When Lin Fei had finished all the work except for Xia Youjie, he realized that Xia Youjie still hadn't gotten up.


Lin Fei couldn't help but howled again, and his already dazzling red hair became even more dazzling, illuminating the dim room.


Xia Youjie accurately threw a piece of clothing that Lin Fei had just picked out on the bed into Lin Fei's face.

"Turn off the lights!!"

Xia Youjie turned sideways and narrowed his eyes.

"Oh...then get up quickly...it's almost ten o'clock, I'm really going to be late..."

As if he realized that he had gotten into trouble, Lin Fei sounded a little embarrassed, as if someone had discovered some little secret. He quickly put his clothes back on the bed and quickly turned around to go out, and thoughtfully closed the door.

"I'm going!! Why did you forget that Brother Jie doesn't know about this?! It's over, if my mother finds out about this, I will be over!!"

Lin Fei was going crazy outside the door. His hair, which had been carefully taken care of, had been scratched into a chicken coop by its crazy owner.

Lin Fei is Xia Youjie's cousin by blood. However, Lin Fei's parents died young and he was adopted by Xia Youjie's aunt Xia Yan who did not want to get married and focused on her career.

Xia Youjie's parents often go out and leave Xia Youjie at home alone, so Xia Yan has to come and see him often. After all, there are still very few unreliable parents like Xia Youjie's parents, but the two of them are still good at it. Before going on a business trip, call Xia Yan or Meng Shuxu to tell them to take care of Xia Youjie.

Therefore, the two of them bought a house in this community. Xia Yan also brought Lin Fei over when she had something to do, and the two of them became familiar with each other.

Lin Fei was going crazy outside the door, but Xia Youjie inside the room had already gotten up.

He looked speechlessly at the curtains that blocked the sun and the lights that had never been turned on.

Why hasn't that idiot Lin Fei discovered that he knows about the existence of those things?

Xia Youjie has long noticed the existence of some strange things in this world. Whether it is the cryptic posts on Internet forums or the endless incidents in newspapers, they seem to be faint reminders to mankind that there are unknown existences in the dark places of the world.

Even netizens who don't surf the Internet can notice something. How could Xia Youjie, who was born in a special group of people, not notice it?

Xia Youjie encountered them when he was a child, and even almost died in the hands of those things, but luckily someone saved him. Xia Youjie remembered that person, he was a very annoying guy! Even more annoying than his control-freak uncle Meng Shuxu.

Xia Youjie also curiously asked his parents what those things were. Their explanation was that their existence was as common as cats and dogs on the roadside. They were a race that you could not quite notice. Stay away from them. , it is easy to get injured if you are close to them, just like you are easily scratched by wild cats if you are close to them. If you don’t want to get rabies vaccine, stay away from them.

But don’t worry, someone will deal with them, just like the police catching thieves. Although you don’t often see them in life, these things do exist and are indeed normal.

Just like farmers farming, teachers teaching students, and police catching thieves, there will always be someone to deal with them. Maybe you can call the police next time you encounter them. Of course, you can't go deep into it. Professional matters are left to professionals. Let's go do it, my dear.

Xia Youjie couldn't understand it. He was still very interested in looking for these things when he was young, but as his parents said, they were indeed uncommon. Xia Youjie only encountered them a few times, and most of them were in far away places. We saw their existence, but the follow-up reports about them never mentioned their existence. Most of them were caused by security incidents such as gas leaks and food poisoning.

Gradually, Xia Youjie no longer wondered about their existence, because he was going to school, and he didn't have much time to worry about whether the cats and dogs on the roadside were still there.

Teachers at the school often talk about various safety issues. Don't walk alone at night, don't play in abandoned construction sites, don't go near the water, don't...

Xia Youjie is no longer interested. He has to do homework and homework. He doesn't even have time to play games. He doesn't care about those things anymore. After all, professional matters should be handled by professionals. Just as he has done so far. No success in distinguishing wheat from sorghum...

Xia Youjie opened the heavy curtains and walked into the bathroom to wash up, ignoring Lin Fei outside the door.

"Brother! Are you okay?"

Lin Fei, who was outside the door, hesitated for a while and finally opened the door. Looking at the bright room, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. After looking around to make sure that there was nothing missing, he felt relieved.

"Why bother? Next time you dare to open the curtains, I will take back the spare key."

Xia Youjie's tone was impatient, but he still didn't take the key back.

Lin Fei thought that Xia Youjie forgot to draw the curtains yesterday and thought he did it himself. In fact, it was Xia Youjie who had discovered Lin Fei's ability early but didn't want to expose it, so he pulled away.

Xia Youjie also thought about whether he should tell Lin Fei, but with Lin Fei's character, there was a high probability that he would show off to him every day after finding out, so Xia Youjie kept pretending not to know, and even helped him deal with it thoughtfully. Details will be revealed.

"Brother, you don't know how. I'm your human alarm clock. You won't be used to it without me."

Lin Fei had a smile on his face, and his whole person was filled with the youthful atmosphere of a boy. But in the young man's heart, he thought that he should not be exposed.

Lin Fei was happy and regretful at the same time. If it weren't for the confidentiality regulations, he would definitely show off in front of Xia Youjie, a college bully. Since childhood, Lin Fei has never been able to compare to Xia Youjie. Xia Youjie is starting to suffer from PTSD. If he hadn't awakened the magic, he might not have really gone crazy. It's a pity that he finally has something he can win but can't show off.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei couldn't help but drop his face and sigh. It would be okay if Brother Jie knew, so that he could show off.

Xia Youjie walked straight to the restaurant regardless of Lin Fei who wanted to show off.

"you're not eating?"

"Eat!! Why don't you eat my hot food?"

Lin Fei suddenly came to his senses, rushed to the dining table and started to eat, looking at his posture, he wanted to eat all the dishes without leaving a bite for Xia Youjie.

Xia Youjie just rolled his eyes at this, and ate the meal that was either breakfast or lunch elegantly but quickly.

[Why do I feel that Jie already knew those things? 】

[No doubt, he already knew it, that was Xia Youjie! He was just teasing Lin Fei on purpose, and he admitted it later. 】

[What evil intentions could Jie have? He was just being naughty. 】

【Ah ah ah! ! so cute! The way Jay rolls his eyes is so cute too! what to do? When I see him rolling his eyes, I think he is very elegant! ! 】

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