Necromancer Farming Notes Figure Master

Chapter 719: The King of Inspiration (page 15)

After resting for half a day, the dreamy priests finally recovered some of their strength. Now they felt very weak. This rest time was actually not enough. If it weren't for the previous consecutive victories, their morale would have collapsed long ago.

"Ouch~ Ouch~ My butt hurts!"

"Can you let me sleep a little longer? I really can't stand it anymore!"


Everyone was groaning in pain, as if they would die in the next second.

But no one on the battlefield would give in to them. At the Bishop's command, the soul warriors summoned their soul horses and prepared to go.

The dreamy priests lying on the ground were still crying for their parents.

"I'll give you one minute. If you don't want to leave, then don't leave." The bishop's face was quite cold, without a trace of concession.

The dreamy priests who were originally complaining suddenly realized that the bishop's fierceness was still fresh in their minds. They had no doubt that the bishop would do what he said.

So everyone immediately stood up, summoned the spirit horse and sat on the horse's back. Anyway, no matter what, they had to get on the horse first, and then they could find a way to make adjustments.

The soul warriors on the side couldn't help but click their tongues when they saw this scene. These people from the Dream Cult were usually difficult to serve, but they didn't expect that the bishop could handle them so easily.

"Let's go! Get rid of the pursuers behind us first!"

Rumble~ The thunderous sound of horse hooves rang out again, and everyone turned their horses around and charged towards the pursuers behind them.

The situation behind him was similar to what the bishop had expected. The pursuers were already seriously out of touch. The main force had not arrived yet, but the vanguard bishops had already arrived. Among the bishops, there were not only the Mad Fire Bishops, but also many Word Spirit Bishops.

Their marching speed was not slow, and they knew that ordinary troops could not do anything to the Knights. Only by organizing an absolutely elite force could they kill them.

So this pioneer bishop group consisted of 5000 people, all of whom were bishops.

"Huh? Those guys actually came back!" A Crazy Bishop grinned.

"Word Spirit: Barrier!" The Word Spirit Bishops stopped one after another and used the Word Spirit technique to build an illusory fortification.

The crazy fire bishops gathered their strength and prepared to stage a fireworks show.

A black line gradually emerged on the horizon and approached rapidly. The knights with absolute power crushed towards them fiercely.

"Word Spirit: Gale!"

"Word Spirit: Skyfire!"

“Word Spirit:…”

The Word Spirit Bishops launched long-range attacks one after another, but because the distance was too far, these long-range attacks only slightly slowed down the speed of the Knights' charge and did not cause any casualties to the enemy. When the Knights charged, they would create a joint force field, which was also learned from the ground troops. This force field can effectively weaken the enemy's long-range attacks.

Upon seeing this, the Word Spirit Bishops began to release some slowing skills.

The entire ground became muddy, and the knights moved even slower. But at this point they were already very close.

The Mad Fire Bishops are ready to launch a suicide charge.

However, at this moment, the bishop who was at the forefront of the Knights' Group had a flash of purple light in his eyes. The unrivaled power of charm directly enchanted the Word Spirit Bishops.

Before the Crazy Fire Bishops could react, they were attacked from behind by the Word Spirit Bishops.

The Crazy Fire Bishops were horrified. This situation caught them off guard. After all, to charm so many bishops, at least twice as many strong men of the same level would be needed. They had checked before and found that there was only one bishop-level strong man in the Knights, and the rest were all priest-level.

But what happened now did not allow them time to think, and many Mad Fire Bishops blew themselves up under stress.

The chain reaction caused by their self-explosion was out of control. It was like a grenade hitting an ammunition depot. In an instant, the 5,000-member bishops were blown into the sky in the chain explosion.

Thanks to the deceleration skills of the Word Spirit Bishops, the Knights stopped just before the explosion. Everyone watched the grand fireworks display and couldn't help whistling.


"Hahaha! Sooner or later, I'll enjoy my flying journey with Dianhuo as my teammate!"


Everyone commented on the incident with glee.

Then everyone focused their attention on the bishop. This bishop was really terrifying. He alone could charm a warrior of the same level who was thousands of times stronger than himself.

At this time, the bishop's face was pale and blood was gushing out of her nostrils.

"You are too reckless!" The old general felt a little distressed.

"It doesn't matter. This is the plan with the lowest cost. The Mad Fire Bishop's resistance to charm is too high. Especially when they are preparing to self-destruct, their resistance to charm will increase dozens of times. It is too difficult to charm them, so I can only charm the Word Spirit Bishop behind them. However, the Word Spirit Bishop's resistance to charm is much lower than I expected. I planned to charm 500 people, but all of them were charmed." The bishop wiped the blood from his nose, but the blood still kept flowing out.

Everyone showed worried eyes. Generally speaking, this situation means that the bishop's soul has been injured. The bishop must have overdrawn his soul power to release this charm.

"It's up to you now! We should encounter their main force ahead. But without the support of our cutting-edge forces, they will not be your match." The bishop gave the order with a tired look on his face.

The stagnant knights bypassed the explosion site in front of them and launched another charge.

Sure enough, after advancing for an hour, they saw scattered enemies. After crushing them to death, they came into contact with their main force.

Facing the rampage of the cavalry, the enemy had no power to resist. The 20-man army was slaughtered in less than two hours. The Knights also lost more than 3000 men.

"Bishop, should we continue to kill these pursuers? There should be bigger fish ahead!" asked a soul knight.

"No, the enemy has suffered such a huge loss, they will definitely gather their forces immediately and will not be out of touch again. They have at least 70 people, it is really meaningless for us to fight them head-on." The bishop held her forehead, her eyes a little distracted. The sequelae of the charm spell she had launched before were much more serious than she had imagined.

"Then what do we do now?"

"Wait! Everyone, please rest where you are! Also, bring me a few bodies of the Word Spirit believers." said the bishop.

Hearing that they were going to rest again, the dream priests instantly became excited. Moreover, they did not expect that the bishop would be interested in those lovely Word Spirit believers.

Some fantasy priests began to look for some relatively intact corpses. These corpses can be kept from rotting after special treatment. It is also a good collection to put at home.

The bishop had a tent set up and brought the body into the tent.

Seeing this, everyone had wild thoughts. Many curious dream priests wanted to watch secretly, but they were stopped by the soul knights.

Although the Soul Knights were somewhat disgusted, they were not perfect. They could not say anything about their special hobbies. It would not be too late to remind the Bishop after they left the battlefield.

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