place in front of him that gave him strength and hesitated, because he couldn't figure out whether it was the whim of the unreliable captain or the new adult who came to power to eradicate dissidents.

Fudi Yingchi laughed and put her hands on her hips and said, "It's absolutely no problem! I believe he has no reason to kill us."

"That's right! I trust Captain Fukuchi's judgment! What? Is there anything wrong with you, Tōno Caiju?!"

Okura Yoko's eyes were as bright as stars, but as Sakura Fukuchi's obsessed girl, her words were completely untrustworthy.

"It feels even more unreliable! Is it really okay?! One of us might really die! It's really funny to die for such a reason!"

Tiaoye Caiju roared speechlessly, instantly attracting the attention of the three people.

Okura Youko turned her head sharply and looked at the questioning Jono Sakiku with fierce eyes. This young girl had a perverse personality and was feared by her companions. The Queen of Blood Thorns was about to explode at this time. Her eyes were as fierce as if they were on fire. He glared at Tiaoye Caiju, but because of his appearance, he looked like a cat with exploded fur.

She shouted loudly: "Ah! I'll kill you! You dare to question Captain Fudi, don't you want to live? Why don't you apologize quickly! Bastard!"

"Please! Can you think about it with your rusty brain? Although you look like a young girl, you are not really a young girl. Don't really think of yourself as a child. Use your brain!"

When Okura Yoshiko was mentioned about her age, she became furious and slashed at Jouno Zaiju with a knife.

"Shut up!"

Who is afraid of you! Jouno Caiju also drew the knife, but both of them were measured, and the target was only the insignificant limbs instead of the fatal heart and neck.


Fukuchi Sakurachi stopped Okura Yoshiko, while Suehiro Tiechang stopped Ijono Zaiju.

Fukuchi Sakura said helplessly: "After all, I am also your captain. At least trust me, I will not joke with my own life. I want to drink for two more years."

"Ah! If that's the case, don't get so drunk last night!!"

Tōno Caiju was going crazy. He just received the task of destroying the experimental base this morning. After arriving at the meeting place and waiting for an hour, Fukuchi Sakurachi was not there. As a result, the guy ended up drinking all night in the bar! Even the news of the gathering was notified by the entourage. In the end, he had to go to the tavern to pick up the people, and he even paid for Fukuchi Yingchi's drinks in advance.

"Shut up, it's noisy."

Suehiro Teuchang's opening made Jouno Zaiju even angrier.

"Please, this is a matter of life and death! Can you guys react like normal people?"

But unfortunately, Fukuchi Sakurachi and Suehiro Teuchang ignored him, while Okura Yoko stood beside Fukuchi Sakurachi with a happy face.

"Okay, let's go, finish the work early, don't waste time. Just trust me once, Touto."

"It's really...there's nothing I can do against you."

Jouno Caiju finally agreed. After all, he only had one, and...

Jiaoye Caiju sighed. He didn't want to be controlled like a dog for the rest of his life. He had to go crazy once.


"What?? You want to send Dazai Osamu to Yokohama?"

Xia Youjie made a fierce move and knocked away the sneak attack Oda Sakunosuke. Oda Sakunosuke adjusted his movements in mid-air to relieve his force, and finally landed lightly and silently. As a killer, even if he has left this industry, he still cultivates his skills. After getting used to this, his movements are as light as a cat.

Because of Xia Youjie's suddenly louder voice, the two people in the "battle" stopped. Oda Sakunosuke and Nakahara Chuuya's eyes met, and a feeling called curiosity arose in their hearts.

"Don't go too far, you guy! Don't think of me as a guy like Lin Fei! There is absolutely no way I can babysit your child!"

Xia Youjie was a little irritable. It was enough to upset him that he had hired a bodyguard instead of an ancestor. Now he also had a young master, so he really thought he was a nanny.

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