Pokémon that goes with the flow

Chapter 6 Spokesperson of Darkness (Fog)

The trio got up from the ground in a somewhat embarrassed manner. Two of them were wearing clothes that seemed to be from the same series, both with a big R letter. The blue-haired young man among them still showed a gentle smile, thanking the girl in front of him for his help.

"Thank you so much, little sister. It would be better if I informed you in advance."

"No need to thank me, this is all Scorpio's credit~" Hoshino touched Scorpio who was lying on his head, and then asked the trio, "By the way, my name is Hoshino Lingxing, may I ask, Who are you? Why are you still hanging on the tree at night?"

Hoshino's question seemed to have triggered some kind of switch, and the trio, who were still a little embarrassed at first, instantly glowed and exploded with astonishing momentum.

"Since you asked the question sincerely!" The red-haired woman waved her hand, and the spotlight from nowhere focused on her, attracting the eyes of Hoshino and Scorpio.

"Then I will tell you with great mercy!" The blue-haired young man slowly walked out from the red-haired woman's back, suddenly holding a red rose in his hand, and then threw the rose to Hoshino.


"To prevent the world from being destroyed!"

"To protect world peace!"

"Carry out the evil of love and truth!"

"A cute and charming villain!"



"Meow meow meow!"

"We are Team Rocket traveling across the galaxy!"

"White hole! The white one is waiting for us tomorrow!"

"That's it, meow~!"

Watching the trio's performance, Hoshino felt that he had been tricked. He felt that the trio was not trapped, but that they should be ambushing him here.

Otherwise, where did these spotlights, roses, and projectors that looped the universe behind them come from? ! !


Compared with Hoshino's focus, Scorpio showed a strong interest in the trio's performance. His eyes had turned into little stars twinkling, and he told Hoshino that I wanted it too.

"Um...we'll talk about this kind of thing later..."

"How about it, little girl! Now you know how powerful our evil organization Team Rocket is!"

Miao Miao looked very proud and said to Hoshino arrogantly. Seeing Hoshino's silent expression, he thought he was frightened by them.

Just as Hoshino was thinking about how to escape, Scorpio above his head took the initiative to fly in front of Hoshino and looked at the trio in front of him seriously, the smile on his face long gone.

Scorpio's sudden change attracted the trio to prepare for it, but Hoshino felt that something was wrong. Although he and Scorpio didn't get along for long, Scorpio must be a monster if he acts abnormally!

"Scorpion, scorpion scorpion~."

"Hey, Meowth, what is that Pokémon talking about?"

The red-haired woman named Musashi asked Mew in a low voice, and Mew said with some uncertainty.

"It says they are agents of... darkness?"


On the other hand, Hoshino looked at Scorpio, and Scorpio happened to be looking at him at this time. From Scorpio's evil-smiling eyes, Hoshino seemed to understand what Scorpio wanted to do.

Scorpio, don't mess around!

So Hoshino glared back, but Scorpio continued to move. Hoshino couldn't defeat Scorpio for a moment, so he had to calm down and saw Scorpio's pincers swinging to the left, while he waved his hand to the right.

"Listen up! Stupid mortal!"

...Why should I do this?

A sharp shout interrupted the whispers of the trio, and it was then that the trio realized that the originally kind-hearted girl had long since disappeared, and the original innocent smile had been replaced by an indifference that did not belong to her age.

The heavy aura emanating from his body made the trio dare not move. There was even a trace of cold sweat on their heads. They were so frightened that the trio swallowed in unison to stabilize their minds.

"Where there is light, there must be darkness!"


Scorpio closed his eyes and slowly lowered his head, crossing his pliers on his chest, like a devout believer.

"Everyone in the world yearns for light and is afraid of darkness. They hope that light can bring them hope! They don't know that light will only burn everyone who comes close! Only darkness can tolerate all things!"

At some point, Scorpio had flown to the treetops, spreading its wings in front of the horrified eyes of the trio, trying to cover up the bright moon in the sky. The sky seemed to be cooperating with Scorpio's performance. Howling wind began to appear. Thick clouds covered the already unclear moon. The surrounding area became darker and darker. Only the girl's low voice sounded, which was no longer immature.

"And I am the spokesperson of darkness! The morality of the world cannot restrain me, and the laws of light cannot punish me! False justice will only lead to endless absurdity! And these boring things try to judge sin! Judge darkness! Hahahahahaha! !!”

The girl's wild laughter continued to echo here, and the trio, who had been trembling with fear, stood back to each other, trying to find the girl who had disappeared into the darkness.

At this time, it seemed that it was God's blessing. A thin ray of moonlight successfully broke through the clouds. The trio looked at the beam of light in unison, and the beam of light also happened to shine on the girl's position...

Her delicate face had long been replaced by a ferocious smile. The girl pressed a hand heavily on her left eye, forcing her head to look back, but her right eye was still staring at the trio of Team Rocket. The other hand pointed straight at the location of the Rocket trio, as if it was an evil ghost coming to the door...

"Ridiculous!!! Only darkness can judge darkness! Judge this world! This world is already sick! There is no cure! We can only tear it down and start over again! Hahahahahahahaha!!!... Cough cough cough, Really, it’s a good thing I’m leaving, I can hardly stop making it up..."

Seeing the trio of Team Rocket fleeing, Hoshino also stopped, touched his sore throat from laughing too hard, and looked up to glare at Scorpio, who was flying towards him.

"Really, that's good for you. It's obvious that you wanted to play like this, but in the end, I was the one to say it all, while you just watched the show from the side!"


Seeing Hoshino's angry look, Scorpio playfully slapped his head with one of his pincers, tilted his head and stuck out his pink tongue, as if to say sorry.

"How dare you!...Forget it, this is considered as getting rid of them. Don't play like this next time."


Scorpio climbed on Hoshino's head again, looking at his trainer who wanted to be angry but couldn't, and nodded repeatedly, promising not to do it again next time...probably...

"Okay, it's already very late now. Fortunately, it's not far from Viridian City. If you work harder, you should be there soon. Scorpio, I'll give you directions. Your sight should be better than mine at night."


Scorpio nodded, then wrapped his tail around Hoshino's neck. The unique cooling sensation of Scorpio's scale skin slightly relieved Hoshino's throat pain.

One person and one scorpion just walked in the forest at night, talking to each other. The moon had already broken through the shackles of the clouds, dyeing the dark forest with a layer of silver, illuminating the path forward for the two of them.

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