Pirates, they want to catch Akainu at the beginning

Chapter 14 Return to Navy Headquarters

Kahn, Harry.

Ran all the way to the coast.

When they arrived, they saw the navy cleaning up the mess.


Standing on the shore with a cigarette in his mouth and smoking.

There was an unconscious guy under his feet.


There was also a guy with half his head missing.

As expected of Akainu.

It's really fierce.

But it's a pity that he lost half of his head, the guilt value is just gone.

That could be tens of thousands of sin points.

When Harry saw that the battle was over, he ran to the marines to help and get rid of those who were still resisting.

As for Kahn.

He ran up to Akainu and saluted: "Lord Akainu, leave him to me!".

Akainu didn't say anything, he just loosened his foot.

Kahn quickly collected the people and gained some sin points.


People are indeed different.

High strength does not mean high sin value.

For example, the man-slayer demon Bazan is not as powerful as the captain of the Blackbird Pirates, but his sin value is much higher than that of the Blackbirds.

Received people.

Kahn saw that Akainu had no intention of speaking.

Just ran back.

Put away all the captured pirates so that the navy soldiers don't need to look after the pirates and can be free to help others.

Almost all the people have been collected.

He pulled out both guns and joined in to help.

A busy time.

The pirates died, those who were caught were caught, and the battle slowly ended.

After Harry quits the fight.

Kahn stopped fighting and went to find the pirates who were still alive to collect them.

This is it.

His 365 sealed spaces.

It's almost filled up.

This made him feel extremely happy.

Especially if there are several whose crime value exceeds, they will all be the targets of trial, and his combat experience will be greatly improved by then.

After Kahn collected the people.

Just follow Harry and the others along the coast and back to the warship.

As for Akainu.

Before the battle is over.

He had already left early.

There are still a large number of pirates in the forest on the island, but Akainu, Harry, and the marines are not chasing them. After all, they are all just minions.

Only Kahn.

I feel very sorry.

Those are all sin values, it’s such a waste.

Although their culpability is not high, they can add up to tens of thousands.

What a pity…

Kahn followed everyone back to the warship.


They got busy.

Therapy for therapy, rest for rest.

Kahn also released the injured marines for treatment.

It cannot be cured.

He is being collected and sent to Navy Headquarters for treatment.

After being busy until three or four in the morning, everyone finally settled down, and the warship set sail, heading towards the windless zone of the Grand Route.

After the warship sets off.

Kahn finally relaxed.

When he was preparing to train and judge those pirates, Harry came to Kahn and said: "Boy, come with me, I want to tell you something!".

Something's wrong with Harry.

Kahn followed him to the stern of the ship.

After stopping at the stern of the ship, Harry looked at Kahn and said: "We will return to the Navy headquarters in three days. By then you may have to train at the headquarters. You follow me to practice marksmanship in the past two days, and I will teach you what I can do." I’ll teach you everything!”.

Kahn was very moved.

Harry was so kind to him.

He must be locked up in the future and let him face trial for his crimes.

He believed Harry would survive the trial.

Harry's strength will increase by then.

When Kahn was secretly thinking about helping his master, Harry patted Kahn on the shoulder and said, "Go and have a rest first. We will officially start practicing until noon!".

Kahn nodded.

He followed Harry back to the cabin to rest.

Because he had to practice Harry's spear skills, Kahn would lie down and rest.

This sleep.

Slept until noon.

He didn't get up until Harry woke him up.


Harry took Kahn to the stern of the ship to practice his spear skills.

Because he only had two days to practice, Harlin did not teach Kahn formal training. He just told Kahn all his gun skills.


Just teach one thing.

His experience in training physical skills.

During the teaching and learning process, the warship passed through the windless zone of the Western Sea and entered the waters of the New World. Then they abandoned the warship and passed through the Red Earth Continent to the Chambord Islands and finally to the Navy Headquarters.

This way.

Kahn wanted to see the place where the Celestial Dragons lived on the Red Earth Continent. Unfortunately, Akainu and them didn't stay much, and went straight through the Red Earth Continent. He only saw the place where the Celestial Dragons lived from a distance.

After landing on the Red Earth Continent,

It's the same thing when we get to the Chambord Islands.

The headquarters ship was already waiting to greet them. He only glanced at the Chambord Islands from a distance and had no chance to visit the Chambord Islands.


Navy Headquarters.

Marshal Warring States is sitting and resting in the office.

last year.

Something Roger caused.

Let Cyborg Kong step down from the position of marshal and let him take the position of marshal.

Originally he was a general.

There aren't too many things to manage, so it's quite easy.

Only after he became the marshal did he realize how hard it was to be in this position, and coupled with the wave of pirates caused by Roger, it was really tiring to death every day.

Over the past year or so, his hair has turned a few gray, and he has finally suppressed the fiery wave of pirates, allowing the world to gradually stabilize.

He is planning to spend another year.

Once the four seas are completely pacified, they will begin to rectify the pirates in the Grand Line and the New World, and this will require a large number of masters to suppress the pirates wherever they are.

Akainu's side.

After sending Kahn's information.

Warring States had some interest in Kahn.

After investigating Kahn's identity and finding no problems, he asked Akainu to send Kahn back, and then asked Kahn about his specific abilities.

If you can really pass the sealing pirate.

Gaining fast training experience, this Devil Fruit is a very powerful Devil Fruit. He can throw all the pirates captured by the Navy to Kahn to seal, allowing Kahn's strength to increase in a short time.


one year later.

They dealt with the pirates of the Grand Line.

Just one more helper that can be used.

While Marshal Warring States was thinking, He, who was standing by the window, said, "Sakaski and the others are back, do you want to go and see them?".

Warring States came to his senses and asked He: "Are the medical teams ready?"

He smiled: "Don't you worry about me doing things? I'm already waiting at the port!"

Warring States nodded, smiled and said: "That little guy's ability to save people is quite good. It's a pity to use it in the future to help us save people!".

He smiled: "It's such a waste to use his ability to save people!".

Warring States nodded, did not mention this matter, changed the subject and said: "Wait here, I will arrange someone to test the boy's specific abilities in the afternoon!".

Crane nodded.

No words were spoken.

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