The mobilization of the security forces was not as simple as Naraku thought. Konoha Village only has so much funding and can only hire so many people.

The Uchiha clan cannot spend their own money to expand the size of their team. They should go and shine for Konoha and contribute from their own pockets. This is obviously inappropriate.

Naraku touched his chin, thinking in his mind.

The funds allocated by the Country of Fire to Konoha are 3 billion taels, and the funds allocated by Konoha to the garrison are 150 million taels.

The annual salary of a member of the security force is 600,000 taels. The salary of more than 200 members of the security force is almost exhausted.

Basically, there won't be any big surplus, unless it's from fines, but after all, this is just a management tool, and it's impossible to extract too much money from employees.

Six hundred thousand taels, for a ninja, is equivalent to four minimum-paying A-level tasks, one per quarter.

How should this money be allocated and spent?

If it were to reduce the salaries of Konoha Guard Force staff, such an outrageous policy would definitely make Uchiha Naraku despised by the Guard members.

It doesn't matter if Naraku is the leader of the Uchiha clan. There is almost no need to think about controlling the police force.

How to change the division of responsibilities of employees without harming the interests of Konoha's security force employees? There is no need to think about expanding enrollment unless Konoha increases funding.

Naraku thought about the Sandaime Hokage and several consultants, and couldn't help but shake his head when applying for increased funding.

Danzo Shimura was still performing a mission outside. If Danzo Shimura was in the village, he would not even mention the increase in funds. If he did, it would be a disgrace to himself.

A group of ninjas below looked at Naraku sitting above, and saw that Lord Naraku seemed to be wandering in the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Ahem" the older Uchiha Wu coughed.

Naraku came to his senses.

"As Konoha Jonin, the elite of Uchiha, isn't it inappropriate to bully those villagers? I have plans to adjust the team's structure and division of responsibilities."

"You are the elite of my Uchiha clan, and you are also the Jounin of Konoha. From now on, you will not need to participate in patrolling the streets."

"From now on, you will only be responsible for arresting those ninjas with criminal tendencies, as well as detecting and arresting foreign spies."

"As for the patrol area you are responsible for, I will let the third and fourth squadrons each increase their patrol area by half."

Uchiha Naraku said calmly.

These Uchiha jounin elites don't want to care about these trivial matters.

"Sir Naraku, catching ninjas and spies is at least a B-level or A-level task, right? What about the reward?"

Uchiha Saburo asked with burning eyes.

Missions that involve contact with ninjas are at least B-level and above, and are quite dangerous, and the pay is also an issue.

Although patrolling the streets is trivial, there is no risk. If patrolling the streets and capturing ninjas are both paid the same, it does seem a bit unreasonable.

"The salary will not be adjusted for the time being. The first detachment of Konoha's security force will gradually adjust its structure in the near future. Konoha needs powerful security ninjas to maintain the peace of the village."

"You are all Uchiha elites, Konoha Jonin, and meet the requirements of powerful ninjas. As for the tasks of the second, third, and fourth squadrons, they will not be allowed to take charge of those dangerous tasks. This important task will be shouldered by you. "

On the first day that Uchiha Naraku took over as squad leader, he was already planning to adjust the regulations of the police force that had been in place for many years before his butt was even hot.

To all the staff below, look at me and I look at you. For the bellicose, confident, and powerful Uchiha, only by fighting can he demonstrate his value.

But this is under the premise of giving money, for no reason, and no one is willing to work hard.

Naraku looked at the ninjas below who were whispering to each other, and without stopping, he used chakra and asked softly.

"What do you think of my arrangement? It's dangerous to perform this kind of mission. You can choose to apply to be transferred to other squadrons. It doesn't matter."

Although Naraku's voice was understated, the words reached everyone's ears.

"Lord Naraku, I apply to be transferred to another team."

"Lord Naraku, I also apply for transfer."

"I'll apply too!"

Several older ninjas applied for transfer one after another. Naraku took a look and found that most of these ninjas were approaching their fifties or early fifties.

He is no longer at the peak of his ninja strength, and is indeed not suitable for such tasks.

"Well, is there anyone else who wants to apply?" Naraku asked softly with no expression on his face.

After the five older ninjas applied, the other young ninjas had expressionless faces and seemed to have no feeling at all about such a dangerous mission.

It fully demonstrates the confidence and pride of the Uchiha clan.

"Okay, the five of you have served in the police force for many years and have worked hard with great achievements. I have received your application. As for the transfer results, I will inform you of the results after coordination within the detachment."


The five of them bowed their heads in response.

Naturally, they can't be transferred directly just by applying. It also depends on whether anyone from other squadrons or squadrons is willing to transfer to the First Squadron.


Uchiha Fugaku looked at the information on the scroll at the security force affairs office of the second branch of Konoha Village and couldn't help but frown.

The spy discovered before was originally thought to be a spy from the Kingdom of Earth. After paying attention to the spy's behavior for a period of time, he found something strange.

It seems that he frequently comes into contact with ninjas dressed as ANBU. If it was linked to ANBU, or if ANBU took over the case, the police would obviously not be allowed to intervene.

Moreover, he has contact with Anbu, maybe an informant from Anbu, or a person from the intelligence department, which makes the originally simple espionage incident somewhat complicated.

Fugaku, as the captain's assistant, was in charge of the second team. He was currently sitting in the office of the former team leader of the second team, thinking deeply.

The captain of the second team sat down very respectfully. Since Fugaku came to the second team, the team leader has taken the initiative to step down and make way for others.

The fact that he is willing to serve as Fugaku's subordinate shows that Uchiha Fugaku is indeed respected by his tribe and has popularity and ability.

Several ANBU fell from the sky and landed outside the office, knocking on the window.

Fugaku frowned, ANBU visited. Almost all members of the Uchiha clan strongly dislike ANBU.

Uchiha elites often find ANBU outside the Uchiha clan, seemingly monitoring Uchiha.

After driving away a wave, another wave will come soon, asking the ANBU or the Sandaime why they are stationed, and every time the answer is that they are on a mission or have no comment.

"Uchiha Fugaku, Hokage-sama invites you, please come with me."

"it is good"

The ANBU verbally conveyed the Hokage's summons. Uchiha Fugaku thought for a moment before following the ANBU to the Hokage Building.

Hokage Building

On the Hokage's desk, the majestic third-generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was holding a pipe and slowly handling various tasks in Konoha.

As the leader of a village, the third generation has a very heavy workload. Although the advisory team helps share some of the workload, the consultants are only consultants after all. They usually provide opinions for the third generation to consult.

Serious affairs of Konoha Village are still handled and decided by the third generation. There is too much backlog of work, so the third generation often makes mistakes.

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