Collapse of the universe, Leziren’s question-and-answer journey

Chapter 68 Zhongli’s Journey to Fontaine (Time of Judgment)

<An hour ago.

"Huh~, it is indeed the water of the Kingdom of Water. The color of the water is mysterious, and you will have endless aftertaste after tasting it..." Zhong Li took a sip of Fontaine's cold white drink and commented with endless aftertaste.

The boss on the side had blue veins popping out.

"Made, this little brat ate 50 Mora of food without paying me, and now he doesn't even drink water."

"Ahem, sir, are you done with your meal?" The boss approached Zhongli with a forced smile.

"Based on the general theory, I am quite satisfied with this meal," Zhongli said calmly.

At this moment, Xiaoshi entered with a cart containing a large amount of meat.

Xiaoshi's gray hair was combed and shiny, looking at the diners elegantly, with an "innocent and evil" smile on his face.

“Everyone, listen to me first, before the party starts...there are no vegetarians here!!!”

Zhongli: "......"


The boss saw Zhongli reaching for the food with a knife and fork again, and immediately called the police to stop him.

"Hmph, you should take a break after eating so much. Let's go, see you in court." After saying that, the boss went to the court first.

Zhongli: “……..”〉

〈Chat box〉

〈Zhongli (original): Ahem, according to general theory, it is impossible for me not to pay.〉

<Xiao Shi (Beng Xian): What the hell! I'm a cook? 〉

〈Wutao (original):............〉

〈Dadalia (original):............〉

〈Xiang Ling (original):…………〉

〈Everyone:............(Do you think we believe it?)〉

〈The video switched to the courtroom, and Funina was seen standing tall, scorning Zhongli (Morax) who was wearing a divine costume and handcuffed below.

"What crime did the people in the audience commit?" Funina quickly put on a fake beard, black eyes, and held the Black Tower's hammer in her hand.

"He...he eats the Bawang meal without paying for it," the boss accused Zhongli at the top of his lungs.

"Ahem, cough, cough, generally speaking, I left something behind that I want to mortgage," Zhongli defended.

"What the hell do you call a mortgage?" He said and threw a piece of IOU in Zhongli's face.

Zhong Li looked at everyone around him and said, "I'm really sorry. I lost my wallet in a foreign country and I wanted to see if I could make an account..."

Before Zhongli could finish speaking, the boss interrupted him, "This is Fengdan, not Liyue. You can't eat on credit!!"

Funina on the stage looked calm and careless on the outside, but actually she was panicking on the inside.

Isn't this the old guy Morax? It's strange, why is there not a single mola on my body? Funina was very confused.

"Cough cough cough, be quiet, be quiet." Funina used the black tower's hammer to hit Villette's head hard under the table, making a banging sound.

"Mr. Zhongli refused to give Mora food. According to Fontaine law, he should be sentenced to death and executed immediately."

"Hey, hey, hey! Is it so serious?" In the jury box, Nasida looked at Funina's conclusion in surprise.

But our Wendy and Lei movies are drinking crazily and eating three-colored dumplings.

"Wait a minute, if we follow Fengdan's procedure, shouldn't it be the oracle machine that makes the decision?" Zhongli immediately used his eloquence.

And our Fufu was sitting on it with her legs crossed, her face looking a little proud, a little panicked and a little cold.

"Shut up, I am the water god Fukalos. I can judge gods from foreign countries."

Fu Nina's heart: It's broken, it's broken, the oracle machine was damaged by me yesterday, so I quit working and went on strike. The oracle machine must not be exposed!

Clolind looked at Fonina who was sweating in front of her and knew that the oracle machine had been blocked by her again and again. It's time to call in the physics maintenance worker "Alicia" again.

"Ahem, Lord Water God, why don't we let him pay Mora first?" Clolind said to break Funina's embarrassment.

After Fu Nina heard this, her whole body suddenly shone brightly, and she said with integrity, "Yes, yes, yes, pay first, then die."

Mr. Zhongli, please ask someone to bring Maura here first."

After Zhongli heard this, he took out his 8848 titanium alloy mobile phone (the kind that automatically explodes when a person and machine are 10 meters away) and dialed Hu Tao's number.

"Hello, Hall Master Hu. Well, it's my little bell. I lost my travel expenses in Fontaine. I wonder if I can send some more..."

Hu Tao's words came over the phone: "It's easy to say, as long as you can get customers in Fontaine, I will send you money."

After hearing this, Zhong Li looked at Fu Nina with a serious face, "Are you interested in learning about the services of the Rebirth Hall?"

"Huh? Hall of Rebirth? What is that?" Fu Nina said she didn't understand.

"The specific services are: private car transfer, cremation, mourning, customized urn, customized coffin..."

Before Zhongli could finish speaking, Funina interrupted Zhongli and said angrily, "Who wants that kind of thing!"

Afterwards, Fu Nina sat back on the chair angrily.

He looked at Zhongli and said, "Or you can call your defense lawyer..."

Before Funina could finish speaking, she saw a flash of white light beside Zhongli.

Yan Fei arrived at the battlefield in lawyer attire, Fu Hua arrived at the battlefield in detective attire, and Fu Xuan came to Zhongli in investigator attire.

"What happened?" x3

Funina looked at the three people who suddenly appeared and said angrily, "Uncle Zhongli doesn't pay for meals. According to Fontaine law, he is sentenced to death and will be executed immediately."

"Wait!!" Yan Fei pushed her non-existent eyes and looked at Funina.

"Oh? Do you have any questions?"

"According to Fontaine Law Article 1452, it is clearly stipulated that if you give something to Mora after eating, you should promptly compensate him."

"That's good. Compensation comes first before the death penalty." Funina looked at Yan Fei.

As he spoke, he knocked Villette on the head again.

Funina's heart: Hehehe, I asked you to recommend to me the one-stop package at the Rebirth Hall.

"Wait, that's not what I meant!!" Yan Fei shouted.

"Wait a moment, let me contact Fontaine's friend (wallet) first." With that said, Zhongli took out the 8848 titanium alloy mobile phone again.

"Hello, is Master here?"

"What's up"

"Can I borrow some Mora?"

"I'm in prison, how can I lend you Mora?"


"It doesn't matter, I have a solution"

Later, Zhongli handed over Dadalia's clothes, evil eye, and god's eye to the boss.

"These should be enough for mortgage," Funina murmured while looking at the things in the boss's hands.

"However, Mr. Zhongli's wallet was lost in Fontaine. Let's help Mr. Zhongli look for it." Fu Hua pushed his eyes.

"Thank you all," Zhongli said, stuffing the 8848 titanium alloy phone back into his inner pocket.

"Huh? It turns out to be here." Zhongli took out the long-missing wallet from his inner pocket.

When the wallet was opened, a fly flew out. Taking a closer look, it was empty.



Dardalia was wearing red shorts and sitting in the cage holding her knees.

"Uuuuuuuuuah, my clothes..."〉

The picture stayed on Dadalia Keliang's face.

〈Chat box〉

〈Mu Mu (Beng Xian): How to put it... it’s outrageous〉

〈Yan Fei (original):…………〉

〈Fu Hua (collapse):......................〉

<Hu Tao (original): Zhongli! Don’t spend money lavishly on foreign trade next time! 〉

〈Zhongli (original):............〉

<Xiao Shi (Beng Xian): This...this, this, this, a god from another world? Is it so outrageous? Even more outrageous than an antique. 〉

〈Zhongli (original):............〉

〈Fu Hua (collapsed):…………〉

<Fu Xuan (Xing Tie): What the hell! I'm Taibu-sama, why don't I even have any lines? 〉

〈Nasida (original): shocked〉

〈Wendy (original): Le〉

〈Ye Shenzi (original): Raku〉

〈Aha (Star Iron): Fun〉

〈Keqing (original): Uh uh uh...〉

〈Gan Yu (original): The emperor must have a deep meaning in doing this〉

〈Zhongli (original):............〉

<Excuse me: Who defrauded Zhongli because he owed money?

A. Fu Hua

B. Fu Xuan

C. Kiana


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