Undersea prison.

Four floors.

Red Lotus Hell.

The prisoners on this floor.

I saw an inhumane and brutal scene today.

That brutality.

Let them work every day as if they were on vacation.

The new prisoner who was whipped was really miserable, and the screams and curses made the prisoners feel a little frightened.


They turned to face the wall.

Just pretend you didn't see or hear the prisoner's miserable scream.

Such a miserable person.

Of course it’s Kahn.

After he sealed the pirates and started training, there was still no problem. Anyway, training consumes no physical energy at all.

and so.

Just the first hour.

He was running so fast that he felt very calm.


After running for more than an hour, his spirit became a little slack, so he ran a little slower, and then he was whipped by Black Water.

That whip hurt to the bone.

Kahn screamed miserably as he ran faster.

After that whip.

He didn't dare to slack off and ran with all his strength.

But his mental strength cannot be maintained forever. After all, he is just an ordinary person on earth, and it is difficult for him to concentrate completely for a long time.


He comes every ten minutes or so.

Everyone will be whipped by the black water.

The pain made him run and scream, and cursed Heishui for being inhumane. Anyway, he cursed Heishui with every word he could think of.

At last.

He couldn't help it.

Stop and fight Blackwater.

As a result, he was beaten with black water, pressed to the ground and rubbed, and was whipped 100 times.

That continuous shrill scream.

It made his throat break from shouting.

But Heishui wouldn't let him go at all, and still forced him to continue running.

In the end, he could only get up and continue running until he had run for four hours.


Another full eight hours of other training.

During these eight hours.

He was whipped more than a hundred times.


His throat was hoarse.

He could only stare at the black water angrily and practice in frustration.

early morning.

Kahn's training is over.

He returned to his resting place, lay down and fell asleep.

at this time.

He was not in the mood to think about how much his strength had improved, he just wanted to sleep.

His body is not tired.

But mentally it was very tiring.

It was really the whip that caused it, it was so painful, it was like being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

Rest for four hours.

Kahn was woken up by Blackwater's whip again.

Kahn, who was awake, stood up and glared at the black water: "Now is my rest time!".

Heishui said unceremoniously: "Get up and train quickly, or I will beat you again!".

Kahn is so angry.

But thinking that he couldn't defeat Heishui, he could only get up and train with frustration.

Cruel special training.

The beginning of continuation.

Kahn couldn't beat the black water, so he could only be trained like torture.


Two days later.

Nine in the morning.

Kahn was still cursing and running.


The sweet voice comes to mind.

"Absorbing evil points reaches 100 million points...".

"The Pool of Sins is opened: When a prisoner enters the Pool of Sins, his overall strength will be reduced according to the number of sin points. A prisoner with a sin value of zero cannot enter the Pool of Sins."

"The host can enter the pool of sins and use the pool of sins to extract the sin points in the prisoner's body to increase the physical strength, consuming 100 sin points every minute!".

Judgment of Sin: Help him increase his training experience.

Pool of Sin: Help him increase physical strength.

The two add up.

It's just like lying down to increase your strength.


Just don't know.

Same sin value.

The physical strength gained by soaking in the Pool of Sins was not as much as what he gained from practicing.


"Oh, I'm so stupid...".

The upgrade of the Book of Sins made Kahn think for a while.


The running speed slowed down.

He was whipped again by that bastard Heishui.

Being woken up.

Kahn cursed and ran faster.

In fact, he decided to wait until he had a rest at night to test the pool of sins. He first threw 9 criminals into the pool of sins, allowing the pool of sins to absorb the sin value, so that he could conduct experiments at night.

Pool of sin.

It can accommodate 9 people at a time.

The prisoner he throws in loses 100 sin points every minute.

And their strength.

It is also declining at an extremely fast rate.

Kahn observed it for a while while training and then stopped taking care of it.

He trained first.

Under the whipping in the black water, I resisted until early in the morning and went back to my room to rest.

Went back to the room.

Kahn lay down and couldn't wait to open a new page in the book of sin.

The new page is the Pool of Sins.

Kahn looked at the word "Enter" on the page and clicked "Enter".


Kahn felt his body.

I ran into a hot spring pool and it was very comfortable.

Relax for a while.

He woke up and felt the cultivation effect that the Pool of Sins brought to him.

After feeling.

He frowned slightly.

This consumption of 100 sin points per minute does not increase his strength too much. It is not as much as the strength he gained under the training in Black Water.


It will also increase his strength more than when he did basic training, which will be about doubled.


Can't lie down yet.

It is better to accept the training of Black Water, and save more guilt.

He cannot use the power of this pool of sins for the time being.

Later, when you have more sin points and want to be lazy, you can use this.

Tested by the Pool of Sin.

Kahn lost much interest for the time being.

Although Heishui pumped him to death every day, it was undeniable that practicing under Heishui's supervision was the fastest way.

This is also true.

The reason why he persists.

If he had only been beaten without increasing his strength, he would have found a way to escape long ago.

Let go of the pool of sins.

Kahn's miserable training continued.

As time passed, the prisoners and guards of the Undersea Prison all changed from their initial sympathy for Kahn to their worship of Kahn.

Reasons to worship.

It is they who can see that Kahn's strength is increasing every day.

Because Blackwater's training is becoming more and more rigorous day by day, and Kahn is beaten less and less often, even fools know that Kahn's strength is improving rapidly.

of course.

Worship is worship.

But no one wanted to be trained like Kahn.

Even Magellan and Shiliu came to see it, but they were unwilling to accept Kahn's kind of training. It was too cruel and frightening, and it was not something that humans could bear.

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