Necromancer Farming Notes Figure Master

Chapter 682: Gloomy (Thanks to Heng Dao from the Raw Stone District for the great gift! Love you!) (

"If this door really won't open again..." The child lowered his head. "Then I'll live outside the door! It's nice outside too!"

He was not depressed because of leaving the laboratory. On the contrary, he was full of expectations for the outside world.

He walked happily in the valley, and whenever he came across some fruits on the way, he would pick them and taste them.

Although most of these fruits were sour and astringent, he found them very delicious. Of course, after eating a lot of fruits, he couldn't help but have diarrhea.

Because some of the fruits he ate contained mild toxins, of course those fruits containing highly toxic substances had long been destroyed by Annie who was secretly protecting him.

However, even though they were poisoned and felt a little uncomfortable, the children were still interested in those wonderful fruits.

Finally, after some trials, he found several fruits that tasted good and had no toxins as his staple food. He was the only one in the valley, and no one else was competing with him for resources, so he lived a very comfortable life.

When he was hungry, he picked fruits to eat; when he was thirsty, he drank mountain spring water; when he was sleepy, he lay down in the grass to sleep. No worries could enter his heart.

Some beasts wanted to sneak up on the children while they were asleep, but they were all killed by Annie who was hiding in the dark. Annie did not deal with the bodies of these animals, but placed them next to the children.

The child was shocked when he woke up and saw the dead animals. At this time, Diablo, who was lurking deep in his heart, began to encourage him to eat meat.

"These animals are already dead, don't waste their meat. Only by eating meat can you grow strong!"

"Who? Who is talking?" The child was startled.

"..." Diablo was silent. Kids nowadays were too perceptive. He only had to instill ideas into them, and they would immediately realize that these ideas did not come from them.

"I didn't eat mushrooms, how could I have hallucinations?" The child was puzzled. But soon, he put the matter behind him and focused his attention on the corpses of these animals.

There is a big bear, a leopard, and a python here.

A desire grew in the boy's heart, and he wanted to dismember these animals and eat them raw.

However, the child ignored this thought. He stood up and used the blood left by the animals to draw a reincarnation circle and held a reincarnation ceremony for the animals.

At the same time, he carefully observed the wounds of the animals. There were no wounds on the skin of these animals, but their bones were almost broken. This showed that they died after being hit by some powerful external force.

The shadow of a terrifying monster emerged in the child's mind. He was a little scared, but soon he didn't care about it.

After all, my mother said that everyone will die in the end. Instead of worrying about the future, it is better to enjoy the present life.

The child changes his perspective into that of an experiencer. He will experience this colorful world, but will not linger on it too much.

"Ouch..." The child felt a pain in his stomach. It might be because he didn't cover himself with a blanket and the wind made his stomach cold.

He hid aside and came out after he finished. Now he was almost naked, but he didn't feel any shame about this situation. He just felt a little cold.

"Skin the animals and make them into clothes to wear," Diablo continued.

"Ah? Why do I have strange thoughts again?" The child scratched his head. He looked at the dead animal but did nothing.

He walked into the sunshine, lay on a big rock, and crossed his legs. The warmth of the sun dispelled the coldness of his body. He stared calmly at the blue sky, feeling his heart clear.

"You have to find a way to store food for the winter. When winter comes, food will be scarce and animals will disappear. You will starve to death." Diablo made some far-sighted suggestions.

The child stared with his round eyes, as if he didn't hear anything.

"I will teach you how to make bacon, which can preserve the meat for a long time, enough for you to get through the winter... At the same time, I will also teach you how to make clothes with animal fur..." Diablo kept talking in the child's mind.

The kid just stood there in a daze with a calm expression, as if he didn't hear what Diablo said at all.

After Diablo spoke for a long time with a dry mouth, the child finally responded.

"I'm so awesome! How do I come up with these interesting ideas?" Because the child had been listening to Diablo's chatter for a long time, he mistakenly believed that Diablo's voice was his own thoughts.

However, as a qualified child, he has been able to stop his mind from wandering with his thoughts.

Although his ideas were very interesting, many of them would cost other animals their lives. It was not good to interrupt the life journey of other creatures. So he just looked at these ideas and had no intention of putting them into practice.

Gurgle~ His little stomach was hungry again. The child climbed up from the stone and walked to the nearby tomato bushes to pick some fruits. He thought these bright red fruits were delicious.

However, wild tomatoes are small and sour. Perhaps only people who love life like children can eat them without batting an eyelid.

"Tomato rabbit soup is very delicious... Its specific method is..." Diablo started again. This time he not only dubbed it, but also provided illustrations. The colorful, fragrant and delicious illustrations made the children drool.

Diablo wants to stimulate the child's desire, let the child take the initiative to hunt, and finally activate the dark blood hidden deep in his body.

"Oh, great! Can we have more pictures?" the child asked.

Diablo didn't waste any words and showed more pictures. However, the child just stared at the pictures and drooled, but didn't do anything else. He didn't react to the little rabbit standing quietly beside him.

"Yawn~" The little boy was tired of watching, so he returned to the big rock and fell asleep.

Diablo: “…”

In the blink of an eye, several months passed.

The boy had grown up quickly, reaching 1 meters in height. However, his figure was very slender, and when he walked on the road, he looked like a skinny guy.

Long-term vegetarianism caused him to be severely malnourished, and his gums often bleed when he eats.

However, these pains did not make him feel uncomfortable, because he had already regarded pain as a part of life experience.

At this time, most of the plants in the valley had died, and a thin layer of ice had formed on the gurgling stream.

Winter has arrived, and the temperature is getting colder and colder. The bone-deep coldness makes the child shiver constantly. However, he accepts this experience calmly and does not deliberately do anything to keep himself warm.

But the decreasing food supply is indeed a big problem. He hasn't eaten for a day.

He felt that he would not survive the winter, so he decided to explore further before he died.

At this time, Diablo had stopped nagging, because he found that no matter what he said or how he tried to seduce the child, the other party would not care.

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