Cross the collapsing iron and rebuild Yaliluo

Chapter 213 Coffee is delivered!

After silently planning the exchange with Belloberg in his mind, Fu Xuan picked up the tea again and took a sip.

"I will also report the matter of Dimeng Star to Liuyu. I hope you can understand Xia Zhihui."

Xia Zhihui waved his hand.

"It's easy to talk about."

"I've already seen the Ruoyue incident, but I haven't told my companions yet. I didn't expect to leave so soon. I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything."

As for what he really needed, Xia Zhihui didn't say it. He believed that Fu Xuan would understand.

Fu Xuan put down his teacup and looked at the people.

"If the moon incident has not been mentioned before, just pretend it never happened."

"I still have something to discuss with you, and I hope you can help me."

March 7 hugged his head.

"Isn't it you? Do you have any other tasks now?"

Fu Xuan shook his head.

"I can't talk about the mission. It's just the disaster relief from the star core, the rebellion caused by the King of Medicine, Jianmu's rebirth, and even the anti-matter army's infiltration into Luofu... The details of all these incidents must be submitted to the alliance's senior management for investigation. .”

"After all, Luofu is not a fairy boat in a fighting state. If such a big thing happens, we still need to explain it clearly."

"But I am involved in it, and I am more or less attracted by external forces, and my knowledge is biased. Therefore, I ask you to sort out the context with me and understand the many details."

"I will first tell you what I know. If there are any omissions, I hope you will check and fill in the gaps to ensure that the whole story of the incident is detailed."

She took a sip of tea and continued.

"Let's start with the Great Lord of Annihilation, Huan Long. Now it seems that she is the mastermind of everything. In the history of Xianzhou, the Anti-Material Legion has also been at war with the Alliance, so we are always vigilant about the trends of the Legion's forces. .”

"But our most important goal has always been to exterminate the abundant evil creatures, so we are not so cautious about the Legion's defense."

"And this time, no one expected that their attack would be carried out in such a secretive way. The Lord of Extinction sneaked in in disguise, hatched a conspiracy, secretly combined with the King of Medicine, modified the Qionguan Formation, left the star core, and promoted Jianmu revived, triggered a rebellion, and tried to induce Luofu to commit suicide."

"We should obviously raise the Legion's danger level by a few more levels."

"As for the secret tradition of the King of Medicine, ever since Jianmu was chopped off by Emperor Gong Si Ming thousands of years ago, fertility has been demoted as a taboo. The Danding Division, which originally mastered the so-called immortal way, collapsed and became a division that is better than nothing. The follow-up will Re-emerging with the development of various drugs.”

"Actually, Xianzhou doesn't do anything with people's beliefs. It's just that normal belief in fertility is also feasible. But these guys in the Secret of Medicine King always want everyone to fall into the devil's body. This is something we can't tolerate. .”

"Some of them did not hesitate to seek skin from the tiger, and asked for a star core from the Anti-Matter Legion in an attempt to regenerate the Fairyland of Abundance."

"Alas, they did succeed, but isn't Huanhuang's purpose to help them realize their wishes? These traitors betrayed the fairy boat, but they ended up being sacrifices for the plan of the Lord of Extermination."

"But not to mention becoming the pawn of Lord Annihilation under Ancestor Jin Mie, I don't know how many people in the Immortal Boat have been harmed. Even death is not enough to quell the overwhelming anger of the people."

"The last one is the star core hunters."

"I know very little about the Star Core Hunters."

"But in the Poor View Formation, I saw the prophecy that Kafka received from Elio, the slave of fate. Elio foresaw various possibilities for Lou Fu..."

"But the information she knows is only the information Elio wants to leave to us."

"This is indeed the most beneficial future for Luofu. The Star Core Hunters threw themselves into the trap and attracted allies to the Immortal Boat...that is, everyone on the Star Dome Train."

"Although this is selfish, the result is still good intentions."

When she said this, she took another sip of tea and thought silently as she looked at the few people who would add something from time to time.

Everything given by fate has already been marked with a secret price.

Now Luofu has indeed reached one of the best endings with the help of the star train.

But when the Skytrain needs help, how much will Luofu pay?

"There is only so much information that I know now. Although the known information is sufficient and the logic is reasonable, there are still some details."

"For example, how was the star core brought to the immortal boat? Who sent it to the scale abyss realm? How many remnants of the Medicine King's secret tradition have not yet been wiped out? None of this is known. But we have tried our best."

Xia Zhihui nodded.


March 71 slapped him on the shoulder.

"You didn't participate, so what are you doing here to sort things out?"

Xia Zhihui laughed and passed by.

"I have the right to listen to the story. I will naturally point out the unreasonable parts of the story, but it is not important anymore."

Fu Xuan nodded.

"Indeed, you are planning to leave Luofu. These things are indeed not important anymore. Luofu will continue to investigate in the future and strive to uproot the remnants of the King of Medicine."


She hesitated for a moment.

Walter asked.

"But what?"

"I have already considered the document report submitted to the alliance. There will be some parts about you, but for Jingyuan's sake, I have to hide your names from the parts involving Xianzhou's internal affairs. I hope Haihan will."

Walter agreed.

"That's fine, I was just about to talk about it."

"The alliance's top management will not look down upon Jianmu's resurrection, and will probably review every aspect of it."

"But for us, one more thing is worse than one less thing. You also know everything about what we have done."

"If the Star Dome Train is involved, I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave for a while."


Fu Xuan felt a headache when he thought of everything that happened in Jianmu's resuscitation incident.

"Jingyuan has committed many violations this time, and I have to deal with them one by one."

"It turned out that he was fine. I asked him to recuperate in the Danding Division. He first cleaned up the remnants of the Medicine King's Secret Secret Party in the Danding Division, then appeared on the front line dragging his wounded body, and now he left voluntarily and disappeared without a trace."

"General Luofu is in great trouble..."

She rubbed the magic eye on her forehead and felt that she needed a cup of Immortal Happy Tea to replenish her energy.

"Before departure, everyone hopes to participate in the last ceremony, the memorial ceremony hosted by Tianbo Division to pay homage to the victims in the Jianmu recovery incident."

"While heading to Tianbo Division, I have something I want to entrust you to deliver to Yukong."

She took out a slightly damaged fan.

"This is Tingyun's fan. Whether the "Tingyun" traveling with us is a puppet controlled by Huanhu or some kind of blind illusion is unknown. "

"But Tingyun is Yu Kong's capable subordinate after all. She must be very sad. I hope you can help comfort her."

"Okay, let's end the conversation today. I have to temporarily take care of Yunqi's affairs, so I'm sorry that I can't accompany you."

"Xianzhou will sign a supply agreement with the Star Dome Train later. I heard that there is a shortage of coffee on the Star Dome Train. Tianbo Company specially purchased a batch from other worlds and sent it to the train soon."

"I hope you all enjoy your drink."

Xia Zhihui's heart tightened inexplicably, and Walter seemed to notice it, reaching across Dan Heng and patting him on the back.

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