Be a heartthrob in Slam Dunk

Chapter 90 Time flies

Sakuragi, Rukawa and Chie came to the gymnasium in Shohoku together after class that day. They saw an unexpected person - Tsukutake's Nango Koichiro.

I saw him nodding and bowing to say hello to Coach Anzai and Miyagi Ryota, while Coach Anzai and Miyagi seemed to be telling him something. After a while, after Qingzi arrived, she ran to Qingzi again, chatted with Qingzi, and played tricks on Qingzi.

"Hey, Firome Monkey, why did you come to our basketball club in Shohoku?" Sakuragi Hanamichi felt very strange and couldn't help but stepped forward to ask.

"Red-haired monkey, I came to Shobei for Haruko-chan! Hahaha..."

"That's it! Then you dyed monkey, you have to work hard to keep up!"

"Hey, you red-haired monkey, don't talk to me like a senior, I'm at the same level as you!" Nan Xiang roared with a fierce look on his face.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Chie quickly stepped forward and pulled Sakuragi Hanamichi away: "Sakuragi, go practice shooting quickly! There are many first-year students coming today, so don't be embarrassed!"

"There are indeed many beauties in Shohoku..." Nango Koichiro was drooling as he watched Chie walk by. Unexpectedly, a basketball hit him hard on the back of the head, causing him to wake up. He looked back, It turned out to be written by Rukawa Kaede.

"Take care of your eyes, don't look around!" Rukawa Feng's cold voice reached Nanxiang's ears.

Nanxiang was about to rush forward to settle the score with Rukawa Kaede, but Sakuragi Hanamichi next to him roared at him.

"Dyeing Monkey, please stop it. Don't be angry at Miss Chie! She is mine!" Sakuragi Hanamichi was furiously attacking Nango.

Having Rukawa Kaede already gave him enough headaches. After finally leaving Mitsui Hisashi, and now Nango Koichiro came, Sakuragi suddenly felt that life was hopeless.

After waking up, Nanxiang glanced at Haruko guiltily and said, "I only like Haruko-chan! What are you talking about, you red-haired monkey?!"

"Hmph! You'd better remember what you said!" At this time, Sakuragi felt a little relieved.

In the following training, Nanxiang frequently swayed his male hormones towards Haruko and showed his courtesy to Haruko.

And Haruko also encouraged Nanxiang from time to time.

This made Sakuragi Hanamichi and Rukawa Kaede feel more at ease, so they left Nanxiang behind and concentrated on training.

The basketball club is recruiting new members in the new semester. Due to Xiangbei's impressive results in the country last year, many first-year students have joined the club.

Coach Anxi is also pleased to see that two or three of them have acceptable qualifications and are worth cultivating to supplement the shortcomings of the main lineup and enrich the bench lineup.


The days passed by leisurely like this. Chie, Rukawa, and Sakuragi, who are sophomores in high school, still maintain an ambiguous triangle relationship. But it seems to be slightly different.

During this year, although wars broke out from time to time because Chie favored Rukawa or Sakuragi at one moment, Rukawa Kaede and Sakuragi became more and more sympathetic to each other in basketball, and their cooperation became more and more tacit. The name of the Shohoku Twin Stars The number gradually spread throughout the county.

At the same time, Chie is getting better and better at balancing the balance of emotions. In order for two single-celled organisms to coexist peacefully, she always knows when to encourage, when to apply pressure, and when to punish.

Of course, her feelings for these two innocent boys are getting deeper and deeper, and the bond and tacit understanding between the three of them is something that no one else can interfere with.

Maybe for Chie, she just needs an opportunity to finally make a choice.

Of course, Rukawa Kaede and Sakuragi Hanamichi knew this subconsciously, so they secretly competed with each other from time to time.

In addition, in order to win the favor of the girl they like, the two of them have improved a lot in basketball and studies. This made everyone in the basketball department very happy.

Therefore, in the new year, the Red Point Legion has disappeared from the two men. Only Nango Koichiro was caught by Haruko to make up for the lessons.

Although Hisashi Mitsui graduated, this year Shohoku's inside trident composed of Sakuragi, Rukawa and Nango, with Miyagi as the brains of the team, won the semi-finals of the summer game and the runner-up in the winter game.

The third year of high school quickly slipped before Chie's eyes. Miyagi Ryota and Ayako had already graduated. Miyagi received a scholarship and went overseas to study at an American university and conduct more professional basketball training.

After Ayako entered her senior year of high school, in order to focus on her academic performance, she handed over the job of basketball manager to Chie. Through hard work, Ayako was admitted to Yokohama National University. In addition to Takenori Akagi, there was also Fujima from Shoyo at the same school.

As Shohoku's reputation in the Kanagawa High School basketball community continues to grow, the number of people in the basketball club has increased, and the work of management and data analysis has become increasingly arduous. Therefore, in her third year of high school, Chie invited Haruko to work as the basketball manager and share the tasks together.

In the summer IH competition of the third year of high school, Shohoku once again defeated their old enemy Sanno Kokoko at the last minute and won the IH competition championship this year.

Rukawa Kaede and Sakuragi Hanamichi were selected into the best team of the year as the best small forward and the best power forward. Rukawa Kaede even won the MVP award.

At this point, Rukawa Kaede finally realized his long-cherished wish and became the number one high school student in Japan according to word of mouth.

Although he won this honor, he didn't feel excited. He thought that his dream had always been to go to that basketball country, but once he made the decision, it meant giving up Chie. The dilemma has been fermenting in his heart.

Until Coach Anzai told him: "Rukawa-san, you have finally become the number one high school student in Japan. I believe you have the ability to be the best you in that place that you long for!"

After hearing this affirmation, and facing the fact that the love he had been in love for so long had never been what he wanted, he decided not to hesitate anymore.

He applied for a leave of absence from school to prepare for going to the United States - contacting universities, learning English, and preparing for language exams.

Although Rukawa Kaede made a decision, he still wanted to fight to the death.

On this day, while Sakuragi went to find Mito Yohei in other classes, he took Chie to a secluded place.

"Chie, I might go to the United States..." Rukawa Kaede looked into Chie's eyes, and he wanted to read her attitude from her eyes.

The flash of sadness in Chie's eyes was hard to capture. Immediately replaced by a happy look, she looked at Rukawa Kaede with a smile: "That's great! Rukawa, are you finally moving in the direction of your dreams?"

"Why don't you call me Kaede? Is it because I'm going to the United States?" Rukawa Kaede looked at Chie with a sad look.

Even though he was far away from Chie physically, he didn't want Chie to be far away from him mentally.

"I don't want you to have too many ties. It's not my intention to tie you up with close relationships and titles. You should fly high..." There was an imperceptible tremor in Chie's voice, and then she lowered her voice. Whispering: "I have already thought of you, you are more than that."

Hearing Chie's whisper, the pain of separation filled his chest and turned into a bitter taste in his throat, so bitter that tears overflowed from his eyes.

He didn't want Chie to see his vulnerability, so he could only pull Chie into his arms, hug her tightly, and rest his cheek on her head.

But there were so many tears that they fell on Chie's neck. The hot teardrops made her neck hurt, forcing her to burst into bitter tears.

Her slightly trembling body and uncontrollable swallowing betrayed the strength she had just pretended to be and broke down the defenses she had built up.

Rukawa Kaede noticed her sadness, but he was even more sad and could not suppress his heartache, so he could only kiss her lips as comfort.

The two weeping people kissed passionately, as if the end of the world was coming, and they wanted to use the most intimate way to destroy the world together.

It wasn't until the bell rang for class that Chie woke up from her dream, hugged Rukawa Kaede tightly, and ran away from his embrace in tears.


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