The largest underground casino in Melbourne is said to be the property of a certain big businessman and provides a place for entertainment for many gamblers in the city.

Of course, this is just on the surface. Deep inside this casino, a more dirty business is being run.

Slave trading, contraband auctions, and even gladiatorial games that have long been abolished by the kingdom can all be seen here.

However, for so many years, there has never been any trouble in underground casinos.

The relationship between the owner of the casino and the upper class must be extraordinary.

The casino did not have a name when it was first established.

But the mercenaries who often visit it call it "Cashino", which means "drunken life and dream of death".

Somehow, looking at the dejected losers who almost crawled out of the casino gate; or the winners who made a lot of money, laughing up to the sky and discussing with their companions which pub to go to for a drink tonight, Yan suddenly remembered the meaning of this name.

"Sorry, ladies."

The sudden sound interrupted Yan's thoughts.

It's the doorman.

"Do you have a membership in our store?"

In the opinion of the waiter, the two girls dressed as village girls in front of him, one large and one small, did not look like they had any spending power, so he was ready to drive them away on the grounds that they did not have membership.

"Oh, sorry, I was just curious and wanted to take a look."

Only then did Yan remember that he was still in the state of transformation, so he quickly pulled Wu Yue away and turned into a small alley.

"Wuyue, you don't need to pretend anymore when you get here, just change back."

"Okay." After Wu Yue said, he released the "Morse Technique".

Yan's face twisted and his hair gradually turned red. After a while, he returned to his heroic look.

At the same time, Wu Yue, who had released the spell, also changed back. This is something Wu Yue cannot control at present.

Yan touched his face and felt nothing unusual.

"It's really a magical spell, I've never seen it before." Yan sighed.


Relying on Yan's reputation, the two successfully entered the casino.

As soon as they entered the door, all kinds of noisy sounds and all kinds of smoky atmosphere rushed towards the two of them.

"It's okay Wu Yue, just get used to it." Yan glanced at Wu Yue, who was frowning due to the smoke, and said with a smile.

Bai Ye quickly glanced around.

Except for the different gameplay methods from Blue Star, the casinos in this world are basically carved out of the same mold.

Cigarettes and alcohol, waiters, bodyguards, scantily clad girls, unsmiling dealers, all kinds of gamblers...

For a moment, Bai Ye felt like he was back in Blue Star, back in the days when he was solving the commission.

Performing tasks in the casino more than once, but each time is a different experience.

The only things that were the same were the hands stained with blood and the bodies on the ground after the end.

I hope that scene won’t happen again this time...

The journey was smooth and the two of them arrived inside the casino. They had to pass through here if they wanted to go down to the depths of the casino.

Different from the outside, the inside of the casino is lined with rows of private rooms. There is no smoky smell outside, and you can even smell a faint aroma.

"It seems that this place is specially prepared for distinguished guests." Bai Ye said.

At the end of the corridor, there is a dark door. Standing at the door are two tall bodyguards, wearing heavy armor and holding halberds. They are not easy to mess with at first glance.

The two big men held halberds in their hands and asked, "Miss, the front is closed to traffic."

Obviously this is not the first time. After all, Yan only has a membership card here but doesn't come often. It is inevitable that some guards will not recognize him.

Yan handed the card in his hand to one of the guards.

"Please forgive me, distinguished guest, and I wish you a pleasant stay inside." The guard bowed and then opened the black door. The two watched Yan and Wu Yue enter, and then closed the door tightly.

"Wuyue, you have to be vigilant next time. The interior of this casino may be a little unclean, and it is also a completely lawless place. If someone wants to do you harm, fight back as soon as possible. Do you understand?"

"I know, Sister Yan."

Yan's words made Wu Yue feel nervous.

"I want to see if there is anything unclean in here." Bai Ye said.

The long corridor stretches downwards with no end in sight.

Both sides of the corridor are hung with various precious handicrafts. They hang here so grandly without worrying about anyone stealing them.

It seems that the owner is very confident in the security of the casino.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, I finally reached the end of the corridor.

The first thing that caught your eye was the huge underground space. It turned out that the "underground casino" lived up to its name.

How big is this underground casino?

It is just like a medium-sized town, not much different from Tafu Port that I have been to before.

"It seems that in just two years, this place has developed better." Yan said.

Of course, this would not be possible without the "strong support" from all walks of life in Melbourne.

"Let me see, this is the black market, this is the slave market, oh, it's still there, that one is the gladiatorial arena."

As Yan spoke, he pointed out several locations to Wu Yue.

"Those brats must be in the arena. Let's go and meet them."


To reach the Arena, you must first pass through the Market.

Strange products from all over the world gather here.

"Wuyue, look, that's the horn of the extinct Titan Rhinoceros." Yan introduced, pointing to the huge horn that was as tall as a person.

"Although they are extinct, they have left a lot of horns. From time to time, someone digs one or two out of the ground."

"The purpose is probably to make 'bone mold' equipment."

"Don't underestimate its hardness. Compared with those fine steel equipment, it's not much better."

"And that... elf ear over there?"

"These guys really want money rather than their lives. If the 'Holy Tree Alliance' finds out, they will not be chased to the ends of the earth."

At this time, Bai Ye's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, it can only be seen on the black market.

The poison he was obsessed with.

Under Bai Ye's command, Wuyue walked towards the medicine stall.

"Whose little girl? Go, go, don't disturb my business." The stall owner was wearing a robe often worn by alchemists, with several rows of potions in front of him.

It can be seen from the color of the potion and the restlessness of the liquid in the bottle that this is no ordinary poison.

Wuyue took out the magic ice dagger and shook it towards the stall owner.

The stall owner now fully understood that the little girl in front of him was no ordinary person.

"I told you earlier. Just take a look at these rows of potions. From front to back, the potions have increasing potency. Which one do you want?"

"Boss, I want to see the last one directly."

"Hey, this little girl is so cruel. Who does she have a deep grudge against?"

"Then you're good to go. This last one can be said to be my proud work."

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