Be a heartthrob in Slam Dunk

Chapter 41 The bond of the past

"So why don't we need to thank each other too much? Is it because of our past bond?" Chie stared at Mitsui Hisashi, as if she wanted to see through his eyes and enter the depths of his soul.

Mitsui looked left and right, scratching the hair on his forehead, but did not dare to look directly into Chie's eyes. His original intention was that because he liked her, there was no need to say so many thank yous.

But he didn't want to express his love for the time being, so he couldn't help but say such words.

He knew that Chie was not a girl who would respond to anyone who expressed her love for her. He doesn't want to express his love and affection and not get a response.

In that case, even being friends would be awkward.

And Chie thought it was because of the deeper involvement between the two of them in the past that made him say that there was no need to thank him.

Past memories invaded his brain with a chilling aura. For Mitsui, the two of them did have a lot of intersections in the past, but Chie in the past did not let Mitsui have the desire to look back again and again. He doesn't want to look back, and he doesn't want Chie to know that he is so contradictory...

"Um... Chie, I'll tell you when the time is right, okay?" Mitsui Shou responded to her with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Mitsui-senpai, I want to know what happened in our past?"

"Please tell me everything in detail and from your perspective. I really want to know what I was like in the past!"

"Then, it's decided. Let's meet at the small park on the corner of the street tonight..."

Chie didn't give Mitsui any room to refuse. She looked at Mitsui firmly and said everything she wanted to say in one breath.

Mitsui was extremely conflicted at the moment, but he could only accept the invitation. He didn't want Chie to feel that he was unkind.

The restlessness on this day caused Mitsui Hisashi to misfire in the practice match with Changcheng High School, shooting only 7 of 1 three-pointers.

Miyagi, who was responsible for controlling the ball, gave Mitsui a blank look on the court: "Mitsui, why are you so absent-minded today?"

"It's very annoying! Don't worry..."

Mitsui has been thinking about how to explain to Chie at night, how to tell Chie about her past in his eyes...

At the end of the practice match, due to the loss of Mitsui's scoring point, Changcheng High School could not be completely defeated by the scores of Rukawa Kaede and Captain Akagi alone, and in the absence of Sakuragi.

Fortunately, thanks to Chie's efforts, the day's diet was within a controllable range and provided a good supply for the team members' physical strength. Therefore, the two teams ended up in a draw.

As night fell, after the Shohoku basketball team settled the dinner issue, Mitsui and Chie strolled to the small park they had agreed to in the morning.

With the bright moon in the sky and the dancing shadows of the trees, the tall and straight boy slowed down and walked slowly side by side with the graceful girl in the quiet summer night, forming a beautiful picture...

"Mitsui-senpai, let's sit here." Chie pointed to a bench under the sycamore tree and said.


After watching Chie sit down, Mitsui also sat down next to her at a distance of one person.

There was an awkward silence. Chie didn’t know how to cut into it. Mitsui, on the other hand, was reluctant to keep silent, mainly because he could not follow his true inner thoughts and explain "why they don't need too many thank yous between them."

But the arrow has left the string, and there is no way to turn back. Only Chie's ethereal voice was heard: "Mitsui-senpai... So, can you tell me about our past..."

Mitsui Shou thought for a long time, and expressed his thoughts in a deep voice: "Chie, although there are many intersections in our past, it is not to the point where we don't need to say thank you."

"I said this morning that we don't need to say thank you too much. In fact, in my heart, we don't even need to say thank you..."

"Since you are obsessed with our past. Then, I will tell you all the good and bad things I know about you..."

"I hope you can look at your and my past and the involvement between us from the perspective of a bystander, okay?"


Mitsui Hisashi and Chie met earlier than Chie's guess in junior high school. As early as childhood, when Mitsui was 6 years old and Chie was 4 years old, the two families lived next to each other.

Chie's mother works for a subsidiary of the Mitsui Foundation and is a middle-level manager in the company. The person in charge of this company is Mitsui's grandfather, and his parents are also managers of this company.

Because they are similar in age and have work contacts, the two families have a good relationship and often communicate with each other, so the children of the two families often play together.

It was at that time that Mitsui Hisashi met Chie's father, Sugiyama Ken, and was led into the world of basketball by Sugiyama Ken.

The two went to the same elementary school and went to and from school together whenever they could meet each other every day. They were like childhood sweethearts.

When did things start to be different?

Around the time when Chie was in the sixth grade of elementary school, she didn't meet Mitsui once after school, and her classmates happened to be busy and couldn't go back together, so she was left alone that day.

In a secluded alley where no one passed, Chie was hugged by a wretched middle-aged man and performed lewd acts. Chie was so frightened that she kept struggling and wanted to call for help, but her mouth was covered. The clothes on her body were stripped down to only her stockings and vest.

When she was exhausted and desperate, Mitsui Hisashi hit the criminal on the head with the basketball in his hand, and while the criminal was covering his head in pain, he kicked the man in the vital part with all his strength again...

Finally, Mitsui took off his coat, put it on Chie, and helped her put on her skirt.

She was saved and the criminal was brought to justice...

However, both families were afraid that the criminal would take revenge after he was released from prison, so they moved out of their original residences. As a result, the adults of the two families gradually lost the warmth they had in the past. At this point, Mitsui and Chie had a brief separation.

Soon, Chie graduated from elementary school, and without any hesitation she chose Takeishi Middle School where Mitsui attended, and became Mitsui Hisashi's junior high school student.

At that time, Mitsui had already emerged in the prefecture's national basketball competition. The aura of MVP and the kindness of saving Chie from the fire and water made Chie follow and admire Mitsui wholeheartedly.

But for a boy who only has basketball in his heart, he did not accept Chie's love. All he thought about was how to play basketball. As for the private meetings with Chie, they all went to Chie's home to ask her father for advice on basketball skills.

Her father saw that his daughter liked the boy very much, so he taught him very carefully. As long as her father is at home, Chie will ask Mitsui to come to the house.

Mitsui is familiar with all the furnishings in her house; she even knows where to put the spare key to her house that Chie doesn't know about.

But later Mitsui injured his knee and gradually lost contact, fading out of Chie's family's sight...

This is what Sakuragi Hanamichi wonders about, why Mitsui is unusually familiar with Chie's home.

Jumping out of the whirlpool of memories, the two fell into deep thought. They both had a tacit understanding and did not break the silence at the moment...

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