Necromancer Farming Notes Figure Master

Chapter 678: Making Peace with Myself (page 15)

The handsome boy carried the child on his back, while Lady Shenpi picked up the luggage. After resting in the village for a night, the three of them set off.

However, the weather today was not very good. Not long after they started walking, they saw the sky darken. It seemed that a storm was about to come.

"Hold on for a while, and if you go a little further you'll run into those giant beasts. You can hide under them to avoid the rain." Lady Shenpi suggested.

"I'm afraid that won't work. I'm not sure if this child will feel fear when he sees wild beasts. If he gets scared when he sees wild beasts, those beasts will attack him. This is too dangerous," said the handsome guy.

"Okay~" Mrs. Shenpi spread her hands. She almost forgot about the little kid.

"This little guy is so precious. He can't wear a mask and can't control his emotions. It's a complete burden to carry him around." Mrs. Shenpi complained in a low voice.

"Bad woman! You are the worst!" the child shouted fiercely.

Mrs. Shenpi rolled her eyes and ignored him.

"We don't know how big this forest is, but as long as we keep walking in one direction, we will definitely be able to get out of this damn place!" said Mrs. Shenpi.

"Maybe..." The handsome guy's tone was uncertain because he had never heard of anyone being able to walk out of this forest.

Boom boom~ The sky was covered with dark clouds, and large pieces of lightning began to bombard the jungle. The scene was quite spectacular. However, the few people in the jungle felt a little scared.

"We have to find a place to shelter from the rain quickly! This weather is abnormal!" said Mrs. Shenpi.

"Go that way!" the child suddenly shouted.

"Shut up! You little brat have never even been to the forest, why are you pointing the way?" Mrs. Shenpi said angrily.

"But I really think we can hide from the rain over there..." The child seemed very aggrieved.

"Let's go that way!" The handsome guy followed the kid's instructions and went that way.

"Really!" Mrs. Shenpi had no choice but to follow the two men.

Crackling~ some bean-sized raindrops began to fall. Listening to the increasing frequency of the raindrops, a rainstorm was about to fall. The three of them also accelerated their escape speed.

"You little brat! I really believed your lies! There is no place to hide from the rain here!" Just as Lady Shenpi was complaining, everyone was surprised to find a huge broken tree in front of them.

The corner of the tree was just right for sheltering from the rain. Everyone was delighted and quickly went in.

Madam Shenpi looked at the tree and said in surprise: "This tree is so thick, the diameter alone is probably five meters, how could such a big tree fall down?"

After putting the child down, the handsome guy quickly went around to pick up some relatively dry firewood.

After all this was done, the rainstorm finally came. Heavy rain like a pot fell from the sky, and the terrifying rainstorm made everyone feel as if they were under a waterfall.

Fortunately, the terrain here is relatively high, and the accumulated water did not flood this place. The handsome guy put the firewood on the ground and lit it. Under the reflection of the firewood, everyone finally felt some warmth.

"I took a look when I was collecting firewood just now. This tree should have been knocked down by some giant beast. And I saw that the leaves at the crown of the tree have not completely withered. The tree must have died recently." said the handsome guy.

"Ha! That's really lucky!" Mrs. Shenpi laughed.

"Little boy, you really did a good thing! But I'm a little curious, how did you know there is a place to hide from the rain here?"

The child made a face at Lady Shenpi and said proudly, "This tree used to be very tall. I could see it from the village, but it disappeared later, so I think it must have fallen down."

"Oh? I didn't expect you to be so smart! You saw the trees fell, so you guessed there would be a gap here to hide from the rain?" Mrs. Shenpi said in surprise.

"That's not the case. I just felt that the tree suddenly disappeared. Maybe it moved away like the sacred mountain. I want to see the moving tree..."

"Ha? You little brat! You really brought us here for your own selfish reasons, right?" Madam Shenpi snorted coldly.

"The big tree is my good friend! I came to see what's wrong with him! If I didn't tell you that we can hide from the rain here, you bad woman would never come here!" The little boy stood up and shouted with his neck stiffened.

Lady Shenpi gave a dangerous look and reached for the mask.

Seeing this, the child shuddered immediately and hid behind the handsome boy.

However, Madam Shenpi only wanted to scare him and had no intention of teaching the child a lesson.

Seeing that Madam Shenpi ignored him, the child turned his attention to the big tree behind him. A trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

He had noticed this big tree since he was very young, and he always thought that this big tree was his friend, but he didn't expect that his friend was dead now.

So the child took out his small bag, took out the paint that Lady Shenpi had prepared for him, and used a crude brush to start painting at the roots of the tree.

Coo coo coo

In order to avoid the ravages of the heavy rain, some cute little animals also ran here to take shelter.

Madam Shenpi's eyes lit up. She pointed at some pheasants and said, "These are good prey. Maybe we can make soup with them!"

The little kid who was concentrating on painting at the side suddenly got angry when he heard this: "You bad girl, you are not allowed to hurt the animals here! These are my good friend Dashu who called them here! They are also my friends!"

But Mrs. Shenpi didn't care about the child's thoughts. She stood up and grabbed the necks of the two pheasants.

"Wow! Stop it!" The child threw down his paintbrush and rushed towards Mrs. Shenpi.

Mrs. Shenpi stretched out her long legs and instantly blocked the child out.

Looking at the two people fighting and playing, the handsome guy showed a helpless smile.

"Forget it. They are all animals seeking refuge. There is no need to treat them like this. Have you forgotten that when we were in the Mask Temple, those wild beasts would not harm the animals taking refuge with them?"

"Okay~" Mrs. Shenpi threw away the chicken in her hand and sat there bored.

At this time, the child was crying sadly while hugging the two chickens.

But perhaps because he held the chickens too tightly, the two pheasants pecked him hard on the forehead. The child let go of the chickens and cried even louder.

"Hahahaha! You treat them as friends, but they don't think of you as a friend!" Mrs. Shenpi laughed so hard that she fell backwards.

"This..." The handsome guy couldn't help laughing when watching this scene.

Then he picked up a few feathers that had fallen on the ground and handed them to the child.

"Don't be sad. Look, your friend left you a gift. Maybe these feathers can be made into better paintbrushes." The handsome guy said gently.

Sure enough, the child stopped crying after receiving the feather. He burst into laughter and showed a happy expression.

"You are really good at coaxing children~" Mrs. Shenpi really likes such a gentle man.

"He doesn't have bad intentions, it's just that his way of thinking is a little different from that of adults. There's no need for us to be too harsh on him." The handsome guy reached out and touched Mrs. Shenpi's head.

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