Cross the collapsing iron and rebuild Yaliluo

Chapter 381 What was your last sentence?

After using the gourd to subdue all the Suiyang, Siluva also piloted the Xingcha and landed nearby.

Bronya jumped down from the star tree, then stretched out her hand to thank Guinaifen who fell next to her.

"Thank you, Miss Guinaifen, for everything you have done to protect Beloberg. You will be one of Beloberg's most distinguished guests."

Gui Naifen, who was originally full of firepower, now only had three rings of firecrackers wrapped around her body.

She was a little embarrassed by Bronya's formal thanks, so she quickly stretched out her hands to hold Bronya's hand and shook it vigorously.

"Nowhere, everyone in the lower area supported my previous live broadcast activities. They also greeted the viewers in my live broadcast room from time to time and gave me snacks. How could I ignore them?"

Her live broadcast hasn't been closed yet, and the barrage is so dense that it's almost invisible.

[I don’t want to see the Great Guardian. You can see it every day in Clipper Castle. Turn the camera to look at Xia Zhihui! 】

[Xiao Guizi is now a big shot. After all, he knows the most powerful people on Yaliluo 6. 】

[This is the great guardian of Beloberg. Is their ruler so young? It looks so friendly! 】

[As a native of the lower class area, I must clarify that Lady Bronya does not appear to be very close to the people, but is actually very close to the people. Before she took over, she specially went to the lower-class districts to conduct public opinion surveys, go deep into the front lines, and understand what the people needed most. This is not something ordinary rulers can do! 】

Soon, a reward barrage was designated at the top.

Gui Naifen thought it out subconsciously.

[Chasing Three Streets: If you don’t want to watch Bronya, take pictures of Xia Zhihui! 】

"Okay, okay, my family is the biggest, take the photo now!"

She turned the camera to take a picture of Xia Zhihui.

At this moment, Xia Zhihui still maintained his transformed form, taking a pair of pants from the system space and putting them on his feet.

Behind him was the naked Jeppard, who was rolled up in a blanket by Sylva.

Sylva rolled it up hard, then carried it, directly carrying Jeppard on his shoulders.

The unconscious Jeppard had no idea that at this moment, his naked upper body had been completely viewed by thousands of people from Luofu and Belloberg.

The barrages in the live broadcast room surged again.

【What is sister doing? let me! 】

[The transformation is wearing pants, is it because the clothes have become bigger and have burst? 】

[Then I suggest you prepare two sets of clothes that are half magic weapons, at least so that you can go with the big ones or the small ones. 】

[Is this the unlucky guy possessed by the floating smoke? 】

[Yes, but Fuyan can rely on him, but it does not amplify the dark nature in his heart. Instead, he can only control it by himself, which shows that this guy is either of high moral character or has no pursuit. 】

【You have no pursuit! Guardsman Jeppard is our strongest supporter of Beloberg! 】

Xia Zhihui completed Ultra putting on pants and Ultra dressed, and then canceled the transformation state.

The clothes on his upper body were crushed before and then torn off by himself, while the pants were completely torn because he had transformed for the first time and forgot to assimilate.

But this is not a big problem. First of all, these pairs of pants are good, and secondly, you will become familiar with them after you transform a few times.

As the silver, red, and blue colors gradually faded away, his original appearance was revealed on his originally angular face.

Gui Naifen asked with a smile while holding her mobile phone towards him.

"You saved Beloberg again, how about it?"

Xia Zhihui subconsciously glanced at the top of the inner city wall, where several figures were looming.

He waved over there and then said.

"It's not bad. I just hope that this kind of thing won't happen next time. It's best to stay safe."

"Oh, by the way, have you named the transformed giant? I've thought of a good name!"

"Not yet, would you like to hear it?"

"How about we call it the Hui of Xia Gigantamax?"

"What was your last sentence?"

"I thought of a good name!"

Xia Zhihui was very calm. Through getting along with Li Sushang, he had a rough understanding of Gui Naifen's cultural level.

"One more word."

Gui Naifen tilted her head.

"Did you name the transformed giant?"

Xia Zhihui nodded.

"Take it and call it Ultraman. In the form of the giant of light, I will be called Ultraman from now on."

"Ultraman? What a strange name."

"Well... in a certain place's slang, it means superman, transcending ordinary people."


Gui Naifen was confused.

"Then why isn't it called Superman form?"

Xia Zhihui, who planned to bury his identity as a time traveler for the rest of his life, joked.

"Because I know that the supermen in other worlds are all guys who wear red underwear."

"And I'm a conservative person, so I won't do things that go against Tiangang like wearing underwear outside."

Two nonsense words frightened Gui Naifen.

"Huh? Is that so? Xia Zhihui, you are really well-informed!"


The two chatted for a few words, and Sylva had already arranged for Jeppard, tied him directly in the cargo hold of Xingcha, and then slammed the door neatly and neatly.

Seeing both of them looking over, she pointed her thumb at Xingcha behind her.

"Go to Xingcha, sister will take you back!"

"Got it!"

Xia Zhihui held up his hands, rolled in and sat in the passenger seat.

Then Bronya and Gui Naifen, who was holding a mobile phone to broadcast live, also came up.

When Sylva sat in the driver's seat, Bronya looked around and asked.

"Where's Jeppard?"

Sylva activated the star without looking back.

"In the warehouse, his face turned pale. I don't know if it was because he was sucked by Sui Yang or because he was cold. Anyway, I just touched his hands and feet, and they were still warm. It must be because he was sucked too hard by Sui Yang. , need to rest."

Bronya was even more puzzled.

"Then you threw him in the cargo hold?"

Is this a bit too harsh?

Are you really his biological sister?

Unexpectedly, Siluva retorted with unusual confidence.

"Of course. He's so big. If he's placed in the front, who among us will squeeze into the cargo hold?"

"And even if it's placed in the front, with him curled up in a blanket, he might as well be lying flat in the cargo hold. I even put several cushions for him!"

"Okay, he's more comfortable in the cargo hold than you are in the back seat. Didn't you realize that your seat and seat cushions are all gone?"

After she said this, a few people realized that the wooden chair was a bit harsh on their buttocks.

"By the way, where should we go? Back to Clipperburg, or near the square?"

Before Bronya could speak, Xia Zhihui spoke.

"Go to the inner city wall."

The purpose of returning to Clipperburg was to take charge of the overall situation, and to go to the square to get closer to the masses, because the passage to the lower area was there.

But Xia Zhihui still chose to go to the inner city wall.

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