
"They're coming... They're coming... They're coming..."

The radio continued to broadcast the figures appearing outside the party door.

"Guests have 30 seconds to arrive at the battlefield, please be prepared..."

"Wait, the broadcast is wrong. The guests have arrived and are about to enter. Please protect yourself, because there is a crazy cook..."

Everyone: "............"

"Wait, what do you mean? Bad!!!!"

Mandrill, who was at the door, reacted first, his pupils widened, full of shock and disbelief.

Looking at the trembling iron door in front of him that was about to break, Mandrill knew it was time for him to run.

"Jing Yao Nuo Dance!!!"

Mandrill then put on his mask, held his hand and Pu Yuan and frantically "brushed, brushed, brushed" trying to jump behind Luo Xiaosha.

Luo Xiaosha: "............"

"Ahhhhh!!! What did I see?! Mandrill Baoer!!!"

"Mom, I met my idol!!!"

A strong man wearing the same clothes and mask as Mandrill immediately danced excitedly after seeing Mandrill.

Then when Mandrill was using Jingyao Nuo Dance, he swooped over and grabbed Mandrill's left leg.

"Mandrill!!! You are my idol!!!"

With that said, the strong man took out his mobile phone, opened the photo album and raised it in front of Mandrill.

"How about you take another look..."

The corner of Mandrill's mouth twitched, not wanting to pay attention to this strong man.

Hearing this, the strong man turned over his phone and looked at it, then smiled sheepishly at Mandrill.

"Sorry, I put the wrong photo. Why did I put it as a realistic photo of Mr. Sora Aoi..."

"Just wait..."

As he spoke, the strong man at Mandrill's feet flipped through the photo album again, and then raised it in front of Mandrill.

"Mandrill!!! I don't have Wendy, but he does!!!"

As he spoke, a photo of a man in a suit and leather shoes was pulled out by the strong man.

"Look, this guy is like this. He's not as handsome as me, but isn't he richer and more capable than me?!"

"Let go!!!"

"Mandrill!!! I'm your fan!!!"

"Oh... I say it again, let go!!!"

"Mandrill!!! I..."

Just when the strong man wanted to say something, he saw a drunk Wendy being surrounded by a group of members and passing by the strong man to the locker room.

"Wendy..." The strong man looked at Wendy blankly, and then followed him with a smile on his face.


“Teresa is the cutest in the world!!!!”

An exclamation interrupted Mandrill's contemplation, and our group member Theresa Guanxing looked at Theresa with a blushing face on the stage and her hands firmly pulling down the hem of her skirt. She couldn't help but let out a cry. Admire.

"Hahahaha... Me too!" Lao Bi cupped his fists and saluted Stargazing.

"Nonsense, it's obviously the all-powerful sea fish cat (Kiana) who is so fucking cute!!!"

On the other side, I saw the friends of Kiana's support club walking towards Stargazing and Lao Bi step by step.

"What are you doing? I'm suing you for a fight?!"

Lao Bi took a few steps back with some fear. After all, the other party was more powerful and there were only two of him.

A team battle is about to break out here, while Luo Xiaosha, Otto and Luosha fall into silence for a long time after meeting on the other side.

"Who is this friend?" Otto's mouth twitched. Why is there a female version of myself in front of me? It looks like myself...

"In Xialuo..."

"This girl is Luo Xiaosha!!!"

Rakshasa: ".........."

"It turns out to be madam, I was rude just now." As he said that, Otto nodded slightly towards Luo Xiaosha.

But at the moment of nodding, Otto saw the pink-furred fox holding Karen's hand coming out of the hotel, and Otto felt bad.

"Excuse me for now..."

With that said, Otto quickly rushed towards Kallen.


Kallen looked back in shock and saw Otto in front of her.

"Who are you?"

"Huh? Me... Me Otto? Are you so young?!"

"Oh, you're looking for Karen, right? She's not here."

"Huh?" Otto looked at the person in front of him who looked very similar to Kallen with some confusion.

Well, although they look almost the same, if you look closely, you can still see the difference between the person in front of you and Kallen.

"Excuse me, ma'am, who are you?"

"Karen Karanna"

Otto: "????"


"You are so objective. Where are you going?"

"Hello, Master. Let's go to the center stage of the carnival party." Yun Mo hurriedly got into the car of Endless Dai'e.

The interior decoration cannot be said to be luxurious, it can only be said to be shabby.

Of course, if you ignore Fu Yinyu who is tied up behind the car and unable to move or make a sound...

"Okay~" Following the reply from Zhen Yandai Goose, the vehicle slowly started and drove away from the gate.

Yunmo looked at the shadows of the trees whizzing by outside the window, Shi Wusheng driving wildly on the road and escaping, and the boy band "Debon Logistics" who was chasing her crazily behind Shi Wusheng.

Directly on the road between the two sides came the wave of Fast and Furious, Free America, and shooting every day.

"Well...I'm a little sleepy, so I'll take a nap first. Call me when you get there..."

Yun Mo glanced at Zhan Yan with sleepy eyes.

Finally, Daigo made an OK gesture towards Yun Mo.

"Mouwente~, I can open it with my eyes closed..."

Yun Mo seemed to have gotten the answer he wanted, then leaned back, fell asleep on the passenger seat.

But in the end, the silly goose still kept swaying to the music in the car, completely ignoring the signs on the roadside.

Twenty minutes later........

"Hey, hey, wake up! Get out of the car and help me out!" Finally, Daigou woke Yun Mo up from his sleep, then got out of the car and went to push the cart.

Yun Mo opened his eyes, got out of the car and walked forward, looking at the Gobi Desert around him in confusion and surprise.

"Oh, my uncle, you little brat, what are you doing to me?"

"Is this still in China? Huh?"

Dong Dong Dong————

Finally, Daigou knocked on the car door and looked at Yun Modao.

"Help me push the car. Didn't you see that it got stuck in the sand? You don't have any eyesight."

"Oh, are you talking to me? Little thin dog?"

"What the hell?" Finally Daigou put down what he was doing and walked up to Yun Mo.

"I said you are talking to me? You little bastard."

"Why are you so naughty?"

"Oh my god, I've grown up since childhood. What should I do?"

"From Xianzhou?"

"Are you deaf? Can't you hear my fairy boat?"

After hearing this, Daigoose immediately took out his aura.

"You know who I am?"

"Who are you?"

"Brother Yan, the end of the collapsing world"

"Oh, I really haven't heard of it? What should I do?"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"


A sudden smile burst out from Zhenyan Daigo's face, because she had already imagined the scene of herself playing with Yunmo in her mind.

Upon seeing this, Yun Mo took out the Xuanyuan Sword and patted Zhan Yan Duo Goose's face with the blade.

"You're only laughing because of Mao. You're laughing? Huh?"

"Oh, wow!!!" In the end, Daigoose took the lead and pushed Yun Mo to the ground, then turned around and ran to his car.

"Who the hell are you scolding? Stop right there!!!"

"Hahahaha, stay here and drink the sand!!! Jiejiejiejie..."

Afterwards, he finally drove away in his car. Only a pile of car exhaust was left in Yunmo.

"You fucking stop!!!! Wait for me!!!! Wait for me! I'm not done with you!!!"


inside party

"Practice for another five hundred years!!!"

Mu Xueqing and DIO looked at Kaiya and Jingyuan opposite and laughed from the bottom of their hearts.

Mu Xueqing waved the tennis stick in her hand, her face full of rebelliousness. His eyes revealed one part coolness, one part indifference, one part indifference and one part joking.

DIO next to him summoned his substitute: the world with a look of disdain on his face.

"Damn...can it be that our MiHoYo team can only lose...?"

Kaia looked at the trembling tennis club in his hand with some resentment.

"No, there is another way..." Jing Yuan spoke up at the right moment.

"any solution?"

"Oh, that's..."


(This book is coming to an end and a new book will be released soon.

The new book is a funny article that will make you laugh to death so that I can harvest your souls. )

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