Seeing this, Gustav stopped and tentatively slashed at the barrier with his sword.

The sword energy collided with the invisible boundary wall, but made no sound and sank in like a stone thrown into the water.

Energy will not disappear out of thin air, so there is only one possibility. The barrier absorbs all the magic contained in the sword energy and turns it into other energy.

At this time, among the skeleton soldiers surrounding the house, the green light in one guy's eyes flashed, he stepped forward and made an old voice from his hollow body.

"Don't waste your efforts, Your Excellency, this demon-eating barrier is tailor-made for you. I really don't have the ability to kill you, but I can still trap you for a while with this barrier."

"He doesn't even dare to reveal his true identity. He is indeed a traitor." Gustav tried to provoke the other party.

"Haha, Your Excellency's method of provoking generals is of no use to us. I am just performing my duties, holding you back, and leaving the rest of the affairs to my colleagues."

"I hope you will have a good time in this barrier these two days. I will take my leave first."

After saying that, the skeleton as a sound transmission tool returned to its unintelligent appearance and joined the army of the dead.

The situation has become clear. Gustav will naturally not wait for the barrier to dissipate on its own. No matter how strong the barrier is, it will have its weaknesses. As long as the flaw is found as soon as possible, it can be defeated in one fell swoop.

The first thing to try is to keep killing skeletons.

The skeleton that was just broken was reassembled under the influence of the barrier. In other words, the barrier provides the skeleton with the magic power needed to move and even recover. This must have a limit. There is no magic power generated out of thin air. These magic powers can only come from Absorbed within the barrier.

Just like the sword he just struck was completely absorbed by the barrier, the magic power he uses next will continue to feed back to the barrier and become nourishment for these dead people.

However, the magic power absorption efficiency of the barrier is low, and there will always be a time when the supply exceeds the demand. At that time, when the magic power is concentrated to impact the barrier a little, under the strong magic pressure, the magic power of the barrier that is not enough to complete the absorption can be destroyed with one blow. break.

In other words, do you want to save your magic power now...

Just at this time, Hoffmann arrived with the Guards.

"grown ups!"

"You've come just in time, Hoffman. All members are in formation, disabling magic power, and focusing on defensive counterattacks."

"Yes, everyone is in formation!" Hoffman commanded.

The uniform sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, and an airtight shield wall formation was formed.

It is worthy of being the most elite force in the entire kingdom. In a sense, the Duke of the North's personal guards are superior to the Knights of the Guard in actual combat. After all, they are trained to fight against various monsters in a difficult living environment all year round. Even though the Iron Army has been at peace with the northern barbarians for nearly a hundred years, the training of the northern soldiers has never slackened.

The Campbell family has achieved remarkable results in governance for several generations. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why other countries still dare not easily go to war with the Dorok Kingdom without the deterrent power of the Holy Order.

Although these armies of the dead don't look smart, they are actually well-organized. The summoner has already given instructions to surround Gustav but not attack him. As long as Gustav does not take the initiative to attack, the skeletons will not There are redundant actions.

As for everyone except Gustav, the instruction the skeleton received was "shoot to kill".

When there is a conflict between the two, the second instruction will naturally be executed first.

Some of the thousands of skeleton warriors were separated and charged towards the military formation.

"Archers, shoot!"

From behind the shield wall, rows of sharp arrows were shot towards the skeleton soldiers.

The skull, which had been shot through the skull, fell straight to the ground and broke into several pieces.

However, under the influence of the barrier, they assembled again and continued to kill towards the military formation.

Seeing that the archer's attack had basically no effect, Hoffman ordered the archer to stop shooting and draw his sword to prepare for close combat.

Bang bang bang!

One skeleton after another crashed directly into the shield wall, making a muffled sound.


The spear soldiers in the back row thrust out their spears at the same time, piercing the skeleton warrior rushing in front.

But the skeleton has no flesh and blood at all, and the spear only passes through the gap between the bones, but is locked by the bones, making it difficult to recover.

The Guards, who had never fought against the dead, encountered such an opponent for the first time and indeed encountered considerable difficulties.

But elite soldiers are elite soldiers after all. Captain Hoffman quickly reacted and commanded: "The formation is spread out, three people in a team, with the spearmen in the center and the shield and axe-hands on both sides!"

The soldiers immediately changed their formations and formed dozens of squads, slowly advancing forward.

If a skeleton is stabbed by a spear, the shield and axemen on both sides can easily smash its skull to pieces with their shields or axes.

The effect is outstanding, and it is very easy to deal with just a few hundred skeletons.

But as time went on, the battle situation became unfavorable again. The reason was that the previously crushed skeletons regrouped behind the team, forming a flanking attack on the team. This forced Hoffman to change the formation into a six-man group, one in front and one in the back. Fight attacks from both sides at the same time.

Doing so is a helpless move and makes fighting very difficult for the soldiers.

And before you know it, it will be getting late.

Although the soldiers of the Guards were elite, they continued to fight and were unable to use magic power. Their physical strength was extremely exhausted and it was difficult to maintain their formation.

Seeing that the formation was about to break, Hoffman looked towards Gustav.

At this time, Gustav was entering and leaving the army of thousands of skeletons, constantly destroying the skeletons.

"Sir! If I don't use magic anymore, I won't be able to hold on anymore!"

Hoffman yelled.

"Sorry, Hoffman, just hold on a little longer and the opportunity will come soon." Gustave said while cutting off the head of another skeleton.

Now the skeleton's recovery speed has slowed down visibly to the naked eye. It is obvious that the magic power of the barrier is not enough to support the skeleton's instant recovery.

The sky also flickers from time to time, and the barrier is in urgent need of replenishing its magic power.

It's now!

Gustav rushed out of the circle of skeletons and arrived at the edge of the barrier in the blink of an eye.

"The Duke is about to make a move, retreat!" Hoffman knew the power of this move best and quickly ordered everyone to get out of the killing range.

I saw Gustav pointing his finger to the sky and mumbling something.

For a time, almost all the magic elements in the barrier gathered with Gustav as the center, and gradually condensed into a giant ice sword composed purely of magic power.

"The truth of blue gives me the power of extreme cold."

"It will tower over the eternal temple, freeze the void, and kill all evil spirits..."

"Dian Yi·Ji Feng Destruction"

The huge ice sword slashed straight down and collided with the magic-devouring barrier.

The barrier greedily absorbed this pure magic power, while resisting the powerful magic attack.

Whether it was the ice sword that exhausted its magic power and shattered first, or the barrier that couldn't withstand the impact concentrated on one point first.

After a "click", the result was revealed naturally.

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