Zhang Ping looked at the sword marks again and gained new insights.

He discovered that the sword mark made by his ancestor seemed to be extremely smooth, but in fact it had unusual twists and turns!

It's like a person's life is condensed with all the joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows!

What a complex emotion!

At this moment, Zhang Ping discovered that the sword power was highly integrated with these complex emotions!

When you are happy, your sword will move forward inexorably!

When angry, the power of the sword is overwhelming!

When you are sad, your sword will twist and turn gracefully!

When you are sad, the sword is as still as water!

Then something magical happened!

Countless shadows of sword immortals floated out from the sword marks, holding long swords and dancing in the air in front of Zhang Ping's eyes!

They individually performed the "Wandering Sword Art" in the form of joy, anger, sadness, joy, sorrow, joy, separation, and union!

Different styles and various sword powers!

Zhang Ping felt like he was in a dreamland, his eyes were dizzy and he couldn't take his eyes away!

It’s like I’m practicing with a long sword in my hand!

When he saw the ultimate, Zhang Ping couldn't bear it anymore, picked up the long sword and started practicing!

Those phantoms all turned into Zhang Ping's appearance in an instant!

"The Wandering Sword Technique" has a total of three hundred and sixty moves, but the sword posture performed by the figure in front of me has 3,600 or even thirty-six thousand moves!

"Sword power, this is sword power!"

"It's a completely different experience from my usual practice of basic skills!"

"It's wonderful!"

"Senior Brother Gu Changqing, this is all the opportunity your kindness has brought to me. Zhang Ping thanks you!"

"Those old bastards in Feixian Pavilion, you didn't expect it, hahaha!"

Zhang Ping was extremely happy and excited, practicing his sword like crazy!

One hour, two hours, three hours!

Once, ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times...!

Until sunset, until dusk, until the stars change, he is still practicing furiously, not feeling tired at all!

On the contrary, the more I practice, the faster I get, and the more I practice, the more excited I become!

Every time you practice, you will have a new experience!

Every breath and every breath has a strong change!

After thinking about it on the cliff, the sword blade swept across more than ten feet, radiating with rays of light!


At the same time, Gu Changqing returned to the cave, raised a glass and drank alone in front of the mirror.

It seems like drinking to drown my sorrows. The more I think about it, the more painful it becomes.

He just couldn't understand why he was so handsome and worked so hard, but he could only make a vase.

The other disciples are not as good as me, and they don't work half as hard as me, but they can easily break through!

Moreover, knowing that Zhang Ping had talent, he was unable to help him. He couldn't even make a few remarks, so he could only take Zhang Ping to understand the ancestor's sword mark.

I don't deserve to be called senior brother by Zhang Ping.

Just when he was alone in pity, two stunning immortals came outside the door.

One is Lin Qing'er, the daughter of the pavilion master, who has a distinguished status.

The other one is fellow junior fellow student Liu Zimei, who is extremely talented.

Because it was extremely difficult for Gu Changqing to make progress in his cultivation, he had drifted away from his former classmates.

He himself is a little arrogant and doesn't want to forcefully fit into other people's circles.

Fortunately, the two junior sisters never disliked him and instead continued to support him.

They often send elixirs and contribution coins, so the relationship between everyone has always been very good.

"Senior Brother Gu, why are you drinking alone?"

Liu Zimei smiled lightly with red lips and sat aside.

Gu Changqing sighed softly, with a sad look in his eyes: "It makes me sad to see someone who is so talented but unable to help."

"Unfortunately, I can't change it, so I can only drink to drown my sorrow."

Hearing this, Lin Qing'er asked in a low voice: "Are you ashamed of Junior Brother Zhang Ping?"


Gu Changqing murmured, nodded, drank the soju in the cup, and said, "Zhang Ping regards me as his senior brother and respects me like a swordsman."

"But I don't have the slightest ability to teach him, so I can only take him to see the ancestor's sword marks!"

"Now several hours have passed and he still hasn't come down. It seems that there is no hope of awakening."

The two beauties looked at each other with admiration in their eyes.

As expected, Senior Brother Gu is an upright person.

Liu Zimei took away Gu Changqing's wine glass and said with a smile: "Senior brother Mochou, Qing'er and I invited you here just to help senior brother guide Zhang Ping!"

Qing'er smiled lightly with red lips and nodded.

Gu Changqing was surprised at first, and then he was overjoyed: "Not only do the two junior sisters look like gods, but their hearts are like bodhisattvas!"

"Senior brother, please keep your good deeds in mind!"

After saying that, he stood up quickly and bowed to the two female fairies!

"Senior brother, don't be too polite."

The faces of the two female fairies turned red, just as the three of them walked out of the cave!

Suddenly, in the direction of Si Guo Cliff, there were countless sword lights emerging. The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, condensing into a ball of white light in the low altitude!

Dazzling and dazzling, the sword energy is compelling!

At the same time, bursts of sword sounds came from the white light, causing the air to vibrate!

It's still clearly audible even though it's more than ten miles apart!

"What is that?"

The three of them were shocked and tried their best to look around, seeing snowflakes flying!

I was shocked to see a strong man dancing a sword in the white light!

The sword energy is like a tide, sweeping up, sometimes like sword shadows crisscrossing the sky!

Sometimes the sword light explodes, as if the stars are falling.

With the change of the sword posture, the sword energy changes unpredictably!

I saw that the man's sword was getting faster and faster, and his sword intention became more and more powerful. The majestic sword energy was overwhelming and enveloped the entire sword peak!

By the end of the training, the man's sword power was as majestic as a rushing stream or a soaring dragon!

With one last low groan, the sword tip pointed straight to the sky!


The sword energy soared into the sky, the sword roared violently, and in the night and under the stars, a giant celestial sword condensed, letting the sun and moon split its light!

"What a powerful sword!"

The three of them watched this whole scene with their own eyes, their hearts palpitating!

What a majestic sword dance this is!

It was as if the gods were dancing with the most noble beliefs in their hearts!

Unexpectedly, the man practicing the sword was still very interested!

With a loud laugh, the sword in his hand erupted into a more violent and domineering force!

The power of the giant sword continued to expand, and then divided into nine, turning into nine golden sword dragons and soaring into the sky, traveling thousands of miles, like daylight!

Such a vast landscape can be seen with the naked eye in the entire Feixian Pavilion and even the entire Wandering Sect!

Even the people in counties and counties with a radius of thousands of miles were as frightened as if they were worshiping the sword god!

"Whose sword power is so domineering and unparalleled!"

Within the sect, everyone was shocked and walked out of the cave one after another, looking around!

The major sects in the surrounding area are even more threatened by formidable enemies.

"What kind of sword power is this, causing the nine dragons to shake the sky, and the heaven and earth to resonate!"

"It's the direction of the Wandering Sect!"

"Damn it, they're going to show off another evil monster..."


In Feixian Pavilion, a group of deacons and Pavilion Master Lin Yuankui also rushed over!

"That's the direction of Si Guo Cliff. Could it be... that it's Zhang Ping?"

"No way! Go and have a look!"

Everyone wielded their swords one after another to see who had comprehended such sword power and sword energy!

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