Tie Ming's sadness did not last long, and he was soon attracted by the wine in his hand again.

"Little friend Li Heng, I wonder if you can teach me this brewing method?"

Tie Ming asked sincerely.

"Didn't you already learn it?"

Li Heng asked rhetorically.

"Ha, ha, little friend Li Heng is indeed a wonderful person!"

Tie Ming was stunned for a second and then said happily.

In fact, Li Heng doesn't like drinking very much. He wants to make his own wine because he needs cooking wine.

The most suitable alcohol content for cooking wine is between 10 and 15 degrees. However, the alcohol concentration currently available on the market is too low.

Since Tie Ming wanted to learn it, he let him learn it well, which was regarded as a reward for asking him to help him build kitchen utensils.

The excited Tie Ming drank a few more drinks, staggered to Li Heng's side, patted Li Heng on the shoulder and praised Li Heng for being a sensible person.


Before he finished speaking, Tie Ming fell to the ground and became drunk.

"If you say you can't drink, just drink less. Why are you trying so hard?"

Li Heng helped Tie Ming up, staggered and carried Tie Ming back to his bedroom, threw him on the bed, and then left.

When we returned to our residence, it was already close to dinner time. More than twenty disciples stood in the small courtyard like looking-stones, waiting for Li Heng to return.

"Junior brother Li Heng, you are finally back. If it is later, we will prepare to kidnap you back."

"That's right, that's right, Junior Brother Li Heng can make it easier for us to wait."

A group of disciples surrounded Li Heng and expressed their love for each other.

"Okay, okay. I'm back now, right? I'm going to cook."

Li Heng squeezed out of the crowd and went straight to the kitchen.

Not letting anyone take a break, Li Heng complained in his heart but was honest physically.

The chicken and fish have been cleaned and are lying there quietly waiting for Li Heng's arrival.

As for the chicken, I will still make it into braised chicken as I did yesterday.

Li Heng followed the same steps and was very familiar with it. In a short time, he put more than 20 chickens into a casserole and stewed them.

Next came the fish. Li Heng was a little hesitant about whether to braise it or steam it.

Without hesitating for long, Li Heng thought of another method - oily fish.

Just do it. Li Heng took the washed fish, cut the fish with a flower knife to make the fish more flavorful, and then rubbed a little salt on the fish.

Then add a pot of water to the pot, add shredded ginger and green onions to remove the fishy smell.

After the water is boiled, put the fish into the pot and cook for 20 minutes until the fish is cooked. Remove it and set aside. Spread a layer of shredded green onion and ginger on the fish.

Add oil to the wok and heat the oil over high heat until it is 90% hot. When you see green smoke coming out of the oil, it is 90% hot.

Prepare a spoonful of spices including a dozen Sichuan peppercorns, one star anise, and a small amount of dried chili peppers.

Pick up the pot, first pour the spices in the spoon into the hot oil, stir out the fragrance, and then pour the hot oil mixed with the spices onto the fish.

As the sound of "thorn, thorn" sounded, the remaining water on the fish meat was evaporated by the hot oil, as if a white mist rose from the fish and quickly dissipated.

The rich fish flavor is also stimulated by the hot oil, and the fish aroma lingers on the nose, making people salivate.

Li Heng, who hadn't eaten fish for a long time, was instantly aroused by the smell of fish.

Looking at his swollen belly, Li Heng felt a little regretful. He had known that he would not have drank so much at Elder Tie's place just now, but now he couldn't eat the delicious food. He obviously wanted to eat it in his head, but his stomach couldn't bear it.

The disciple who was waiting for the meal to be served outside the kitchen heard a sizzling sound, and then a strong smell of fish came from the kitchen.

It was as if I was being led away by this scent, and when I came back to my senses, I was already in the kitchen.

When Li Heng turned around, he found that there were dozens of pairs of green eyes behind him, staring at his every move. Their posture was like a vicious wolf hunting for prey.

"I go."

Li Heng was startled by the sudden appearance of the people behind him. He tilted his hand holding the fish in oil and almost escaped.

"Junior brother, be careful."

More than 20 disciples held their breath at the same time and reminded Li Heng aloud that some disciples had already activated their skills and planned to use their bodies to rescue the fish that was about to fall to the ground.

Fortunately, Li Heng reacted in time and caught the plate with both hands.

"Huh", everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as if they had been on a roller coaster, with cold sweat all over their backs.

"Okay, the first step is done. Which of you comes first?"

"Me first, I am senior brother, I should eat first."

"Senior brother, what are you talking about? There seems to be no inevitable connection between these two things, right?"

Someone refuted the senior brother.

"It doesn't matter. I usually give in to you for any good things. So why don't you let me do it once today!"

"Senior brother's kindness, it's not too late to repay it after we finish the fish."

Obviously, the senior brother's argument was not effective.

"I should eat first. Yesterday when I was chasing chickens, I lost one of my shoes. Shouldn't you make it up to me first?"

A disciple shook his shoeless feet and said a little aggrievedly.

I lost all my shoes and didn't know how to go back and get another pair. The senior brother was speechless and felt that he was deliberately misfortune.

"I got a little carried away during my practice yesterday, and I urgently need this fish to relieve my symptoms."

"How dare you make this excuse any more false? Why don't you say that your time is running out and you need this fish to survive?"

In order to be the first to eat fish, the disciples who were working closely together last night turned against each other openly when they hunted together.

"Okay, since you can't decide who will eat first, how about I give you an idea."

Seeing that these disciples refused to give in to anyone, Li Heng's hands holding the plate were sore, so he had to act as a peacemaker.

"So good."


"I have no opinion."

Li Heng's identity as a cook came into play, and it seemed that everyone was willing to listen to his opinion.

"Well, let's decide by guessing."


No one understood what Li Heng meant. The poor aliens had never even played games like guessing. How boring their childhood must have been.

Li Heng had no choice but to teach the rules of guessing.

In the end, amidst shouts of "rock, paper, scissors", the senior brother who was extremely lucky won the first place. With everyone's envious eyes, he walked towards Li Heng and took the plate from his hand.

The senior brother didn't even have time to take out his chopsticks, he picked up a piece of fish with his hands and put it into his mouth. The fresh and tender fish melted in his mouth.

"Well, well." The senior brother kept moving his hands, chewing on his cheeks, and making sounds of enjoyment from time to time.

"Brother, what does this fish taste like?"

"That's right, senior brother, please tell the truth. Don't keep saying yes. People who don't know will think you are doing something."

Everyone looked at the senior brother and jumped up and down anxiously, but there was nothing they could do about him. Who let themselves be so unlucky?

"Senior brother, don't throw away the fish bones you've finished eating. Leave them to me to taste?"

A disciple who couldn't bear the suffering kept swallowing his saliva and begged.

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