"Huh...huh...I thought I was going to choke to death..." Wuyue patted her chest and breathed in the fresh air.

"Xiao Wuyue, you are still so reckless." A middle-aged man walked from the side, wearing a heavy knight's plate armor. His face was covered with stubble, and a particularly conspicuous scar hung on his face. "In this case, the next mission makes me very worried."

"Uncle Swana, it's okay. I will definitely complete this mission...well, I will definitely do it." Wuyue said the second half of the sentence, obviously losing confidence, as if he remembered something, and slowly He lowered his head.

"Hey, girl, I don't expect you to be of any help. Just protect yourself and leave the rest to us." The man named Sivana looked helpless.

Long before this mission, Wu Yue had already failed several missions due to various reasons, and almost lost his life. But although Wuyue always messed up things, she still tried hard to become stronger, which reminded her of her daughter at home. Thinking of this, Sivana smiled and rubbed Wuyue's little head with his rough hands.

"Uncle Sivana, don't worry, I will work hard to survive and become even more powerful!" Wuyue clenched his fists and vowed.

"Haha." Swana shook his head, turned around and walked out without saying anything more.

Wuyue looked into the distance and bit her lip.

The reason why she chose to follow Uncle Swana in the mission was because she thought he was reliable. Moreover, this uncle taught him conscientiously and took good care of himself, but he always messed up things... The guilt rising in his heart made Wuyue unable to raise his head.


A male voice full of magnetism and without any emotion came.

"It's okay, just be yourself."

Wuyue looked up and saw a tall male elf with a handsome face and bright eyes. He was wearing a robe, carrying a staff on his back, and had no expression on his face.

"Grandpa Marnus, thank you, but I am really useless and can't do anything well. I still..."

"My child, I have lived for more than a thousand years and spanned an era. I have met many people and heard many things. I can see that there is a powerful soul in your heart. You are destined to contribute to this world. Bring shock, no need to blame yourself.”

"Okay, old horse, don't put too much pressure on her, we are about to leave." Tarik, a young human race on the side, reminded him. After speaking, he took off the bow from his back and took it in his hand, and then shouted to Tiffany. : "Tiffany, get ready to go."

"Here we come!" Tiffany arranged her cloth armor, put on a small shield on her back, hung a flail on her waist, and held a book in her left hand, "Xiao Wuyue, get ready, it's time to go."

"Oh, okay." Wuyue finally came to his senses, hurriedly returned to the tent, and took out the equipment that he had finally saved money to buy from the box - a tattered, faded brown leather armor. , and a less shiny iron dagger. After panicking preparations, Wuyue jumped out of the tent and ran towards his companions.

"Really, Xiao Wuyue, why did you forget to tie the braiding rope again?" Tiffany said helplessly.


"Don't try to be cute..."


"This little girl doesn't look very smart," Bai Ye thought, "but the elves and demihumans are really a wonderful world. It looks like it will be very interesting..."


Bai Ye thought as Wuyue and his group walked.

This forest doesn't feel big. After walking out of the camp and walking west along the mountain road, after climbing over two hillsides, the view suddenly opens up.

A huge canyon appeared before everyone's eyes. This canyon reached straight to the sky, with dense woods on both sides.

Deep in the canyon is a flat grassland, and the surrounding mountains have been flattened to form a flat area. At the end of the canyon is a tall city wall, which is filled with guards wearing armor and holding weapons.

When the guards saw Wuyue's group of people arriving, they immediately showed a vigilant look.

"Stop, tell me your name and your permission to enter."

"We are the C-class adventure team 'Spark', and I am the captain Sivana. This is our entry permit." Sivana stepped forward to negotiate with the guards.

"Hello, respected adventurer, your certificate is true and valid, and entry is allowed, but..."

"What's wrong?" Swanna asked.

The guard said: "It's like this. Three days ago, a group of C-level adventurers lost contact after entering Death Canyon. There is no news yet. The superiors have sent people to search. Your adventure team is also C-level. I'm afraid... ..."

"Don't worry, we will act with caution and withdraw as soon as we complete the mission." Sivana's expression condensed.

"Then please be careful. After all, if something happens, we will be in trouble." The guard fulfilled his responsibility and stopped talking.

"I understand." After saying that, Sivana led everyone into the canyon.

Wu Yue walked at the rear of the team, and Bai Ye took the opportunity to look at the canyon.

There are many plants in this area, they are tall or short, strong or slender, scattered everywhere, with rich green color. In addition, there are many monsters around these plants. But most of them are slow and non-threatening.

In Wuyue's impression, these monsters would not attack humans.

"This is a safe zone, don't worry," Swana said, "Let's explore the rocky hills ahead first, and exit if we encounter danger."

"Yes, Captain."

"Yes, big brother (uncle)"

Others responded one after another, seemingly loosely, but in fact everyone was secretly observing the canyon to prevent sudden crises.

In this world, adventurers are not lone rangers, they work as a team.

In the eyes of adventurers, teamwork is the truly reliable way to cooperate. This kind of cooperation can make them rely on each other, support each other no matter what difficulties or troubles they encounter, and will not be easily attacked or even hunted by monsters.

And another advantage of teamwork is that if you encounter a strong enemy, you can share information, increase the team's winning rate, and avoid the team's destruction. Of course, team members will also have differences due to different personal qualities, but they will definitely not be like Wuyue, who has almost no fighting power at all, so everyone pays more attention to Wuyue and is more cautious.

"Okay, let's go." Swanna waved his hand and took the lead on the path ahead.

Wuyue followed closely behind.


The wind blew through my ears.

Wuyue ran forward with the team.

A cool breeze came, mixed with a faint floral fragrance.

"Wu Yue." Tiffany walked beside Wu Yue and called softly.

Wuyue stopped and looked sideways at Tiffany: "Sister Tiffany, what's wrong?"

"Well, it's nothing, I just want to tell you, no matter what happens, don't be afraid, remember that we are with you." Tiffany said with a smile, she is a gentle person.

"Thank you, I will work hard." Wuyue said firmly, clenching his fists.


Seeing Wuyue's appearance, Tiffany couldn't help but laugh out loud. She felt that this girl was really special. Although she was younger than her, she always felt inexplicably close to her.

Not only Tiffany, but others also felt this kindness.

"Wuyue, don't listen to Tiffany's nonsense. She is just teasing you. Follow her quickly, or you won't be able to catch up with Sivana." Tarik urged from the side.

Wuyue blushed and continued running forward.

The five of them arrived at the rocky hill in the center of Death Canyon smoothly.

There is a river in the center of the rocky hills, with a width of more than ten meters. The rapid water gushes out from the cracks in the rocks, causing waves to fill the sky.

There are dense stone forests on both sides of the river bank, blocking the sunlight and revealing the slightest bit of gloom.

There were fish swimming in the river, but no living creatures dared to jump into the river to catch food.

"No Moon!"

At this moment, a cry of exclamation came from the far right side of the team. It turned out that Wuyue missed the mark and fell into the rushing river. Fortunately, Tariq next to him reacted quickly and pulled her back.

"Sorry, sorry, I was just looking at the fish in the river, and I was a little distracted just now." Wu Yue said sheepishly.

"Haha, it's okay, let's land quickly." Sivana smiled and climbed up the rocky hill with Wuyue.

The others followed.

After landing, the group began to walk along the stone forest. After walking for about half a minute, a large waterfall fell from above, and the rumbling sound shook the entire canyon.

This waterfall hangs upside down, forming a natural barrier that blocks visitors from outside the canyon.

The group came to the edge of the waterfall and looked into the depths.

"The thing we are looking for should be behind the waterfall." Swana pointed to the waterfall and said, "But we don't know if there is any danger in the waterfall. Everyone should be careful not to move forward rashly."


Others in the team expressed understanding.

Sivana held up his shield and opened the way ahead, Wuyue followed the team.

Soon, Sivana led everyone to the back of the waterfall, where there was a dark hole.

Swana stretched out his hand, then turned around and said, "Everyone, please be careful."

"I'll go in first to explore the way." Swana said, getting in with the weapon in hand.

Three minutes later, Sivana reappeared at the entrance of the cave and waved to everyone to come in.

Everyone cautiously walked into the cave. The rock walls of the cave were inlaid with many luminous ores that illuminated the cave.

Siwana opened the way in front, Wuyue and Tiffany came from behind.

The inside of the cave is very humid and cold, with some moss occasionally visible.

"Everyone, be careful. There may be some ferocious monsters here, especially the cave goblins. Be careful," Swanna reminded.


Everyone responded.

Sivana led the way, keeping an eye on the surroundings as he walked forward.

After walking a certain distance, Swanna stopped because a huge circular pit appeared in front of him. The diameter of the circular pit is about ten meters, and you can't see the bottom at a glance.


Seeing this scene, everyone stopped. Swana signaled Marnas to use the spell. After a short chant, Marnas slowly floated a ball of white light from the top of his staff. Then he pointed the staff, and the ball of white light moved toward him. The direction pointed slowly drifted towards the bottom of the cave.

After about half a minute, the white light finally reached the bottom. Everyone took a closer look and saw the whole bottom of the cave clearly...

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