Naruto: I Have Iron Fangs

Chapter 85: Just like me, you attach great importance to friendship

Tsunade raised her eyebrows and looked at him amusedly.

"You little guy, I didn't expect you to have such a pouty personality at such a young age. It's interesting!"


He looked at Orochimaru who was hiding by the side and shivering with some confusion, and then at Tsunade who was smiling in front of him. Why did he always feel that Tsunade's words were a little bit snake-like.

Shouldn't this be what Orochimaru would say?

However, he was suddenly startled and looked at Tsunade with some surprise.

At this moment, he realized that the strange hostility in his heart towards Tsunade was completely gone, but when he looked at the rope tree, this hostility would quietly emerge again.

'Strange, isn't it the hostility inspired by the hatred in the blood...'

Then why do I have so much hostility towards him?

Could it be that the Thousand-Armed Rope Tree is really thinking about something precious in itself, thus secretly stimulating its own hostility?

This is too science fiction.

But when I think about this being a ninja world, where people have chakra in their bodies, and some weird intuitions, it seems reasonable... right?

Tsunade looked at the sudden change of expression in the future, and was a little puzzled. What happened to this kid? Why did he suddenly seem to be a different person.

But she wasn’t very familiar with the future, so she simply didn’t bother to ask.

In fact, when she first saw Mirai, her first impression was very bad.

It's not that Mirai's personality is annoying, it's mainly that he feels this person is terrible for no reason and doesn't want to get along with him.

After meeting a few times, this thought disappeared.

She turned to look at her brother and asked, "Why did your kid start fighting with him?"

Shengshu had already withdrawn the amplification mode. When faced with the elder sister's question, he looked away with a disgusted face, "I don't know, it's just like that anyway!"

'Is it because of a feud? ' Tsunade thought with a frown.

It is really possible that the Senju clan's attitude towards the Uchiha clan is mostly hostile.

Even a newborn baby will cry loudly once it comes into contact with an Uchiha person, and it can't be coaxed no matter how hard it is.

Even if I feed him half a kilogram of his favorite Sanlu milk powder, it will be the same.

Thinking of this, she looked directly at Orochimaru.

"Tell me how they started fighting!"

Orochimaru, who was hiding aside, suddenly felt his scalp numb when he heard Tsunade calling him.

Tsunade, even though she is just a woman, is surprisingly strong and unreasonable.

The losses he suffered were only slightly less than those of Jiraiya.

But it was hard not to answer, so he spoke cautiously: "The main reason is that they were happy to see Hunter Xin and wanted to compare notes, so I simply agreed. I also wanted to see the progress of Rope Tree and its future strength level."

'Damn it, why am I doing my old habits again! '

If he had known Tsunade would come, he should have restrained himself from saying anything.

That guy beats someone up, but he doesn't ask you whether it hurts or whether he will die.

Anyway, you are beating yourself to death. If you don't beat yourself to death, it proves that you are lucky.

Even if you are about to die from beating you, she can still revive you with her superb medical ninjutsu, and then continue beating you.

He even developed a life-saving ninjutsu so that he would not be beaten to death.

A special transformation technique called [Software Transformation Technique].

It allows a person's body to no longer be restricted by bones and can twist like a snake.

And those who master this technique can say goodbye to blunt weapons, even ordinary people's fists can be ignored.

The most important thing is that even if you are hit, you can avoid it through your soft body, or use the method of 'conquering hardness with softness' to remove the damage.

In this way, you can increase your life-saving ability.

The practitioner can even use this technique to achieve the feat of turning his head and kissing his own anus.

If you are extremely hungry and have no food, you can use this technique to go directly to that place and recycle it...

Ugh... forget it... think about it yourself!

 ̄﹃ ̄

Anyway, Orochimaru felt a little regretful at this moment. If he could restrain his desire, he would definitely notice Tsunade's traces. At that time, if he had stopped him, he wouldn't have been stared at by Tsunade like this!

So for the sake of his own life, he explained again.

"Uh... I want to say that I just wanted to intervene, but you beat me to it. Do you believe it or not!?"

Tsunade's fists clenched loudly, and she replied with a smile like a flower: "Believe it! We are brothers, dependent on each other for life and death. Why don't I believe you!"

After listening to Tsunade's words, seeing the crunching sound of her fists, and the opponent's approaching steps, Orochimaru suddenly panicked.

"You lied, you didn't believe me at all!"

By this time, Tsunade had already walked up to him.

Orochimaru could even see his own panic reflection in the other's dark brown pupils.

'It's going to happen, I'll probably have to lie down for several days again this time! '

Unexpectedly, Tsunade didn't hit him, but clenched her fist and pressed it directly against his chest.

The original smile turned into a look of determination and pleading, "Orochimaru, I only have one younger brother, promise me, never let anything happen to him!"

Orochimaru was startled, and he looked at Tsunade blankly.

He had not seen Tsunade like this for a long time, and the panic and pain in his heart suddenly disappeared.

He opened his eyes wide and looked directly at Tsunade.

The other party didn't beat himself up, but asked him to take care of the rope tree! ?


The next moment, he looked at the other party firmly and said as if he was swearing: "Don't worry, I am Orochimaru. No one can hurt the rope tree without my permission!"

The words were spoken softly, but the hoarse voice was filled with a strong promise.

Hearing this, Tsunade couldn't help but narrow her eyes and smile.

"I believe you!"

This sentence made Orochimaru stunned again.

I trust you……

It had been a long time since I heard Tsunade say this.

The last time I heard it was probably ten years ago!

Thinking of this, he said nothing more.

Instead, he looked in the direction of the rope tree, "Since Tsunade has asked me to do this, I can't ruin my credibility. Anyway, rope tree, you may not be able to awaken the [Wood Release Technique]!" '

For those who don't know how to use [Wood Release], their research value will be greatly reduced.

Compared with [Sharingan], the research value is higher.

Especially with future qualifications, it is definitely possible to open the [Sharingan], it just takes time.

Well, I still have research subjects!

The Hokage looks at the edge of the cliff.

Minato and Jiraiya both finished chewing the popsicles in their hands.

Jiraiya held the popsicle stick in his mouth and looked at the Leaf Village below. Neither of them spoke, they were both quietly watching the movement in the distance.

When the movement stopped, Jiraiya couldn't help but sigh: "That Uchiha friend of yours is not bad, he can actually force the rope tree to use the move of pressing the bottom of the box!"

As a disciple of Orochimaru and Tsunade's biological brother, Senju Naoki has naturally come into contact with him many times.

Especially when he wanted to chase Tsunade, he treated the boy to good food, drinks, and fun.

However, the effect was the same as nothing, and Tsunade still didn't agree to herself.

That brat is prostitution for nothing.

When Minato heard talking about his good brother, he immediately had endless things to say. He narrowed his eyes with a smile and responded: "Of course, this guy from the future is very strong!"

As he spoke, he looked into the distance, his eyes full of amusement.

'Future, oh Future, I didn't expect you to hide this from me. If it hadn't been exposed today, I would have been tricked by you, you old man! '

Needless to say, the moves to increase strength in the future were definitely secretly prepared for him.

Jiraiya looked at the smile on his face and couldn't help but laugh himself.

"Minato, you just asked me why I chose you as my disciple, well, I'll tell you now!"

"Because I have seen the most valuable thing from you, that is, you, like me, attach great importance to friendship!"

"Value friendship!?" Minato was stunned and repeated. He was a little confused, as if he thought of something, but was blocked by something.

Somewhat hazy.

Jiraiya nodded, his smiling expression turning serious, "Yes, we value friendship.

We are ninjas. Assassination, stealing intelligence, and protecting secrets are activities that will accompany us throughout our lives. When we get used to these, we will become numb to emotions.

Until he becomes an emotionless killing machine. "

As he spoke, he looked at his hands, his eyes a little blurry, as if he saw another pair of blood-stained palms through his palms.

In the past, he, even Orochimaru, almost became a murderous monster. Fortunately, Sandai discovered it in time, which stopped them from going to extremes.

“Remember, being able to kill a thousand, ten thousand, or hundreds of thousands of people is not truly powerful.

A truly strong person knows why he kills, what he kills for, whether it is for his own selfish desires, to protect others, or simply because he wants to kill.

So if you choose the wrong step, you will be doomed! "

Minato looked at him blankly, not knowing what to say for a long time.

Yes, he is only seven years old now. Although he knows that he will kill people in the future, he has never thought about it so deeply.

Hearing Jiraiya say so much at once, he was stunned for a moment.

Looking at Minato's cute expression.

Jiraiya couldn't help but laugh. He reached out and stroked Minato's head, "Of course, it's still very early for you. You should study peacefully now!"

"Remember, feelings are the most powerful source of power for ninjas. When a ninja has the idea of ​​protecting others, then this idea will turn into a steady stream of motivation, prompting the ninja to move forward. No matter how difficult it is, he will You can get there too!"

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