Cross the collapsing iron and rebuild Yaliluo

Chapter 55: Work creates a pure heart

Seeing that both of them recognized Xia Zhihui, Natasha smiled proudly.

"Okay, since you all think you understand, I won't say anything more."

"I feel most at ease with Xia Zhihui. Just let him come up with ideas. He has the most clever ideas in the orphanage since he was a child."

"When I started Dihuo, even though he was unwilling to join him, he still helped me with a lot of work because I was tired at night. It wasn't until Dihuo got on the right track later that he took over the children's commune and then gradually withdrew. .”

Xia Zhihui put his elbow on Dan Heng's shoulder and retorted.

"Although I didn't join Dihuo, the Children's Commune has never let Dihuo worry about it. If it were anyone else, it would definitely make you miserable."

Regarding the children's commune, he did a really good job. Natasha was often so busy that she was physically and mentally exhausted. When she met those childish children, she would feel full of motivation again.

"That's true. You haven't rested for a long time, right? I heard from Xi'er that after you came down from the upper area, you first went to the mining area, then to Rivet Town, and then you were busy to see Swaro. Now, there is no idle moment.”

"It's not okay to be so busy all the time. Your body is the capital of the revolution. I'll leave the follow-up discussions with Swaro to Earth Fire. You guys should have a good rest for a week and recharge your batteries for the important task of heading to the upper area."

After saying that, she looked at Xi'er who was comforting Bronya. The faint voice she heard sounded more like a provocation than a comfort.

The Bronya I know is not like this, you should make your own decision, and so on.

But it was this kind of stimulating words that had a miraculous effect, and Bronya's confused eyes gradually became clear and firm.

Xia Zhihui also looked over and suddenly remembered the inventory he had just seen in the castle, and quickly walked to Clara's side in a few steps.

"Clara, can I pick up some parts?"

At this moment, Clara was holding a palm-sized steel plate in her hand to fasten to Shivaro, which made Xia Zhihui's eyes twitch.

This little loli is not as harmless as she appears on the surface. After all, she has truly embarked on a path of destruction, and her physical fitness is still close to that of an adult.

The main reason why she is so young and pure is that Swaro protects her so well.


Clara pressed the parts in, and Swaro stood up and moved around. The installation was very good, without any lag.

"Okay, brother Xia Zhihui, what are you doing with those parts?"

Xia Zhihui blinked pretending to be mysterious.

"It's a secret, but let me remind you, Hook's eighth birthday is only three days away."

With Clara's permission, Xia Zhihui happily entered the castle and began to select some usable parts.

"Ancient parts, ancient rotating shafts and multiplication shafts, oh my, there are all good things here!"

Sangbo followed Xia Zhihui and quietly entered the castle. When he saw these treasured parts, he couldn't help but let out an admiration.

Everyone was chatting just now, but he was standing alone, but he didn't feel lonely. Instead, he was able to sneak into the castle behind Xia Zhihui and check out the private collections of Swaro and Clara.

Xia Zhihui is not worried about Sangbo doing bad things. Although the two have cheated each other a lot in business, Sangbo is not a sneaky person.

Unexpectedly, Sambo patted him on the shoulder and pointed to a corner filled with parts.

"Look, Brother Xia, what is that? It's actually moving. It must be a rare item!"

“If we take it to the upper-class area, I don’t know how much it can be sold for!”

The top of the pile of parts is a spherical object, which is decorated with complicated patterns. There are several rings on the outside that wrap the middle sphere, which is constantly rotating.

Xia Zhihui's eyes narrowed and he felt that this thing looked extremely familiar.

This is... Gongzao Hunxin!

This is something from Xianzhou!

It must be a treasure passed down from the past interstellar communication period.

This is the pinnacle product of Immortal Boat Technique. Although it is already popular in Immortal Boat, on Yalilo 6, only Shivaro's mechanical body can compete with this thing in technology.

After all, this is the core component that allows machines to think like living creatures!

Xia Zhihui walked over in two or three steps and held Gongzao Qingxin in his hand. The middle of the sphere was transparent, with a slowly rotating square in the middle. There were also inscriptions with unknown meanings printed on it, and it shimmered with golden light. Like breathing.

He couldn't help but admire.

"Good stuff!"

Sambo nodded.

"Indeed, this looks like a good thing, but I have a question."


"Brother Xia, can you use it? Or, are your other accessories enough?"

Good question. Xia Zhihui's face froze with joy just now.

The modern industrial industry of Yalilo 6 has stagnated, and is even continuing to regress. Even those ancient manufacturing processes have disappeared.

The industrial processes used by Beloberg today were determined after hundreds of years of continuous evolution.

To a large extent, in order to create automatic robots for self-defense, Belloberg blocked the room for progress in the automotive, aviation and other industries, just to build one more automatic robot with a little more power.

Since modern industrial processes are not worthy of the craftsmanship, his only solution is to use ancient parts.

Xia Zhihui looked around and relaxed a little.

It can only be said that he is worthy of Swaro. He has exchanged a lot of parts with the gold diggers in the past few years.

There are also many ancient parts among them.

As for the modern people of Belloberg, why do they admire ancient technology so much?

Because a screw in the interstellar era was made of composite metal, which was stronger and harder than today's armor, even whether it was hand-made armor or armor produced on an assembly line.

As for the ingredient list of composite metal?

It had long been lost in that cold wave. After all, Beloberg was a newly built city by the city builders, and the original interstellar commercial and industrial city of Yalilo 6 were all old cities established before the cold wave.

The sudden outbreak of the cold wave not only froze the antimatter legions in the sky, but also destroyed the industrial system established by the ancestors many years ago, and also blocked the communication between the Interstellar Peace Company and Beloberg.

Therefore, Belloberg could only develop step by step under the pressure of World Split Creation and against the cold wave.

Moreover, over the years, the attacks of world-splitting creations have become more and more powerful at night, causing Beloberg's technology, except for maintaining defensive warfare, to basically stagnate. The most obvious one is the automobile industry.

From the first generation of the Grand Guardian to now, the car has basically stopped updating its engine, structure and other aspects.

Every time a new model is launched, it just looks different.

Every time Xia Zhihui thinks about this, he feels a headache, but fortunately, he has the inventory of the mechanical camp to support his bold ideas.

He wanted to install this workmanship on Hook's drilling machine!

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