A peerless killer possessing a cat girl assassin from another world

Chapter 473 The truth of the story will be judged by others

Now it seems that the entire continent is really like a huge powder keg...

Sooner or later, a war may break out again between the Kingdom of Sindrar and the Kingdom of Dorok.

The newly born Republic of Battoria was under pressure from the southern countries, and border frictions continued.

The emerging Freedom was blocked from developing by the sudden natural disaster of the Muchashar Desert in front of it...

The church intends to stir up conflict in this free city and ignite the fuse of war...

Among the four, except for the sandstorm disaster which is a force majeure factor, the other three are closely related to the Church of Holy Light.

But the church’s target should be the demons...but these actions don’t seem to be aimed at the demons at all.

“We must first stabilize the country before we can fight against foreign aggression”?

Bai Ye felt that the arrogant church would never understand this truth.

They just attack whoever they dislike...

But thinking back to what happened in the Florence Underground Church...

Is he planning to commit a similar crime in Freedum and then frame the demons?

This is killing two birds with one stone. Just as I guessed at the beginning, it can suppress heresy while creating a reason for war.

Although this inference is more reasonable, there still needs to be evidence...otherwise it is just my own guess.


"Anyway, this is the situation. Don't worry, you guys can have fun. It's not to the point where we dwarves can't handle it."

After the story was told and the wine in the glass was finished, Shi Dong's face turned a little red and he said.

Everyone present could tell that there was some reluctance in Shi Dong's words, although it was not much...

The atmosphere became somewhat stagnant... The only sound left was the crunching sound of Shuangtian chewing chicken bones...

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about those upsetting things."

In the end, it was Stone who broke the deadlock.

"Let me tell you a story... Hmm... Let me think... I used to stay underground a lot, and there weren't many interesting stories... Hey! How about this, let me tell you the story of the first generation of heroes... This story is very famous, and you people on the ground have definitely never heard of it."

"…Whose story?"

Beorra was a little surprised.

"The first generation hero, haven't you heard of him?"

"Um...I've heard...a little bit..."

Beora looked at Koruru. This was the first time she heard of a hero. It was from her...

"Well, it's normal that I haven't heard of it... After all, it's been so long..."

"Let me think, where do I start..."

"Oh, by the way, let's start from the day the Holy Light descended..."

Shi Dong began to tell the story of the first generation of heroes that had been passed down from the dwarf era in a very familiar tone, a storytelling style that one could tell had been practiced for a long time.

Actually, listening to Bai Ye, it's a pretty formulaic epic story, the kind that's hard to tell whether it's true or not...

There is no other way. After all, it has been passed down orally for tens of thousands of years. What people care about most is the heroic deeds and immortal glory in the story...

What's more, it came from the mouth of a drunk dwarf who liked to brag?

Anyway, it's not very credible, just listen for fun.

After all, everyone present likes such stories very much, and that’s enough.


"Uncle, your story is wrong, that's not how it's recorded in our place..."

But Lulu listened and raised questions to Shi Dong.

"Little girl from the demon clan, all of our stories are engraved word for word on mithril... There is no way they can be wrong."

"Then our Mu Xing family's history books can't be wrong."

"Huh? Little girl, are you from the Muxing family? The family whose average height is about the same as ours?"

"...Can you please not mention the height..."

"After all, this is a characteristic of your family... In this case... Then I really have to talk to you... Tell me, this story has just begun, what's wrong?"

"...You just said that the first generation hero was from Kru Village...but according to the records, he should be from Hakatu Village. The two are a world apart, so only one can be right."

"That must be Kru Village. We still have the mithril pickaxe he used when he was a child..."

"But Hakatu Village is where He finally retired, and it is also a village of heroes recognized by both the demons and the Church of Holy Light... We can't say that both sides are wrong... After all, the dwarves should have basically retreated underground by then..."

"That makes sense..."

"Also, uncle, you said that the first generation of heroes went straight to Reker City to join the army after being chosen by the Holy Light. This is also different from the records. In fact, it should be that the patriarch of the angel tribe at that time witnessed the coming of the Holy Light and went there in person to read the oracle to the hero... to guide him on his journey... should it be called the 'Holy Light Pilgrimage'?"

"Hiss... this... seems to be more reasonable..."

"And, uncle, you said that the hero's holy sword was forged by you? That's not right... The hero's holy sword was also pulled out by himself under the guidance of the angel clan leader... Since he retired, there has been no trace of this holy sword..."

"Ah? Is it true? Doesn't that mean that the stories we have heard since childhood are all fictional?"

"I've been underground for too long, uncle~"

But Lulu's one-sided debate left Shi Dong speechless.

But Bai Ye knew that although Kelulu's words were well-reasoned and she quoted from classics, even the history books of the demon clan could not be trusted...

From the records of the two tribes, it can be seen that each side is arguing about the birthplace of the first generation of heroes and the contributions their tribe has made to him...

Is the history recorded in such an environment really credible?

Shi Dong fell into historical doubt, while Wu Yue asked Ke Lulu:

"Kelulu, then I want to ask, among the companions of the first generation of heroes, is there a legendary thief? The one who founded the Thieves Guild?"

"You understand quite well, Wu Yue. That's right. Although there is no record of this thief's identity, his deeds have been passed down. The Thieves Guild was indeed founded by him, and it is still lingering on today... It's not quite right to say that it's shining... Anyway, it's still there..."

"In addition to this legendary thief, we are sure that there is also... an archer from the elves... a great wizard from the Mage Tower... the founder of the Church of Holy Light... a saint? There seems to be a dragon sorcerer as well? I'm not sure about that."

"Anyway, five or six people... These are the ones who successfully defeated the current Demon King, the devil I was talking about."

But Lulu's information was more detailed, but less interesting; it was just cold, written records.

In comparison, Stone's story is more attractive...

"Wow, there is actually a dragon sorcerer..."

Beora was a little excited.

"Please, it's a dragon sorcerer, not a dragon-man alchemist. Why is Beorra so happy? There were no dragon-men at that time..."

But Lulu glanced at Beorra and poured a basin of cold water on her.

"......That could also be our ancestor...at least three characters are involved......"

Beora muttered.

Sophia lowered her head in deep thought, not knowing what she was thinking about.

"Yes, the hero is chosen by the goddess, draws the holy sword, travels around the continent, gathers companions, helps the residents solve problems along the way, and finally overcomes all difficulties and works together to defeat the demon king. What a classic plot, it really makes my blood boil. It would be even better if these companions were big sisters and little sisters."

Elsa nodded seriously and began to comment.

Hey... you just want to start a harem...


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