Cross the collapsing iron and rebuild Yaliluo

Chapter 40 Earthfire Leader Natasha

The already full experience pool has been increased.

Xia Zhihui was already used to it. This broken system had no guidance for newbies, so he had to figure it out on his own.

If he hadn't participated in Star Iron's internal beta test before traveling through time, he might have had to rely on Yuan's experience to make judgments.

But now they only talk about breakthrough, and they don't explain what the breakthrough mission is. Xia Zhihui has no idea what he can do. He has been at level 20 for more than ten years.

What can I do?

Forget it, we can’t win anyway and we still have Xi’er.

Thinking of this, he moved three points closer to Xi'er.

Xi'er turned her head sharply.

"What? Are you scared?"

"You are just an ordinary person... No, although you are much stronger than ordinary people, this kind of thing is better done by us, the messengers of destiny."

"How about you wait for us outside?"

How can that be done! As long as you complete the event, you will gain experience, and this is a good opportunity to gain more experience!

Xia Zhihui shook his head decisively.

"I just feel a little cold and want a warm hug."

Xi'er blushed and turned her head.

Xia Zhihui was stunned.

Um? Is this tacit consent?

Can I carry you up?

Xi'er's soft, fragrant body, I...

Before he even started to move, Sambo took off his red coat and put it on him.

"Oh, I forgot that Xia Zhihui hasn't embarked on his destiny yet. Come on, put on my coat. There will be no charge this time!"

"Don't think it's dirty, this is a new one this morning!"

Seeing Xia Zhihui's disappointed expression, Sangbo showed an evil smile.

How could an old man like him not understand Xia Zhihui's thoughts?

What's more important is that Xia Zhihui is also smart. During the transaction with him, the two of them always put obstacles in the way of the other side in completing the terms, and the outcome always came back and forth.

And now that he had the opportunity to see Xia Zhihui's deflated expression, how could Sang Bo, the cheerful man, let it go?

Even March 7 came to care about Tao.

"Xia Zhihui, if you are really cold, why not go to the homeless camp to find a place to warm up and rest."

After all, they, who can use the power of destiny, have no problem wearing a short skirt in the ice and snow, exposing their long legs, but Xia Zhihui is an ordinary person, wearing thin black casual clothes, short sleeves, and even a jacket. No, in this cold area, being cold is not a good thing.

Dan Heng also nodded.

"According to common sense, this is indeed the case."

"No, there's really no need. I'll be fine even in colder snowfields."

After Xia Zhihui made it clear that there was no problem, everyone did not pay attention to this small episode. Instead, they looked at the destination of the trip, the mechanical settlement.

On March 7, what looked like a camp full of tents in the distance, and homeless people cooking in the open air, sighed.

"Is this Swaro's home? I thought it was a lair full of mechanical parts."

"I didn't expect that there were so many people and it was so lively?"

Xier nodded.

"Well, after all, in the lower area, several towns were destroyed by the erosion of the rift. After some of the townspeople were absorbed by the mining area and other towns, the remaining wanderers were mostly wanderers who were sheltered by Swaro. Here at the camp.”

"Svaro and Dihuo will try their best to provide them with the most basic food to ensure that no one will starve to death, but it is impossible to eat enough."

"Although Shivaro does not allow people from the lower area to go to the upper area, he does not attack humans without reason. He also prevents disputes between people. For weak people, this is the safest place."

"After all, I always have gaps in my patrols in Panyan Town, but Swaro's robots don't."

"Had Nata not acted decisively and asked us to evacuate as soon as possible, Xia Zhihui and I might have been part of this group of people."


March Qi and Xing looked back at Xia Zhihui in surprise, and Bronya also looked a little moved.

Xia Zhihui showed a reassuring smile, but said nothing and was noncommittal.

How can it be!

In order to follow the plot, he was already planning to describe the system space as a superpower to help Natasha move the orphanage.

However, Natasha did have the foresight to safely evacuate the children from the orphanage to Panyan Town, and he gave up only then.

Dan Heng looked around and asked.

"What do we do now?"

Xia Zhihui raised his hand to speak.

"How about we eat first?"

"I have all the pots and pans with me. I even have gaseous fuel. I just need a fire."

Even Sambo was surprised now and looked sideways at him.

Are you still in the mood to eat?

Although I look like I don’t know what you are going to do, I actually know it and am waiting to see a good show!

Others were also surprised, only Bronya nodded.


Xier was surprised.

"You are hungry?"

"I had a full meal in the morning and was not too hungry."

"Why then?"

"Because we are not the only ones who come here."

The largest underground building, the hearth hub is like a huge inverted funnel, and the bucket is very long, supporting the ceiling of the lower area.

Thinking of the center of the Hearth Hub, Panyan Town is to the south of the Hearth Hub, while Rivet Town corresponds to Panyan Town and is to the north of the Hearth Hub. The large mining area is northwest of Panyan Town and west of the Hearth Hub.

The hearth shaft, where the mechanical settlement is built, is in the groove east of the hearth hub. It is colder here than in the town.

You know, in Panyan Town, and even in Rivet Town, which was eroded by the Rift, there is basically no snow.

And what Bronya just said was referring to Earth Fire's backup.

In the passage of the mining area, there is the spy of the Swaro robot, and if you don't come through the passage of the mining area, you can only come from the mine.

As the leader of the Silver Mane Iron Guard, Bronya was aware of the speed of the march, and the reality was just as she expected.

In the mine, the members of Dihuo were rushing towards the mechanical settlement in separate lines.

There are rugged rocks on the mountain, the light is dim, and the wind and snow are howling. Only the snow on the rocks slightly reflects the yellowish light of the marrow mine in the distance, allowing people to barely see the road clearly.

The most elite combatants only carried the minimum load to maintain their strength and prepare for the possible battle.

Some of the transport personnel in front were pushing small carts with pieces of armor on them, some were carrying backpacks containing weapons, explosives, fuses and other supplies, and some were carrying dry bread, drinking water, and medicine as a backup team.

The red-haired Luca advanced at the front of the entire team. His upper body had been put on an armor full of industrial style. The iron fist on his right arm was as big as his head. There was a jet device on his arm to enhance the kinetic energy. From time to time, he would emit hot air and punch. Smashing out and shattering the boulders near the trail, clearing the way for the team.

These trails leading to the mechanical settlement were prepared as planned, but the plan to fight Swaro was half a year ahead of schedule and has not yet been repaired.

Next to Luka was Natasha, who was carrying a large brown backpack and carrying a long-barreled artillery piece with tall legs and thick legs. She was advancing against the oncoming wind and snow to help those behind. Breaking the wind, blocking the oncoming flying snow.

His long gray-blue hair was fluttering in the wind, leaving only an unusually reliable back for the Earthfire members advancing behind him.

This is the Earthfire leader who truly understands the preservation of faith, Natasha.

Implementing the plan half a year in advance may cause a lot of casualties. This is something that the Earthfire members who are climbing forward in the mine are well aware of.

But they followed Natasha's footsteps without hesitation and headed towards the unknown.

Because they believe that Natasha will never abandon anyone.

The current guardian, Cocolia, transferred the silver-maned iron guards in the lower area to resist the world-splitting creations on the front line of the iron guard's restricted area.

The towns in the lower areas were allowed to be eroded by the rift, the people were attacked by monsters, and the passages between the upper and lower areas were even blocked.

From the perspective of the people in the lower-class areas, this means giving up the entire lower-class area.

She abandoned the lower area and chose to preserve the upper area.

This is not a true preservation of faith at all!

One part must be given up to preserve another part, which is completely meaningless to civilization!

As long as you set foot on this path, the only one you will protect in the end is yourself.

Unable to resist, we still try our best to resist. This is the real protection.

Just like Natasha, she never abandons any patient who comes to seek help. In her busy medical work, she also takes time to travel to other towns and homeless camps to save every lower-class area she can help. people.

Even though he had just had an all-night operation, he was now at the forefront of the mechanical settlement team, helping those who came after him to block the wind and snow.

Even in lower-class areas where survival supplies are scarce and life is suffocating, Natasha is still protecting every people she can in a desperate environment.

Even though she knew that the inadequacy of the medicine would kill the person, it would prolong the patient's life until the last moment she could.

Even though she knew that this battle might be the most sacrificial one since the establishment of Earth Fire, she still walked to the front of the team, holding a long cannon, and took the field herself.

Even if she knew that the doctor would always be defeated in the face of death, and that the Earthfire would be vulnerable to Swaro's machinery, she would face the despair of being unable to protect herself and become the leader of the Earthfire who tried her best to protect the lower area.

She will not make the choice to give up part and preserve part.

True preservation is to preserve in despair, not to despair in preservation.

Only such a person who truly understands the meaning of preservation can be the leader of the people in the lower class areas.

She is like a candle, burning herself desperately to bring a touch of warmth and light to the people around her.

Oleg was moved by this, and established the Earth Fire organization with her, recruiting like-minded partners to carry forward this spirit together.

It is also in this spirit that ordinary people like Joshua continue to join the Earth Fire.

All the members of the Earth Fire do not know when the blockade in the upper area will end, nor do they know when this shaky future that cannot see tomorrow will end.

What Dihuo can do is to constantly and personally solve all kinds of troubles in the lower areas, and do his best to share the worries of the people in the lower areas, just like a doctor who doesn't know when the patient's death will come, but still relieves the patient's pain.

Even if this is the only way, more and more people are choosing to join the Earth Fire and become a part of the Earth Fire.

Because we wear this red scarf, we will share each other's pain.

Because we wear this red scarf, we will tolerate each other's shortcomings and become a family.

Because we are earth fire.

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