When they reached the top of the building, several people entered a small transparent room with two tables, several chairs, and a computer.

Outside the small room, there was an empty sports field, surrounded by a barbed wire fence with no visible metal material.

Xia Zhihui opened the map and took a glance.

No one.

Didn’t it say that the first training goal is legal knowledge?

Are you taking classes in a place like this?

Or is there any special program?

Harry glanced around quickly and his expression changed.

What about people?

It was clearly agreed that Chief Instructor Hazlitt would be waiting for the four of them here for a small meeting, but why was there no one there?

He looked grim for just a few seconds, then the smile returned to his face.

"Four of you please sit down and wait for a moment. I'll go downstairs to ask."

March 7 sat down first and waved.

"Xiao Xia, make tea!"

Xing's eyes lit up, and he imitated her and waved his hand in an imposing manner.

"Make tea!"

Dan Heng said nothing and just sat at a table with the two of them.

Seeing that Dan Heng, who had always been steady, was acting like this, March Qi chuckled.

"Why don't you hurry up?"

"Didn't you see that the almighty Teacher Dan Heng is waiting?"

It was rare that Dan Heng also cooperated with their mischief, and Xia Zhihui also laughed.


He skillfully took out the tea set and a pot of boiling water from the system backpack and started making tea.

Anyway, I don’t know how long it will take for Harry to come back. It would be nice to have some tea if I leave them here.

Since there is a salary during the training period, wouldn't it be nice to get money for drinking tea?

This was something that he, as a wage earner in his previous life, never dared to think about!

He gently picked up the tea can, opened the lid, scooped out a handful of tea leaves with a teaspoon, and put it into the teapot.

Then, he poured hot water into the teapot, and the hot water hit the tea leaves. The tea leaves were like a flat boat, rolling and stretching in the hot water, releasing a rich aroma.

The moment the tea aroma came up, Xia Zhihui covered the teapot and slowly waited for the tea leaves and hot water to ferment.

After waiting for a moment, when the time was up, he slowly poured the tea into the fair cup. A burst of golden foam appeared in the cup, like crystal clear pearls.

Then, he poured the tea into small teacups. The tea in the teacups was like amber, clear and translucent.

March 7 couldn't wait for Xia Zhihui to hand it to him, so he stretched out his hand to hold it.

Just when Xing wanted to remind her that her hands were hot, he saw the colorful thin ice in her hands.

To take a sip of tea, condense the six-phase ice in your hand.

Xing had nothing to say and could only tug on her clothes.

"I also want!"

Boiling hot tea is not something you can drink now.

March 7th is not only using six-phase ice to protect herself, but also quickly cooling down the tea.

After all, she didn't say it just to enjoy tea, she just wanted to drink some tea.

Xia Zhihui, who understood her thoughts, didn't say anything about peony, but instead nodded on the table in front of him, next to his tea.

The meaning is obvious.

I also want.

March 7 smiled, showing her white teeth.

"Oh, you just make tea. Why are you using such hot water? I need to cool it down."

Just given some color, are you going to open a dyeing workshop?

Xia Zhihui glanced at her in surprise.

"Almighty Teacher Dan Heng still needs to drink normal tea."

Compared to the three people who want to drink tea quickly, even at the expense of the taste, Dan Heng is the only one who can taste the fragrance of tea anytime and anywhere.

However, he did not intervene in the conversation between the three of them.

This is just the daily quarrel between friends.

He's so used to it.

A few minutes after making the tea, Harry came up from the elevator.

"Sorry, Chief Instructor Hazlitt encountered a temporary assignment, and a group of thugs attacked a subsidiary of Yudian Company."

Xia Zhihui looked at him while holding the teacup and asked.

"Is there no one else?"

Harry looked embarrassed.


"Sorry, Yudian Company is one of the three major companies with the same reputation as Free Technology. Facing their tasks, Wildfire Company still has to face them at the highest level, so now the security personnel of Wildfire Company have gone to the front line to support them. , and everyone else needs to stick to their posts.”

"Okay, that's understandable, but what should we do?"

Harry didn't know what to do for a moment and asked tentatively.

"How about... give you a day off?"

Seeing the expressionless faces of the four people, Harry felt a little panicked for a moment.

Now I have released the doves of four beauties, and more importantly, I want them to feel the warmth of the company!

He gritted his teeth and decided to go back and write a report.

"The salary will be calculated as expected!"

A day's salary is nothing to Wildfire Company.

As long as these four people don't run away, anything can be said.

Xia Zhihui's hand shook and he almost didn't pour out the tea.


Not only can you get money for drinking tea, but you can also get money for holidays before joining the job?

Is this the value of a destiny traveler?

But am I short of money?

Short of money!

But right now, intelligence is more important.

Xia Zhihui glanced at the three friends and said.

"Harry, do you have something?"

"No big deal."

"Then take us on a tour of the company and treat it as a tour."

Harry carefully judged the priority of daily tasks and Xia Zhihui's request, and finally decided.

"Okay, then please come with me."

Xia Zhihui smiled slightly.

The rhythm is now under his control.

He pointed to the teacup on the table and poured Harry a cup as well.

"There's no rush. You can sit down and rest for a while. Let's have some tea and then we'll take our time to visit."

"After all, you went down and back up in a hurry."

There is nothing tiring about taking the elevator up and down the stairs.

But Xia Zhihui's concern made Harry feel a long-lost warmth.

Although Wildfire Company is one of the best companies in City No. 7, after all, it is backed by free technology and can enjoy the shade under the big trees.

But in this kind of company, there is no human touch. Everything is based on efficiency.

This is a KPI-first company!

He worked diligently and hard, and finally eliminated countless opponents and stayed.

It may seem beautiful, but few people can understand the hardships involved.

It was not easy to find hope for further progress, but the company's temporary urgent task changed the original itinerary.

He was also a little worried that Xia Zhihui and the others would be angry because they were let go, and they would not promote him in future promotions.

As a result, Xia Zhihui was now actually concerned about whether he was tired.

He was so moved.

Xia Zhihui didn't think so much, but felt that Dan Heng's tea was not cold enough to drink.

Rather than letting Harry watch from the sidelines, it would be better to invite him to join the tea party for a chat.

It’s also good to have multiple sets of all information!

Harry took his seat, March 7th stretched out his hand and handed over the tea cup.

Looking at the tea that was still steaming just now, it was no longer warm when I took it.

Harry was shocked, remembering the ice attribute on March 7th's resume, and then calmed down.

It actually uses ice to cool boiling water without damaging the tea cup due to thermal expansion and contraction.

This meticulous control of power is indeed the most terrifying March Seven!

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