Pokémon that goes with the flow

Chapter 74 Nice-smelling perfume

Yuhong City is located in the central part of the Kanto region. It has the most recreational facilities in the Kanto region. It not only has the largest department store in the Kanto region, but also has a famous game city. It can be said to be the most suitable place to play, but... ...

"Don't look any further! Let's go to Yuhong Gym quickly, okay?"

Less than a day after Xiaozhi conquered the fiery monkey, Hoshino, Xiaozhi and others had successfully arrived in Yuhong City. Except for Xiaozhi who is determined to challenge the gym, everyone else is attracted by this bustling city.

Xiaoxia wants to go to a clothing store to wear beautiful clothes, while Xiaogang is attracted by the variety of ingredients and kitchen utensils here. Even Hoshino wants to visit the shops selling various handicrafts.

As one of Hoshino's few hobbies, although it is basically filled with all kinds of Pokémon that Hoshino doesn't know, this does not prevent Hoshino from appreciating this kind of art that is designed to show the style of a certain thing. Hoshino's favorite is from Feel the emotion that the designer put into designing the figure above.

"Eh? Scorpio, is this you?"


Hoshino's finger pointed to the Scorpio figure in the display cabinet, and Scorpio himself looked curiously at this thing that depicted the same race as it.

The Scorpio figure in the display case vividly depicts its flying posture, as if it is about to fly out of the display case. Once upon a time, Hoshino also imagined that his favorite figures would become real, but now it seems...

"Hehe~, okay Scorpio~, let's go, Xiaozhi has been urging us for a long time."


I never thought that my dream would come true in this way. The world of Pokémon is really magical...


"Hmm? It smells good?"

Walking on the street to Yuhong Gym, a strange fragrance attracted Hoshino's attention. Not only him, but everyone except Xiaozhi seemed to smell this fragrance.

"What smells so good? Hey! Xiaogang, where are you going?!"

Xiaogang ignored Xiaozhi, as if his soul was taken away by the scent, he followed the direction of the scent and came to a store.

"Hehe~, big cities are good~"

Xiaogang, who was lying on the shop window, had a crazy expression on his face and said to the others who were following him without looking back, "Everyone, I seem to have fallen in love with this city~"

After hearing what Xiaogang said, Hoshino curiously looked through the window and found that the store was full of young and beautiful sisters. No wonder Xiaogang was so obsessed with it, and it seemed to be a store selling perfume.

"Really, Xiaogang, don't go too far, let's go to the gym quickly." Xiaozhi saw Xiaogang being a nymphomaniac again, and sighed helplessly, "You guys think so, Xiaoxing Xiao... ....Eh? Where are Misty and Pikachu?"

"Uh, over there."

Following the direction of Hoshino's finger, Xiaozhi discovered that Xiaoxia and Pikachu had entered the store at some point, and started chatting and laughing with the clerk in the store.

A green-haired clerk lightly sprayed a bottle of perfume on the back of Xiaoxia's hand twice, "That's it. This floral perfume is the best for you."

"Really, what a wonderful aroma~." Xiaoxia smelled the back of her hand and immediately liked the smell. Even Pikachu on the side showed an intoxicated expression.

Another yellow-haired clerk saw that Xiaoxia liked it so much, so he also gave Xiaoxia more discounts, "Seeing that you like it so much, I think this is cheaper for you."

"That's it, then I'll just buy a bottle."


Under the enthusiastic promotion of the clerk, Xiaoxia finally bought the bottle of perfume. Xiaozhi, who pushed open the door and saw this scene, immediately started his suicide act.

"Forget it, Xiaoxia, there's no point in wearing perfume, so don't buy it."

Xiaoxia immediately rolled her eyes at Xiaozhi, "What did you say?"

Xiaoxia has become accustomed to Xiaozhi's low EQ remarks, but the clerk here doesn't think so and starts to argue with Xiaozhi. Even if the store manager went directly to the battle in person, Xiaozhi, who was already in the fight, didn't care, and even directly said that the perfume was of no use.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked. Even after traveling with Xiaozhi for a long time, Hoshino and others did not expect that Xiaozhi would say such a thing.

After traveling for such a long time, Hoshino also has a general understanding of what kind of person Xiaozhi is. Simply described, he is a warm-blooded, sunny, loving and responsible young man. Although sometimes his emotional intelligence is indeed low, overall he is. A very good person.

But this time Xiaozhi did go too far. He actually said in a perfume store that perfume is useless. Isn't this a fight?

Hoshino hurriedly went up to advise, but Xiaozhi still refused to listen. In the end, he was kicked out by the clerk of course. An angry Xiaozhi threatened to challenge the gym by himself, and then turned around and left.

"Eh?! Wait a minute, Xiaozhi!" Hoshino originally wanted to catch up, but unexpectedly Xiaoxia held him back.

"Let that guy go on his own." Xiaoxia's angry attitude is easy to see. She is also very dissatisfied with Xiaozhi's speech just now. "Anyway, what's the problem with just challenging the gym."

Then Xiaoxia took out another bottle of perfume and handed it to Hoshino with a smile, "Don't worry before you challenge the gym. Instead of this little star, you should try this perfume. I just saw this perfume. At that time, I felt that it was particularly suitable for you~!"


Seeing his trainer being dragged away by Misty, Scorpio consciously flew down from Hoshino's head and went to play with Pikachu who was still here. As for Xiaogang... Facing the promotions from all kinds of beautiful big sisters, he was so fascinated that he forgot about himself.

During the next selection of perfume, the perfume store manager Alicia accidentally learned Hoshino's identity as a boy, and then she became even more excited. He started experimenting with various perfumes on Hoshino, and Hoshino felt like he had become a guinea pig.

Seeing that almost two hours had passed, Hoshino wanted to say goodbye. After all, if he continued like this, he would not have time to challenge the gym today. As a result, I was told by the perfume store manager Alija that I would not be able to challenge the gym even now, because...

"Because I am not only the manager of this perfume shop, but also the owner of the Yuhong Gym, Alija~"

Seeing Alicia smile, Hoshino suddenly thought of Xiaozhi who went to challenge the gym. Since the gym leader is here, what should Xiaozhi challenge?

"Then Xiaozhi..."

"He~..." Alicia still maintained her smile, "Let's teach him a lesson first. After all, he will be punished by God if he casually criticizes other people's hobbies like this~"

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