Zongman: I have really retired!

Chapter 105 The Beginning

"I will let people handle it. Please trust the ability of the logistics department. They have long been accustomed to it after the rise of the Internet. Even I am amazed by their ability to talk nonsense."

Meng Shuxu understood clearly that it was probably someone who did not believe in evil and came to see where he was. There have been a lot of such things recently, but they will forget it before long. There are too many new things on the Internet.

"Okay, Jie, go ahead and pack your things. If you need anything, tell me. Don't be shy."

Xia Yan good-naturedly skipped the topic and began to urge Xia Youjie to leave.

Xia Youjie took the suitcase and looked at Meng Shuxu's face again before entering the room.

Although Xia Youjie doesn't like Meng Shuxu, unfortunately, among the people Xia Youjie is familiar with, only Meng Shuxu is at home all year round. Even Xia Yan has to go out often. As for Lin Fei? He has to go to a specialized school and only comes back once every half month.

After Xia Youjie left, Xia Yan's expression suddenly dropped, and her whole body bulged like a tiger protecting its cubs.

"Meng Shuxu! Are you fucking crazy!! Jie is still a child!! He is still a minor!! How dare you!!"

Xia Yan's voice was very low, probably because Xia Youjie was not far away, and even if there were only two people present, she would not lose her temper due to rage.

Xia Yan's heart was heavy and she couldn't hide her inner anger at all. She remembered what Xia Youjie said to him on the road.

What does it mean that he will know the truth? He wants to step into that world! He doesn't know anything, he's just a kid with no experience! Even my parents just died at the hands of those things!

"Why don't I dare? This is a choice he made by himself. He is not a child who cannot make a choice. He has his own ideas. I did not induce him."

Meng Shuxu was not angry, he just pursed his lips and smiled softly.

Probably everyone has thought about what kind of person they will become in the future. Although most people's thinking is in vain, most people often have only two life trajectories. They rely on their innate talents and talents to become the person they are. The person you want to be, or due to family environment, social pressure, etc., you follow the trend and become what others want you to be, and most people are the latter.

Xia Youjie has this talent and this idea. Judging from Meng Shuxu's experience, he does not think his opposition is useful. In this case, his compromise is correct, and he himself does not care about Xia Youjie's choice. As long as it is Xia Youjie's choice, as long as Xia Youjie persists, Meng Shuxu is willing to support him under his wing. This is Meng Shuxu's self-confidence and Meng Shuxu's arrogance.

Xia Yan's face was twisted: "How dare you say that you transferred him to another school at his own request!? Meng Shuxu!! What the hell are you thinking!! It was just an accident! What's the point of asking a sixteen-year-old to investigate the truth? ? Don’t you already know the cause and effect of the matter!? "

Xia Yan is not against Xia Youjie's choice, she is just against Meng Shuxu letting Xia Youjie come into contact with those things too early. She knows the tragedy behind the "rescue accident", let alone a sixteen-year-old Xia Youjie. She, who has long been accustomed to being exposed to the twisted and dark side of human nature, is saddened by this.

"I know, but if he wants to embark on this road, then he must pass my test. He is too young and too idealistic. He always thinks that every question can find the right answer, and always thinks that the world is kind. Yes, but we all know that the world is cruel. He needs to grow up. If he chooses this path, then he can no longer be willful like a child and can no longer regard likes and dislikes as the only criteria for judging and choosing things. "

Xia Yan knew that Meng Shuxu was good at sophistry, but this was the first time she experienced it. She was speechless. Meng Shuxu said good and bad things over and over again. If she opened her mouth again, she would become a villain and complain first.

After a moment of silence, Xia Yan's inner thoughts went back and forth, and finally she calmed down. Her calmness was like a volcano that was about to erupt and then suddenly calmed down:

"Meng Shuxu! Listen to me. If you are sincerely helping him achieve his goals, then I can accept some of your slightly excessive behaviors. But if you, Meng Shuxu, use him as a stepping stone on your way to success, then I will fight for my life. Drag you to hell."

The tone of Xia Yan's last words was harsh. She knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion and could not be changed. She just hoped that the tragedy would not happen again, so Xia Yan warned Meng Shuxu not to take it wrongly. Even if he hit him, he could not hit Xia Youjie.

Xia Yan is not a saint, and of course Xia Youjie, who has a blood relationship with her and has been bound to her for many years, is more important than a stranger she has never met. This is a humane behavior.

Meng Shuxu chuckled, but his tone was rare and gentle and pious.

"How could it be? That child is the most important relic left behind in this rotten, dirty and twisted world. It is my treasure."

So how could I be willing to hurt him? I wish he could shine and be dazzling in this dirty and corrupt world.

Xia Yan looked at him deeply, her brows furrowed, the corners of her eyes full of disgust, and her tone was indifferent.

"I hope so."

Xia Yan turned and walked to Xia Youjie's room. Before Xia Youjie turns eighteen, he will live with Meng Shuxu. Although Xia Youjie will most likely choose to stay after school starts, he still has to come back during normal holidays. After all, his guardian is Meng Shuxu now.

Xia Yan was thinking about whether to ask Lin Fei to go and accompany Xia Youjie. After all, Xia Youjie's face when he was discharged from the hospital was not very good-looking. Plus, after the awakening spell, there will always be people who don't know how to be noble and think that they have become the world. The protagonist.

Although Xia Yan doesn't think Xia Youjie is that kind of person, she still hopes that Xia Youjie will have someone by her side when he comes into contact with that kind of thing. The beating is really good for your body, at least you can let off some steam, right?


"Um...have you packed it? Do you want to buy anything else?"

Xia Yan glanced around the room again. Although the overall decoration was cooler, the room seemed a little more lively, perhaps because there were too many things piled everywhere.

"It's almost...nothing wrong."

Xia Youjie shook his head. Meng Shuxu was a very particular person. Someone would prepare daily necessities even if Xia Youjie and Meng Shuxu didn't open their mouths. Xia Youjie only brought the things he commonly used. After all, he only planned to stay here for two years and then go back and pack some commonly used things.


Xia Yan hesitated for a moment, then quickly wrote down a number for Xia Youjie:

"This is my work number. If you can't get through to that number, call this one. If Meng Shuxu behaves strangely and asks you to tell me first, don't rush forward foolishly. He is not a good person."

Xia Yan's job is similar to that of Xia Youjie's parents, but she is more of a rear support type. However, she still travels a lot. Originally, the work number cannot be given to anyone casually. A phone call during the command may really cause someone to lose their job if they are not careful. It cost her life, but Xia Yan still gave it to Xia Youjie.

I do not need……

Before Xia Youjie could finish his retort, Xia Yan stuffed a note into her mouth. The corner of his mouth twitched, but he still put the note away.

After seeing Xia Youjie accept it honestly, Xia Yan stood up and left with satisfaction, but in the end she still left Xia Youjie with a complicated expression:

"Don't trust the people around you too much, no matter who they are."

[Who does aunt refer to? Meng Shuxu? 】

[It should be Mu Miaoyin. Although this reminder is of no use, I still believed it. I didn’t understand it at all. 】

[Ah...that's why Xia Youjie said that he hates the Riddler the most. I don't understand it at all. 】

[Actually, many of the characters in this series are Riddlers, just like Lin Fei’s complaint: It’s really like listening to you every time. 】

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