Be a heartthrob in Slam Dunk

Chapter 68 Sakuragi Returns

Rukawa Kaede got the result he wanted, and the feeling in his body suddenly returned. He immediately shouted "so hungry, so hungry", and then stayed at Chie's house to have dinner with peace of mind.

During dinner, Rukawa Kaede asked Chie several times if she would stay away from him or avoid him. Getting the answer once gave him a sense of security, and it was only after accumulating many times that he gained a complete sense of security.

When asked later, Chie looked impatient: "No, no, I will have close contact with you, okay?!"

She stroked her forehead, unable to understand why Rukawa Kaede became so verbose.

Before she could recover from her doubts, she saw a cold white hand with perfectly bulging veins holding her wrist, and she was pulled against him: "You said zero distance, Let me feel it first..."

Chie rolled her eyes secretly, wasn't he close enough? This guy is the one I have around the most.

However, before she could have a seizure, her hearing was occupied by the loud heartbeat again.

It was as if the heart in front of her was the only one alive in the world, and she was also brought to life...

People's desire is always to have good things, and also want to have better things. The fullness of his arms could no longer satisfy Rukawa Kaede's growing desire. Only the caress of his lips and tongue could bring him the feeling of deep possession.

When his lips were close to Chie's, it was rare for Chie not to be confused. She stretched out a hand to block Rukawa's attack: "This will have to wait until I confirm my intention..."

Rukawa Kaede angrily bit the hand that was blocking him. As Chie screamed in pain, Rukawa turned to kiss the troubled hand again and again...

Chie, who was hurt by the bite, pushed Rukawa Kaede. Even though he apologized gently with a kiss, she still opened her little claws to grab Rukawa's hand and bite him.

Rukawa Kaede guessed her thoughts and pretended to avoid...

The two of them were pushing and shoving, one running and the other chasing.

Rukawa Kaede didn't check for a moment, and his foot slipped on a golf ball. He let out a muffled "Hmm" and fell to the ground.

Chie was dragged by him and fell on top of him.

He raised his hand to the top of his head, and Chie could not move her mouth from his hand. She glanced at the reddish neck above the unbuttoned buttons of his uniform, and she bit it without hesitation...

A suppressed and hoarse "Hmm--" came from Rukawa Kaede's mouth. It was hard to tell whether it was pain, relief, or both. Chie's ears felt as if electric current was passing through her, making her unbearably numb.

This common feeling from her past contact with Rukawa reminded her instantly, and then she rationally withdrew from Rukawa Kaede...

After standing up, Rukawa Kaede stared at Chie's face covered with red clouds, and decided to let her go, as well as himself: "For the last time, I will help you wash the dishes..."

After she finished speaking, Rukawa Kaede pecked her lightly on the lips. Then he picked up the dishcloth, walked into the kitchen and started washing the dishes, testing the work he had often practiced at home before.

In the end, the test results were not ideal, and it ended in failure by breaking a bowl.

So, he bid farewell to Chie dejectedly and went home.


After three or four days...

"Hahaha... this genius is back!"

"Welcome back!" Kobayashi Yumi and several other close friends sincerely wished him the best.

"Hanamichi, you are finally back!" Mito Yohei exclaimed happily as he patted Sakuragi Hanamichi on the shoulder.

"How are you guys doing lately?" Sakuragi first cared about his friends.

"Same as usual. All the money I earned from working during the summer vacation was lost, either eating or drinking, or playing small steel balls."

"By the way, Sugiyama-san is also working part-time during the summer vacation. I saw her in a cold drink shop. It seems Sendao often goes to see her."

"That bastard Sendō!" Sakuragi Hanamichi recalled how he was tricked by Sendō before the national competition, and growled through gritted teeth.

In a blink of an eye, Sakuragi's eyes were shining with love, and he had teleported to the door: "Miss Chie, you are here!"

"Hey, Sakuragi is back! Why didn't you call me earlier?" Chie's eyes widened, very surprised.

He smiled shyly: "I want to surprise you!"

Chie smiled and touched Sakuragi's hair: "Okay! It really surprised me. Sakuragi, have you all recovered?"

"That's inevitable. I'm also a genius in the rehabilitation world!"

Not far away, Mito Yohei and Kobayashi Yumi smiled and watched their interaction...

During the basketball club activities in the afternoon, Sakuragi's return was also welcomed by everyone. Of course, there are different ways to welcome - Captain Miyagi slaps the butt, Ayako hits her head with a folding fan, and Rukawa Kaede curses: "Idiot, if you don't come back, just quit as soon as possible!"

"Damn fox, I haven't settled the accounts with you that day in the woods!"

As a result, the two started fighting again. In Chie's words, "the fight was a welcome back fight."

The basketball team is getting excited again...

On this day, it was Chie's turn to have swimming lessons again. A week had passed and her period was completely over. Chie had no reason to ask for leave again.

As soon as she changed into her swimsuit, Yumi slapped her butt hard: "Chie, it's not bad, your butt is quite elastic..."

"Yumi, you pervert!" Chie also pinched Yumi's waist with her backhand.

The two of them left the locker room and entered the swimming pool, noisily.

In the bushes by the pool...

"Look! Chie Sugiyama has class today..." Delinquent Boy No. 2 didn't have a long memory, and he actually forgot the pain of being repaired by Mitsui after a week.

Next to him, Tokuda's pair of heart-shaped eyes reflected Chie's figure, with a gorgeous smile on his delicate little face, and a brisk pace on her slender white legs.

The swimsuit with a grass green background is painted with white stripes, which makes her skin whiter and more translucent, and her slim figure is decorated with a swimsuit, which makes her waist appear slimmer.

Even wearing a swimming cap, she can still be spotted among a group of girls. She is like a female model in a magazine, gracefully printed on the cover.

"The cover girl has entered reality and can move..." After Tokuda finished speaking, nosebleeds started to flow out...

"I knew you two bastards were here!" Mitsui growled angrily.

In view of the experience of the past week, Mitsui specially came to inspect today. As expected, there are always bastards who are bold and lustful...

He then dragged the two men out of the bushes and treated them with fists and kicks, making Tokuda's nosebleed even more...

"Asshole! I'll break your legs again! Do you hear me?"

"Boss, I got it..." The two teenagers cried, covering their noses and buttocks, and ran away.

Facts have proved that Mitsui, as the former boss of the Shobei Delinquent Youth League, still has something. The only blame is that Sakuragi, Mito Yohei and Miyagi Ryota are too powerful in combat and cannot be compared to anyone else.

After sending away the two cowardly guys, Mitsui moved slightly closer to the swimming pool until he could clearly see Chie in the swimming pool. He stared at her intently as she was preparing for her activities, her every smile and every move. All affected his mood.

However, in the blink of an eye, he saw two heads, one red and one black, on the other side of the bush...

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