"Please give me some advice, Yukimura-senpai..."

"Miyashita-san has already heard it all, so I will give you more advice later..."


The two people smiled, shook hands, and then started guessing.

"Pro or con..."

"That's right!"


The racket slowly fell to the ground, and then Miyashita smiled and walked to the service area with the tennis ball.


"The game begins. Hyotei Miyashita Rin serves in the first game. The game ends..."


clap clap.

Miyashita patted the tennis ball and then threw it high.

Then he waved his arm, and the tennis ball was hit by the racket and flew towards Yukimura's court!

Wave serve!

The tennis ball flashed in front of Yukimura, then drew a chain of "∽" trajectories and flew directly out.


"15-0, Ice King!"


"This kind of speed, this kind of power... I'm really a good opponent..." Yukimura tightened his school uniform and just smiled.



Another ball was cut out by Miyashita, and then the tennis ball quickly moved around Yukimura like a wavy line!


Yukimura initiated the shot, and then without changing his gaze, he shot toward the void with unusual decisiveness!

Then the tennis ball suddenly spun sideways and 'happened' to fall into his racket...


As soon as the racket flicked, the tennis ball was quickly whipped back by him!


"The Escape Song to the Twin Stars!"

Miyashita smiled and jumped, then jumped directly into the air and dunked the tennis ball!

The next moment, 'qi' slowly appeared in the racket, and two golden lights turned into afterimages, leaping past Yukimura on both sides!


"Hye Emperor, 30-0!"


"How strong, the frustrated Escape Qu can still fight like this!"

"There is no flaw at all!"

"As expected of Miyashita, he is really strong..."


"Fake things are fake after all. This goal... I have completely seen through it..."

On the court, Yukimura looked serious and walked to the receiving area again.

"That's right...it's just a trick I created on my own, maybe it's a little imperfect..."

Miyashita Rin couldn't help but smile.

He didn't care.

Yukimura's strength is indeed good, but compared to him, it's still far behind.

Now it's just a few ordinary trials.


clap clap clap!


The racket was all over, and then the tennis ball drew a C-shaped trajectory and fell behind Yukimura from the outside of the court!

"This time it's an O-shaped serve!"

Yamabuki's Dantai murmured.

The next moment, the tennis ball brushed behind Yukimura, quickly crossed an inverted C, and flew towards Miyashita!

"found it!"

Yukimura's eyes were solemn, then his body quickly chased the ball, and after getting close to the tennis ball, he swung it hard...

In the end, the tennis ball went to the left side of Miyashita!

"One more goal...the escape song towards the Twin Stars!"

Miyashita jumped again, and then made a backhand slam with the racket! Then the tennis ball slipped out of two spiritual snakes again and fell towards Yukimura's blind spot!


Yukimura was not in a hurry, his racket was like an afterimage, facing everything in the tennis ball!

In the end, the racket bypassed the first spirit snake and hit the second spirit snake's head directly!


The snake's head spun around, then turned into a tennis ball again and flew towards Miyashita!

"You have good eyesight, so...how about this."

Miyashita took a running start, then turned his wrist...

Immediately afterwards, the tennis ball slipped down an O-shaped trajectory again and directly hit the wire on one side of the net!

"It's that move! Samurai Volley!"

Tao Cheng exclaimed.

"That's right, this guy Miyashita actually used this samurai volley move in a new way!"

Dashi nodded heavily.

"His data is improving every moment. It can be seen that it is just a test now. He is really a troublesome guy..."

Inui Sadaharu pushed up his glasses.



The tennis ball split into two halves instantly after spinning violently, and then quickly slid down in front of Yukimura like two spiritual snakes.


"This ball...how is it possible..."

Yukimura only felt two strong winds passing by both sides of his body, and then the referee's voice rang in his ears again.


"40-0, Ice King!"


"Let's call this move Frustrated Twin Stars..." Miyashita turned the racket gently and slowly smiled.

"Frustrated Gemini..."

Yukimura pursed his lips and his expression became serious.

The move just now was by no means an ordinary move. He could see several changes in tennis from it.

There are O-shaped shots, samurai volleys, Tai Chi secrets, and frustrated escape songs!

Able to integrate four styles of tennis and develop new skills...

Miyashita Rin's talent in tennis is simply hard to fathom!


"Come again..."


Miyashita Rin held the tennis ball and flicked her fingers slightly!

Then the tennis ball slowly emitted a faint golden light and floated into the air.



Golden cyclones wrapped around the tennis ball, and then suddenly strong winds blew on the court, and Yukimura's coat was blown into the sky...

"This is……"

Shiba Saori looked excited and kept taking photos.

"Terrible Qi attainments, but in terms of Qi Dao attainments, I'm afraid Miyashita has already reached the world level..."

Inoue Mamoru murmured to himself, very complicated.


Carrying strong suction, the tennis ball flew past quickly, magnifying in front of Yukimura...

blah blah blah!

Yukimura's racket suddenly touched the tennis ball, and the next moment his arm trembled, and the racket was swept away!


"Game, 1-0, Hyotei Miyashita Rin..."


"Ice Emperor, Ice Emperor!"

"Ice Emperor! Ice Emperor!"

"The one who wins is the Ice Emperor, the one who wins is the Ice Emperor!"


"I won a game, and I did it in a devastating way. I am truly worthy of Miyashita..."

Outside the court, Xiang Ri looked surprised.

"Just talking about Miyashita's gravitational pull, I'm afraid Yukimura can't break it..."

Shido couldn't help but smile.

"Next, he should show his real trump card..." Atobe smiled slightly, with a bit of expectation in his eyes.

In the entire country, there were only a few opponents who could be favored by his uncle Atobe.

Yukimura is one of them.

In terms of strength, Yukimura's strength is definitely among the best in the country. If he encounters Uncle Atobe, it will be a big trouble.


"The game continues, Tatehai Daiyukimura Seiichi serves..."

clap clap.

Yukimura's ice-blue eyes shone slightly, and the next moment he threw the ball and swung the racket...

The tennis ball moved towards the blind spot behind Miyashita at extremely high speed.

"too slow……"


Miyashita jumped up and then rushed to the back like a samba dance.

Then the racket swung sideways and the tennis ball was hit back!






"15-0, Miyashita Rin!"







Another swing. Although he kept losing points, Yukimura had a smile on his face.

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