When World War II was in full swing, many ninja families in Konoha were grieving because of the sacrifices of their families.

Many people in the Uchiha clan are still in the mood to sing and dance.

The Uchiha clan controls the police force and does not need to leave the village to participate in the Ninja War. For many ninjas and civilian families, this is really unfair.

If someone with intentions guides his remarks, I am afraid that Uchiha will immediately be jealous and resentful.

Naraku noticed all this, but the power within the clan has not yet been regained. Although he has the name of clan leader, he is only a nominal leader. There are two big mountains above Naraku.

The Uchiha clan affairs office is being built very quickly. Many things in the ninja world can be solved with ninjutsu. In addition, ninjas are also very strong and can lift things quickly.

Within a few days, the clan affairs hall was set up. There is a large stone standing in front of the clan affairs hall, with the Uchiha Uchiha fan logo on it. It shows that this is an important building within the Uchiha clan.

Naraku was sitting in the patriarch's office, feeling a little relaxed. The office next to him was the elder's office, and the great elder was working next to it.

The Great Elder controls the clan's funds, with a total control of 100 billion taels. The maximum amount for an A-level task is million taels. There is no cap or reference for S-level tasks.

The great elder's funds can release at least 2000 A-level tasks.

Of course, this is impossible to do. To serve the family, do you still need funds? Isn't that an obligation?

Currently, Naraku's right-hand assistants are only Uchiha Yashiro, Uchiha Earthbreaker, Uchiha Fist, two jounin and one chuunin.

"The Clan Affairs Office has been established, and relevant departments need to be formed. The departments below the department are called the Academy, Uchiha Fist, and the clan defense is in charge of the Guardian Academy, which is left to you.

There are thousands of people in our family, and we have recruited 20 to 30 tribesmen to protect us. No one dares to provoke Uchiha in Konoha. We don’t need powerful ninjas. You can just watch the recruitment and set up sentries to serve as a warning. I will ask the great elder to your funds. "

"As for the remuneration, let's take a look at it, it's 2 to 5 taels per person per month, based on C-level or D-level mission statistics. 10 people are 20 to 50 taels per month. Recruiting with this fund does not require outstanding ninjas to come to the clan. Be careful, in Konoha, no one will dare to provoke Uchiha."

After Naraku finished speaking, he continued: "Uchiha Ritsuchi, you are responsible for the Cleansing Institute and the Craftsman Institute. You can recruit ordinary tribesmen. You don't need ninjas for these small things. The remuneration is 1 to 3 taels per month. Remember, just recruit ordinary tribesmen!"

"Yashiro, you are responsible for managing the office. The employees of the office are clerks. They are responsible for collecting commissions for ninja missions within the clan, as well as supervising the operation of orphanages, nursing homes and other tasks."

"This task is busy. Yashiro, please be careful. It is up to you to do this kind of thing for the benefit of the clan! The office needs to recruit many clerks and financial specialists. It is up to you to recruit up to ten people. You do not necessarily need to recruit ninjas. , ordinary tribesmen are enough, and the mission remuneration is also based on 2 to 5 taels per month."

"Let those ordinary tribesmen also have a bite to eat, instead of relying on us. There may be some of our descendants who are not suitable to be ninjas."

Naraku said softly. In all departments, except for the Ninjutsu Academy, which requires ninja elites, and the Guardian Academy, which requires ordinary ninjas, other departments have almost no use of ninjas.

The construction of the site of the Clan Affairs Department was very fast, and all that was left was to recruit personnel and manpower.

The original rights of the great elders, through the construction of the Clan Affairs Department, all clan members go to the Clan Affairs Department to hand over tasks and funds and other procedures. In addition to holding funds, the great elders' other influence will be slowly weakened, which is conducive to the return of rights to the clan affairs. In the hands of the hall and the clan leader.

In the early days, Naraku roughly divided clan affairs into the following departments:

Office: Manage clan members’ household registrations, register family ninja information, collect commissions, provide compensation to clan members, manage finances, and manage several other departments, especially nursing homes, orphanages, and ninjutsu institutes.

Guardhouse: The security department does not need powerful ninjas. No one in Konoha dares to provoke Uchiha. It only needs to set up some sentries on duty.

Cleaning House: Clean the streets within the clan and help clan members clean their houses when necessary.

Craftsman's Yard: Build some houses and help the tribesmen repair furniture at home.

Nursing homes: Elderly people who have lost their children and are alone are supported by nursing homes.

Orphanage: Orphans who have lost their parents and relatives are supported by the orphanage.

Ninjutsu Academy: A place where family ninjas learn ninjutsu and are taught experience in using the Sharingan.

Auxiliary Academy: The original Uchiha elders serve as assistants, with the right to make suggestions and manage certain affairs.

Among them, the Affairs Yuan has the greatest powers and responsibilities and has jurisdiction over the most affairs. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility.

Many department staff don't need ninjas, just ordinary tribesmen. It also happens to solve the employment problem for ordinary tribesmen and tribesmen with poor ninja talents.

The ninjas of the family paid their commissions and gradually moved from the former Grand Elder's House to the current House of Family Affairs. Slowly changing habits, funds were gathered in the Department of Family Affairs.

In the original Uchiha ecosystem, there were multiple elders in charge of power. Each elder was the core figure of each family. It was equivalent to multiple Uchiha elders, or Uchiha family heads, forming a family called Uchiha. The great elder will be the speaker.

But in fact, each elder does not know how many people there are in the Uchiha and how many ninjas there are. They only know that the Uchiha are very strong and they are a powerful clan that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Now that the great elder has clearly handed over power to Uchiha Naraku, Uchiha has pioneered many clan affairs, which are comprehensive and have indeed allowed the elders who originally just promoted the so-called leader to join in the construction of the clan affairs office.

Especially with the establishment of the Auxiliary Academy, all the elders are assistants to the clan leader. The so-called elders' rights are still there, but an elected clan leader has been added to them.

Uchiha Naraku's various constructions and proposals were supported by the Uchiha elders. This enabled the construction and recruitment of the Clan Affairs Department to be completed at an extremely fast speed.


One month later

"Yashiro, do we Uchiha have 853 ninjas of all levels? A total of 1231 households and a population of 2565?"

"Yes, Patriarch." Yashiro Uchiha has been very busy during this period, recruiting and statistics. More than a month of 007 has made Yashiro very tired. The so-called 996 is not enough to describe Yashiro Uchiha's work.

"If you count three people per household, there are more than 1231 people in 2565 households, but with a population of only , there are obviously many lonely elderly people and orphans. After a clear investigation, we must arrange for them to enter Uchiha orphanages and nursing homes. Their relatives will all He is the hero of our Uchiha and also the hero of Konoha."

"Yes!" Yashiro was convinced by Naraku's management. Many things that he had neglected before were now covered under Naraku's management, and no one was left out.

Many Uchiha chuunin genin, especially the low-level ninjas who have lost their loved ones, in the ninjutsu academy, there are jounin who teach them ninjutsu, taijutsu, illusion, swordsmanship, shuriken and other ninja skills.

The Grand Elder and many elders, seeing Naraku's high execution ability, were completely willing to give up their power and shine in the Auxiliary Courtyard of the Clan Affairs Department.

Although he was the elder of his own family in the past, he could only take care of some of his nephews and younger ninjas. The smaller factions are composed of only a few families, while the larger factions are composed of hundreds of families.

The eldest elders were willing to hand over their power, and the other minor elders also did not begrudge their rights. They enthusiastically built the clan affairs office for the glory of Uchiha.

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