Dazai Osamu generally read the documents, and there was indeed nothing very important. However, Dazai Osamu could still see the meaning behind Meng Shuxu in these documents.

After Meng Shuxu came to power, he directly attacked the country's main modern contradiction-the economy.

He changed the situation where Japan and Hua Laosi had no contact a few years ago and actively eased the relationship between the two parties.

After all, the governments on both sides have changed. The conflicts of the previous dynasty cannot be extended to this dynasty. Every mistake is the emperor's fault. What does it have to do with their new government?

Japan has already sent out a signal of relaxation, and the Flower Planting side has just established its own country, and the new government is in need of international recognition, so it has followed the trend and completed the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

We are all new governments anyway, no one dislikes anyone, we just need to recognize each other.

The establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries means mutual recognition between countries. On the basis of mutual recognition, the two countries must reach an agreement on establishing diplomatic relations, dispatching diplomatic representatives and other issues through consultation and negotiation. After sending diplomatic representatives to each other, the two countries will The relationship is then officially established.

Because of the need for negotiation, Meng Shuxu needs to find a suitable representative of the neighboring team. He may be useless, but he must be representative. At least he cannot be a kitten or puppy. Otherwise, the first meeting between the two parties will be ugly. After all, it is also the representative of Meng Shuxu in his previous life. Home, you have to give me this little face.

But he was picking and choosing in the government and found no one suitable.

Meng Shuxu:......

To be honest, this is the biggest crisis since Meng Shuxu entered politics - he has no one under his command.

Although I had a bunch of reckless men under me in my previous life, there was never a shortage of ordinary clerks! After all, the education system in the previous life did ensure the output of a large number of outstanding talents.

And Japan...

Although we have entered modernization, education problems are still very serious, including son preference, class oppression, and school violence. Not to mention the nine-year compulsory education. Most people have never gone to school, not to mention the gangsters everywhere. Don't know anyone.

In my previous life, it was hard to find someone who couldn't read on the street. Now it's hard to find someone who can't read on the street.

Oh... In Meng Shuxu's eyes, literacy means that one must have a primary school education level, otherwise they will be treated as illiterate.

There are schools in Japan now, but the main education model is still private schools. It is not difficult to build a school, but it is difficult to establish an education system that covers the whole country.

Most of the existing schools in Japan are private and expensive, and ordinary people can't really afford to go to school. Of course, there are also some state-supported schools, such as the Tokyo Daiichi University Medical School where Mori Ogai studied. This kind of school is for the aristocracy or geniuses. territory.

As for ordinary people, they can either go to a private school and learn a few words and then work, or go to a national school in a prosperous area. But apart from locals, how many people from other places can go to such a school?

Meng Shuxu now wants to rectify the education system, but it can't be done on a whim. In addition, he has just integrated the new government some time ago and killed a number of old officials. Now it is the time when his subordinates are not taking over.

In the end, he chose Fukuchi Sakurachi. He didn't expect him to be able to negotiate. He could just be a front man. At least it showed that Japan attached great importance to negotiations. After all, he was wearing the title of "Hero of the Far East". .

The documents in Dazai Osamu's hands are some of the details of the negotiations between the two countries. The reason why they are not important is because the negotiations have come to an end. After all, Fukuchi Sakura Chi has come back to be his bodyguard...

Osamu Dazai flipped through a few more documents and found a purchase agreement, which may be the most important document in the document.

He pulled out the agreement and looked at it carefully. It was an agreement for Japan to purchase a large amount of raw materials for infrastructure construction from Flowers.

The weird thing about this agreement is that its payment method is not an internationally accepted currency payment, but technical support...

Dazai Osamu frowned. Although he didn't know much about the situation in the Flower Planting Country, he knew a little bit about it.

Although they won the war, they hardly gained any advantage due to various reasons. After the establishment of the new government, they managed to recover a few pieces of estranged land.

Osamu Dazai could understand Zanghua's emphasis on land since ancient times, but he could not understand why Zanghua would rather give up the more fertile land of the defeated countries and have to get back those barren and barren lands from Russia.

Zhonghua and Russia were both victorious countries, so the two sides almost came to blows at the negotiation meeting. In the end, they reluctantly reached an agreement with the coordination of all parties. Russia returned the territory to Zhonghua, and the land of the defeated country that originally belonged to Zhonghua was converted into money to supply Russia.

All three parties were satisfied. After planting flowers and taking back the territory, the defeated country did not have to face all the troubles caused by ceding land. Russia had more land and only lost one piece of wasteland. The important thing was that it received a large amount of money that could be used for domestic economic construction.

But even after becoming a victorious country, the situation of flower planting is still not optimistic because it is too poor.

After the decline of the old government that planted flowers in the early years, it made a series of outrageous operations, almost tearing the huge flowers to pieces. Later, after the new government came to power, it began to pay attention to people with special abilities, and finally overtook the country and became a victorious country. However, due to foreign technological blockades The level of science and technology has never been improved.

Even the main means of transportation was a bicycle. In the first two years after its establishment, natural disasters occurred frequently, and starvation was not uncommon. It was barely able to survive with the resources obtained from the victorious countries.

In addition, the transcendent flower grower can be called a wonderful flower in all countries in the world. In the early years, it can be said that he went everywhere to "rescue" and serve as a fire brigade.


Want to know about the "real" South-to-North Water Diversion Project? Use the space to fill water in the south and run to the north to release water.

Is energy extraction difficult?

The ground collapsed with one punch.

Not enough power?

Find out about "mobile" power stations.

Those who surpass others in other countries are uncles. If they don’t work, you still have to support them.

Are you planting flowers and not working?

Mom’s slap, Dad’s sole will always love you...

If it doesn't work, you can also try it with the seven aunts and eight aunts in the village who watched you grow up.

Don't say you are a transcendent. Even if you, the god of heaven, come and enter your house, you still have to work!

Although flower cultivation has always had the habit of respecting the strong, it also has the habit of respecting teachers and respecting the elders and caring for the young.

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