Necromancer Farming Notes Figure Master

Chapter 666 Demon (Thank you for your firm resistance to Harem Wen Da’s character call! Love you~)

Pata~ Pata~

The young nobleman's mouth was constantly secreting saliva, which dripped onto the floor like a stream.

His eyelids were beating wildly and his face was slightly distorted. Maybe it's because the real blood has become more and more integrated with him, and now his sense of smell is unusually sensitive.

Even walking on the deserted streets, he could smell the sweet buns sleeping in the house.

His steps slowly stopped, and a wave of desire flooded his mind.

Just when he was about to tear open the can and go in to taste the buns, there was a fierce sound of horse hooves on the street in the distance.

"Well..." He murmured something of unknown meaning, and then left in despair.

He left the city and headed into the vast wilderness.

Guided by his strong sense of smell, he found a cemetery. Some wild dogs saw him and barked like crazy at him.

But he was indifferent to the dogs. He sniffed his way to a grave and started digging in the dirt.

He dug quickly and soon found a thick coffin.

He opened the coffin and saw a rotting corpse lying inside. Judging from the degree of decomposition, the body must be three months old.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Several wild dogs smelled the smell and ran over quickly.

At this moment, a faint light appeared in the distant sky, and dawn was right in front of us.

Perhaps feeling threatened, the young nobleman left. This also allowed him to maintain his last bit of dignity.

"What a waste! Why don't you absorb living people? What a despicable act it is to eat corpses here!" The voice in the dark began to mock.

But the young nobleman was indifferent. After losing his humanity, he no longer felt like blaming himself. That might be a good thing for him.

In the next few days, the young nobleman stayed up day and night. He did not go to the cemetery to dig up the corpse again because he found a better place to eat. That's the battlefield...

He transformed into a transparent man and walked between every trench.

Any fresh corpse that has just died will be sucked by him.

And some poor guys who were infected with the spores and turned into ghouls also became his high-quality prey.

But despite this, he did not attack any living person. His behavior made the voice in the dark feel annoyed.

Maybe a loser like him, even if he becomes the Son of Destruction, cannot hold up the wall with mud...

However, the most indispensable thing during war is the dead. Even if his endless desire drives him to suck blood, he can still find satisfaction in these numerous corpses.

In just a few months, his abilities evolved again.

At this time, his form also underwent some changes. At this time, he had completely lost his human appearance and turned into a canine-like creature.

He stands on all fours, with long forelimbs and short hind legs. His neck was thick and his body was covered with red down. Four twisted sharp horns protruded from the top of his head.

But his entire head is more like a human being. A delicate face is embedded in the huge head. His face has no hair and is as smooth as porcelain. Under the moonlight, it glows faintly.

But when he opened his mouth, the corners of his mouth were cracked to the base of his ears. The contrast made people feel chilled in their hearts.

Countless tiny tongues spit out and retracted from his mouth, these tongues sensitively sniffed the surrounding blood. No fresh corpse could escape his sniffing.

Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff~

Under the moonlight, he shook his head back and forth, looking for new food sites.

At this time, the battlefield had been cleared by him, and there were no new corpses for him to eat.

And his existence began to be gradually noticed by both sides of the battle, but because he had never attacked a living person, everyone tacitly did not expose him.

Both parties would even tacitly agree to hand over the body to him for disposal.

Because the vicious spores have spread throughout the world, injured people will most likely become ghouls, as will those who have become corpses soon.

However, with his presence, the corpses will be cleaned up before they can mutate, and the mutated ghouls will die quietly. This is perhaps the most environmentally friendly way to clean up.

Although the bodies of comrades are eaten by inexplicable monsters, it will make people feel sad. But this is better than having a comrade turned into a ghoul and facing swords against his former comrades.

So everything is going on in a tacit understanding...

People even gave this mysterious monster a name.

The nobles called him the Doom Duke, while the rebels called him the Cleaner.

The spore exists to this day, and everyone knows that it is not a biological weapon, but a terrible natural disaster that occurs naturally.

Under this natural disaster, everyone smelled something bad.

The nobles sadly felt that this might be a sign of the end, while the rebels believed that this was God's punishment for the nobles. Because the disease rate on the noble side is much higher than that of the rebels.

The Duke of Doom smelled some strange scent while sniffing. This scent was so strange that it aroused some curiosity in him.

So he fell into a state of invisibility and walked quietly towards the direction where the breath came from.

Then he saw a figure sitting on the edge of the battlefield. The clothes on this man were in tatters, but judging from the style of the clothes, he should be a rebel.

However... there is a faint aura of ghoul about him. This smell is not strong, but it is real.

Perhaps sensing the approach of the Duke of Doom, the man also turned his head.

After seeing the terrifying face of the figure, the Duke of Doom concluded that he should be a ghoul.

"Duke Doom, I can feel you are nearby. Please show up." The ghoul actually spoke.

A trace of confusion flashed in Duke Doom's eyes. He removed his invisibility disguise and revealed his true form.

After the ghoul saw the monster in front of him, he couldn't help but take a step back.

"Do you really exist...what are you? Some kind of god or ghost?"

The Duke of Doom did not reply, but stuck out his tongue and pierced the ghoul's head.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter what the food says, what matters is whether it tastes good or not.

The Duke of Doom's attack was too fast, and the ghoul was unprepared and his head was pierced. Although this injury is not fatal, the Duke of Doom's tongue is frantically sucking the real blood from the ghoul's body.

In just 0.5 seconds, the ghoul turned into a corpse and collapsed on the ground. He could no longer move.

While smoking, the Duke of Doom took a look at his memory.

In the memory scene, this resistance soldier, after being infected with evil spores, was actually able to resist the spores' brainwashing with his firm will, and he became a conscious ghoul.

He retained his full humanity and even secretly helped the rebels fight against the nobles.

After he heard about the existence of the Duke of Doom, he came here to check. He thought that the Duke of Doom was also an awakened person like him. But obviously, he was wrong. The Duke of Doom is just a monster, and its only remaining kindness may be that it does not attack living humans.

After watching these memories, the Duke of Doom licked his tongue happily. Looking at other people's memories was one of the few pleasures he had. The experience was so interesting that he couldn't stop.

After he walked around the ghoul's body for a few times, he came up with a novel idea.

The bright red hair on his body suddenly swelled and turned into blood threads. These blood threads merged with each other, and finally formed a human shape exactly like a ghoul.

After inspecting this new body, Duke Doom still felt unsatisfied.

So he opened the ghoul's head, took out the brain and merged it with himself.

At the moment when his brain was activated, he seemed to become this resistance fighter, and he was fascinated by the feeling of confidence and bravery.

"A hero..." This is what the Duke of Doom said about the rebel.

Becoming a hero has always been his previous wish, but such a title could never fall on his head.

Now, he saw the qualities of a hero in this rebel, and he was a little moved. He wanted to experience this kind of life.

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