Necromancer Farming Notes Figure Master

Chapter 743 Determination (page 13)

"Ah! I remember who you are!" The King of Dreams suddenly realized.

"Um...long time no see! My old boss..." The dean looked a little embarrassed.

"..." The King of Dreams stared at the dean for a long time with a very complicated expression.

"Old boss, how have you been recently?" The dean began to find a topic.

"Haha, it's not bad. Except for some people who come to me for medicine, there is nothing else. This world has nothing to do with me anymore." The Dream King said calmly. "Also, don't call me your old boss. The Dream Cult is a thing of the past. I can't even understand how the world is developing now. Maybe the Fly King is right. If we develop the world according to his ideas, the world will really become a better place."

"Ah?" The dean looked a little surprised. She didn't expect the King of Dreams to say such a thing.

"After being here for so many years, I have calmed down. The so-called protagonist for a while is just a peak in the tide of the times, and it will eventually come to an end. In the ocean, each of us is a splash, some fly high, and some fall low."

“But no matter how high the splash of water flies, it is still just a splash of water. Compared with the entire ocean, it is nothing.”

"I used to be too self-righteous, but now I see the reality clearly." The King of Dreams smiled, looking quite free and easy.

The dean stared at the Dream King for a while and suddenly said, "The Mad Fire King has split. Perhaps you will be the king of the next era."

The Dream King's eyes lit up. "Hahaha! Are you telling the truth?"

But he quickly tightened his expression again. "Ahem, I mean there have been a lot of strange phenomena recently, maybe this era needs me again."

The dean twitched his lips. Sure enough, the carefree attitude of the Dream King was just an act. He was probably still dreaming of becoming a leader of the times. His IQ had improved, but it didn't seem to have improved much.

The dean pointed to the thunder clouds above his head. "See? This is the new rule of the world. Every time I survive a thunder tribulation, my strength will skyrocket. But I don't know when this unreasonable rule will be fixed, so we must take advantage of it now. I think we can cooperate. As long as I survive enough thunder tribulations, I will probably grow into the strongest person!"

Looking at the dean who was so confident, the King of Dreams began to think.

"I have so much vitality anyway, it doesn't matter if I give her some. If she can really become the strongest person, maybe she can help me."

However, although he thought so, he did not say it that way.

"Although you were a good subordinate of mine before, we also had a lot of unpleasantness before. I'm afraid that if I help you, I won't get any good results in the end."

Upon hearing this, the dean hurriedly said, "Old boss, we did have some unpleasantness before, but generally speaking, we don't have any life-and-death hatred. Your investment in me now is a sure win! After all, apart from me, you don't have any other opportunities! The people inside the Mad Fire King are not very friendly to you now, and they have long wanted someone to replace you."

"Replace me? Haha, how could the throne of the Golden Tree be replaced so easily?" The King of Dreams smiled. He felt that the dean was bluffing him.

"It's true. They have started a fusion experiment. They want to merge you with another person..." The dean repeated the plan of the King of Mad Fire.

After hearing this, the Dream King's face suddenly turned grim, because this plan sounded too feasible.

"How could they do this! I didn't do anything! I was just staying here quietly! They won't let me go?"

"Old boss, you don't have your own power, so it's normal for you to be targeted. Now I am also one of those being persecuted by them. I think we should unite! We should take advantage of this opportunity to quickly turn things around!"

The Dream King's expression changed back and forth, and his bargaining mentality just now was quietly shattered at this moment.

"I understand! I will help you! Alas..." The Dream King's expression looked quite sad.

"Hahaha! That's great! When I become the new king, I will definitely not treat you unfairly!" the dean promised sincerely.

The King of Dreams smiled haggardly. He had no choice now.

He had been alone in the desert for so many years, and had little contact with the outside world. He knew very little about the outside world. To be honest, after being beaten up by various kings, he had lost his spirit a long time ago, and now he only had the idea of ​​eating and waiting to die. Of course, if there was a chance, he would still be willing to give it a try. But now, the long-term bad life made him even more dull. He felt that the dean was lying to him, but he was too lazy to think about it.

At this moment, Dio's voice came into the Dean's mind, and his tone was quite complicated. "Are you really going to become the next king? You should be able to see that every king will end up badly in the end. This world does not need rulers, because rulers are destined to decay. This is an absolute law that cannot be changed."

"Dio, you are right, but how many people are brave enough to give up the power in their hands? Human nature cannot stand the test." The dean said grimly.

"..." Dio was silent for a while, then sighed. It is indeed difficult to break the cycle of history, because it is difficult for people to have a long-term vision. An ordinary horned person can only live for 120 years at most, and even if they become a cultivator, they can only live for 500 years. Their vision is bound to be limited, and it is their instinct to hold all power firmly in their own hands. They don't care what will happen to them after they die, they just hope to live brilliantly and happily.

It is precisely because of this selfish idea that the inertia of history is like a cage that cannot be broken.

Perhaps only if people live long enough can they see through all of this. But the irony is that if you live long enough, you must become a god, but becoming a god will shake the rule of the rulers, which is always a paradox.

Just when Dio was feeling a little desperate, the dean laughed. "Okay, I'm just kidding! Although I'm not a noble person, I don't think I'm stupid either. There are so many precedents before me, how could I repeat the same mistakes? I think the guys from the Soul Cult set a good example for me. They returned the power in their hands to the people, and the people used this power to overthrow the nobles and make their lives better."

"So the best way to deal with power after it is acquired is to distribute it to the people. Perhaps the cage of history is gradually being broken through in such liberation of power, and I am willing to be the second wave of breakthroughs, and it will be an honor for me."

After hearing what the dean said, Dio was completely stunned. He really didn't expect that the dean would have such awareness.

Dio didn't know what to say for a moment, because even he didn't help those people because of nobility, he just had a long-term vision and could see the ultimate benefits. He knew that doing so would benefit himself, so he did it. Not because he was noble. But the dean could complete this great cause from the perspective of a mortal, which made Dio feel the brilliance of humanity.

But Dio soon calmed down, because everyone who is about to gain power will basically give a similar acceptance speech. But whether they can keep their original intention is not certain. After all, it is easy to change one's original intention, but it is difficult to change one's nature.

"It is a huge mistake to pin the progress of history on the noble sentiments of the rulers. Do you understand what I mean?" Dio said.

"Of course I understand! Although I know I can definitely do what I say. But this is indeed very unsafe, so Dio, I hope you can restrict me." The dean said seriously.

"No, I won't restrict you. Isn't that a form of oppression? And this era cannot be broken through by the power of one person. If we want to prevent history from regressing, we must make everyone fully awake. In fact, people nowadays basically understand some truths. Although these truths have been hit to pieces by reality, truth is truth. Whether you believe it or not, it is there. Now all the conditions are in place, and we only need a spark to ignite the hay."

"The emergence of practitioners has made it impossible to reconcile the conflict. People can no longer pretend to be asleep. It's time to wake up."

"But they lack confidence and strength. Maybe you can be that flame and let everyone see hope again. So go ahead, torch of the new era!"

"Good!" The dean's blood boiled. Then, after a fierce thunderbolt, the dean became quiet again.

"Hey! You talk with passion, but you're just talking nonsense. You're safe hiding in the world illusion, but you let me charge into battle alone. Why do I feel like you're using me as a gun?"

"Um... the conditions are not ripe now..." Dio hesitated.

"Come on! You and the Mad Fire King in the dark are waiting for me to do something. To put it bluntly, your strength does not match your courage! You always want others to charge ahead, but you only cheer from behind. Ha!" The dean rolled his eyes.

Dio's face turned slightly red. He did become timid, and so did the King of Madness.

"I understand. If we want to fight, we must show a fighting attitude! The loopholes in the world's rules will be fixed by the painter sooner or later. If that's the case, we can't let him sit idle!"

Dio was also so excited at this time that he was ready to go out and disturb the painter.

"Just stay here and get through this calamity. I'll go talk to that guy."

The illusion of the entire world began to tremble violently, and such a loud noise could be clearly felt by people all over the world.

"Oh my god! Are you serious?" The dean's eyes widened. She didn't expect that just one sentence from her would make Dio come out of the doghouse.

At this time, Dio had already come out of the world illusion, and he had no possibility of retreating.

"Some things must be done while blood is boiling. The calmer you are, the more likely you are to compromise. Well, it's time for me to get down to business!" Dio's voice disappeared in the dean's mind.

The noise of Dio's coming out was so loud that the painter could feel it instantly. He was slightly stunned. He really didn't expect that the evil god Dio would come out to seek death at this time. He had originally planned to cooperate with Dio, but now it seems that the other party obviously doesn't want him to have an easy time. Since it is clear that the other party is an enemy, there is nothing to say.

"Time-stop field! Open!" With the painter's light shout, the whole world stopped again.

The painter left his post and ran head-on into Dior.

He was so fast that Dio had no time to dodge and could only take it head-on.

Dio stretched out two fingers, and between his fingers was a tiny black hole. This tiny black hole alone consumed most of Dio's strength.

The painter transformed into a crazy fire cannon and instantly bombarded the black hole, but his fierce attack did not break the black hole. Instead, he was sucked by the black hole and circled back and forth on Dio's fingertips.

If an outsider saw this scene, he would definitely think that Dio had the advantage, but in fact, Dio was almost vomiting blood.

"This guy just hit me without even saying anything!" Dio was so angry that his teeth itched. He had used this trick to scare the King of Mad Fire. But the painter obviously didn't fall for it. Although he was bound, he had been accumulating strength to break free from the black hole. Give Dio another trick.

"Friend, why do this? We can sit down and talk if you have anything to say." Dio couldn't help but say.

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